- 名imperial censor

(1) [the censor] 官名。秦以前指史官,明清指主管纠察的官吏
(2) 又
御史诣学宫。-- 清. 张廷玉《明史》
(3) 又
A Study on the Censorate System in Song Dynasty
I make an emphasis on presenting the modes of operation of Circuit Supervisor .
Xuande years ( 1435 ), Yunnan Road rehabilitation in addition to the line to monitor the censor .
Thus he rose higher and higher in officialdom till he became the Minister of Revenue and concurrently Imperial Law Enforcement Official .
The First Emperor sent inspectors to investigate , then arrested over 460 people and finally had all of them buried alive in Xianyang .
The suggestion and criticism system was a part of the ancient Chinese supervisory system that it constructed the two wings with the suggestion official .
Impeaching system is the core of supervising system in ancient China . Therefore the power of impeachment is the most important right that an imperial superintendent exercised .
The system of imperial itinerant inspector ( Xun'an yushi ) as a unique supervising system played a very important role in the political life in the Ming Dynasty .
In the early period of Tang dynasty , the system of local supervision is made up of tour-inspection officials sent by emperor and the officials sent for supervision .
The chapter three discusses the pros and cons of economy ethics from the two seconds above and their influences on history at that tine and the following traditional society .
As one characteristic part of Tang Dynasty 's bureaucrat system , Tang Dynasty 's YuShi system is the mature and typical one in the history of Chinese ancient time supervision institution .
In the first years of the Sui Dynasty , the Emperor dispatched supervisory censors to be in charge of supervising the localities . Emperor Sui & Yang reformed the supervisory system .
The despatch of Taiwan patrolling inspectors was one of the important measures of Taiwan policy adopted hy the Qing Dynasty , and the system remained in place for more than sixty years .
In1721an Office of imperial supervisor of inspecting Taiwan was created and the taiwan-xiamen patrol command was renamed Prefecture administration of Taiwan and xiamen , incorporating the subsequently-created Zhanghua county and Danshui canton .
It includes the surface is very broad , looked on the whole , mainly has observe the courtyard , to supervise the censor , the inspector censor and the imperial inspector four big supervision systems .
Chapter One : Introducing the arising and specialization , the legislative situation in various countries , the establishment and development in P.R. China and the full trace of the historical evolution of the Prosecutorial Supervision .
Yuan Dynasty formed the situation where three parts had different rights and were not responsible for one another , which were the executive ( Zhongshu Province ), military ( Privy Council ), monitoring ( Supervisory Ministry ) .
The paper intends to explore the role of the imperial itinerant inspector in the local politics of the Ming Dynasty so as to deepen the understanding of the centralized polity in the Ming Dynasty in the light of its change in power .
The canal was dug in 219BC at the order of Din Shihuang ( the First Emperor of China ) , to facilitate the transportation of grain for the military after he sent his troops south to conquer the territory south of the Meiling Mountain .