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shàng shū
  • Submit a letter;submit a written statement to a higher authority;send in a memorial;give a new lesson
上书 [shàng shū]
  • (1) [submit a written statement to a higher authority]∶向君主进呈书面意见;给地位高的人写信陈述意见

  • 上书乞骸骨。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  • 吾上书太夫上,谱汝诸孙中。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (2) [give a new lesson]∶旧时指私塾先生给儿童讲授新课

上书[shàng shū]
  1. 萨拉合上书,把它放在了一边。

    Sarah closed the book and laid it aside .

  2. 他慢慢合上书。

    Slowly he closed the book .

  3. 他合上书,打了个哈欠,然后上床。

    He closed the book , yawned , and went to bed .

  4. 他上书总理,陈述政见。

    He presented to the prime minister a memorial expounding his political views .

  5. 然而,事实却并非如此。多数美国人都不愿参战,使得乔治·华盛顿将军(GeneralGeorgeWashington)上书要求首届联邦政府进行入伍征召。

    However , the truth is that there were very few truly committed volunteer soldiers in the war , so much so that General George Washington actually wanted the first United States government to conscript soldiers .

  6. GUTIERREZ:所以,这所小学二年级的学生将以七八岁的孩子的方式进行抗议。他们将向负责人上书。

    GUTIERREZ : So , the kids in this second grade classroom at Wonderland Avenue Elementary School are about to launch a protest in the way seven and eight year-olds can , they are writing letters to the man

  7. 合上书。让我们合上书。

    Close your books . let 's close our books .

  8. 别合上书,不然的话我就不知道读到哪儿了。

    Don 't shut the book or I 'll lose my place .

  9. 我合上书开窗外视。

    I shut my book and opened the window to look out .

  10. 说了这话以后,她便合上书走出房间了。

    With this , she shut the book and left the room .

  11. 见到有标语上书“西洋景”的

    And if you see a sign that says " peep show ,"

  12. 合上书以前,她小心地做了记号。

    She was careful to mark her place before she shut the book .

  13. 我要拿上书,我要泡个澡。

    I need my book . I 'm gonna take a bath instead .

  14. 书架上书的数目是变化的。

    The number of books in the bookshelf changes .

  15. 被判刑的人上书州长请求慈悲。

    The condemned man petitioned me governor for clemency .

  16. 我会带上书和作业的。

    I 'll get their books , their homework .

  17. 她停止阅读,合上书。

    She stopped reading and closed the book .

  18. 我会告诉他们拿上书的。

    I 'll tell them to bring it .

  19. 合上书、钱夹、摺刀。

    Shut a book , wallet , penknife .

  20. 她合上书,放下,然后径直朝我走来。

    She closed her book , put it down and started walking toward me .

  21. 他合上书,抬起头来。

    He shut his book and looked up .

  22. 安尼合上书,站了起来。

    Anne closed her book and stood up .

  23. 喝完可可合上书

    Finished his cocoa , closed his book ,

  24. 合上书,用这些关键词复述整个故事。

    With your book closed , use these key words to retell the whole story .

  25. 我啪地合上书,气恼地把书扔过头顶。

    I snapped the book shut , annoyed , and rolled over onto my back .

  26. 他上书育事,有信一封,也坚决反对统购统销。

    In a letter of petition he , too , firmly opposed this state monopoly .

  27. 奶奶乐意从图书馆借上书在校园里读。

    Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outsidein the school yard .

  28. 我还没合上书的时候

    Before I closed my book ,

  29. 上书请求允许

    Petition in writing for permission to

  30. 请合上书。

    Please close your books .