
  1. 中华名族上下五千年传统文化,深厚的根基为我们提供了取之不尽用之不竭的素材。

    Five thousand years of Chinese traditional culture provides us with inexhaustible material .

  2. 上下五千年,中国历史到底多少年?

    How long is the recognized Chinese history ?

  3. 中国上下五千年的历史文化的缩影。

    Five thousand years of Chinese history and culture from top to bottom in miniature .

  4. 因为整个中华上下五千年,真正和平的也仅仅是几十年而已。

    Because the whole Chinese on five thousand years , true peace under only decades just .

  5. 上下五千年,一直是吏清国强吏腐国乱,腐败的扩散就像癌症一样。

    For5000 years , dynasties rose as a clean government and fell when corruption spreads like a cancerous disease .

  6. 每次阅读中国上下五千年历史,我都会被一位位叱咤风云的英雄所感染和折服。

    Every time when I read the five thousand years old chinese history , I am moved and convinced by those earthshaking heroes .

  7. 中华上下五千年,传统的国人一直追求着安居乐业的梦想。

    China has long history of five thousand years . Traditional Chinese people has been pursuing the dream of " live and work in peace " .

  8. 中国古典名著《三国演义》堪称是中华上下五千年文化宝库中的一枝奇葩,也是不同时代的电视人爱不释手的一个重要文本。

    Chinese classic " Romance of Three Kingdoms " is a wonderful novel in Chinese thousand years ; TV people in the different times love it .

  9. 中华民族上下五千年,在求生存谋发展的进程中,创造了辉煌的文化,塑造了伟大的民族精神。

    In the process of existing and developing , China who has thousands of years of history , has created splendid culture and sculptured excellent national spirits .

  10. 中国有着上下五千年的悠久历史,逐渐形成了以图案为元素,博大精深、源远流长的中国传统文化。

    China in above next in5000 glorious history , gradually has formed take the design as the element , broad and profound , well-established China traditional culture .

  11. 古诗词曲是中国文学艺术文化与审美观照的经典表达形式,是中华上下五千年灿烂文明辉煌史的记录和见证。

    Ancient Chinese poetry is the classical literature form featured with a typical and aesthetical outlook , which witnessed and recorded the 5000-year glory and civilization in China .

  12. 中国传统礼仪是中华民族文明的标志,声名播于海外,影响上下五千年,深入到社会生活各个层面,所以中国被称为“礼仪之邦”。

    As the symbol of Chinese civilization , this is why china called " formal state ", Chinese traditional etiquette has influenced overseas and every aspect of social life in five thousand years .

  13. 上下五千年的历史文化长河中,风水学以她独特的思想,理论体系,影响着中华民族数百代的人们。

    Up down the long river of history culture of five thous years , Feng Shui with her unique ideas , theoretical system , affecting hundreds of Chinese people on behalf of the people .

  14. 汉字作为记录语言的符号承载了华夏上下五千年的文明史,经过了几千年的流变之后,它从最初的纯记录功能衍生出了独立的书法美学并在艺术设计领域展现了独特的风姿。

    Chinese character as symbol of record language carries around five thousand years of Chinese civilization , as a result of the evolution of several thousand years , it derived from the record function to an independent aesthetic calligraphy and shows a unique charm at Design Art .