
  1. A:部队里军衔等级这么多,你什么时候才能当上将军呢?

    There are so many ranks and grades in the army . When will you be a general ?

  2. 艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)是个例外,但他是战场上的将军,因此他的男子气概实际上并不令人怀疑。

    Eisenhower was the exception , but he was a battlefield general , so his machismo wasn 't really in doubt .

  3. 当然,他们中间没有谁能比得上李将军的。

    None of them , of course , compared with General Lee .

  4. 我们已经搭载上了将军的监控系统。

    We 've piggybacked onto general eiling 's own surveillance .

  5. 他们是机警的,如战场上的将军;

    Alert , like a general on the battlefield .

  6. 在记者招待会上,将军解释了他的军队为何撤退。

    In the press conference , the general gave a rationalization for the retreat of his army .

  7. 这次会上“将军”,大概多半是“将”“班长”的“军”。

    At this conference most " squad leader " probably felt they were being " put on the spot " .

  8. 当玩家在部署部队、使用部队技能和开火时战场上的将军会对他们的军团号令而吼叫。

    Generals will bark out orders to their regiments as the player orchestrates the battle utilizing formations , unit abilities and drills .

  9. 不过大理南昭过最奇特的遗产是在下关西北郊小山上的将军庙。

    But the oddest element in Dali 's Nanzhao legacy in the General 's Temple on a hill in Xiaguan 's northwest suburb .

  10. 首席执行官仍然必须担任战场上的将军,因为没有替代人选媒体和政界要求如此,不管他或她怎么做。

    The chief executive still has to be the battlefield general because there is no alternative the media and politicians will demand it whatever he or she does .

  11. 在这件事上,将军的发怒虽说定会使亨利感到震惊,但却吓不倒他,而他之所以能这样坚定不移,那是因为他相信自己是正义的。

    But , in such a cause , his anger , though it must shock , could not intimidate Henry , who was sustained in his purpose by a conviction of its justice .

  12. 在交接仪式上,艾伦将军表示,他对阿富汗的挑战非常明晰。

    At the handover ceremony , General Allen said he was under no illusions about the challenges in Afghanistan .

  13. 在星期一的交接仪式上,彼得雷乌斯将军的继任者艾伦中将说,他计划继续对塔利班施加压力。

    During Monday 's change of command ceremony , Petraeus'successor , Lieutenant General John Allen , said he plans to keep up the pressure .

  14. 他的这些的想法在军营里自然是不能说出口的,同样得三缄其口的还有,他觉得他参战可不是为找个什么老爷,哪怕这个老爷像那天在马耶斯高地上的李将军这样庄严和尊贵。

    Those thoughts were unspeakable among the ranks , as were his feelings that he did not enlist to take on a Marse , even one as solemn and noble-looking as Lee was that day on Maryes Heights .

  15. 但是在与记者举行纪念布什讲话周年纪念的电话会议上,加德将军承认,即使今年11月是一位民主党人当选为总统,也难以迅速结束这场战争。

    But in a conference call with reporters marking the speech anniversary , General Gard acknowledged that ending the war quickly will be difficult , even if one of the Democratic Party presidential candidates is elected in November .

  16. 他说,事实上,彼得雷乌斯将军在新的岗位上仍将指导伊拉克战争,这意味着,在美军最后一批新增的部队离开伊拉克之后,他将密切参与美军指挥官在8、9月份对局势作出的评估。

    He says that , and the fact that the general will still supervise the Iraq war from his new post , means he will be intimately involved in the assessment that U.S. commanders will make in August and September , after the last of the surge forces leave Iraq .

  17. 拿破仑是历史上最出色的将军之一。

    Napoleon was one of the most capable generals in history .

  18. 我认为彼得雷乌斯将军在这个问题上能够助麦克尼尔将军一臂之力。

    And I think General Petraeus can help General McKiernan in doing that .

  19. 艾森豪威尔是美国历史上战绩卓著的将军,他曾为二战的胜利作出了杰出的贡献。

    Dwight D.Eisenhower was a distinguished general in American history , who made outstanding contributions to the victory of World War ii .

  20. 在2009年底反塔利班活动之后,我在斯瓦特的一场盛大活动上曾经与基亚尼将军见过面。

    I had met General Kayani when he came to Swat for a big meeting at the end of 2009 after the campaign against the Taliban .

  21. 在那些不眠之夜,他躺在床上做年青的将军们所做的事,做他为此而责备过他们的事。

    As he lay on his bed through sleepless nights , he did the very thing these younger generals did , the very thing he found fault with in them .

  22. 在创新内容上,要遵循需要性原则,要在提供精神动力和政治保证上做文章,将军队建设的要求转化为政治工作实践的需要和动力;

    As for the innovational contents , the demanding principle should be abided by to supply " spiritual power " and " political assurance " so as to turn the demands of the construction of the forces into the needs and power of political work ;