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shànɡ tánɡ
  • go to class;go up the hall;conduct a class;give a lesson/lecture
  • be school;go to tribunal
上堂 [shàng táng]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [beschool;go to class]∶上课

  • (3) [go to tribunal]∶旧时指诉讼当事人到公堂上去(公开受审)

  1. 上堂然后射击要花掉半分钟时间。

    It took a half a minute to load and fire .

  2. 我真该立刻给你上堂艺术史。

    I 'd take an art history class for you right now .

  3. 开这会一半是给销售人员上堂进修课,一半是让职工彼此进行联谊活动。

    It 's partly a refresher course for the salesmen and partly an exercise in staff relations .

  4. 祢衡身穿破衣上堂,有人责问祢衡为何不更衣,祢衡当场脱衣,光着身子站立,吓的宾客以手捂眼,气得曹操大骂祢衡无耻。

    Mi came dressed in rag , and when asked why he simply stripped off what was on him to proudly stand nude before the public . Guests shut their eyes in embarrassment . To rebut the angry blame by Cao Cao .

  5. 警官正在给他的连队上一堂战斗课,他问:“约瑟,假如你看到有700名敌兵正朝你冲过来,你会怎么办?“

    The first sergeant was holding a class on combat for his company . He said , " Jose , what would you do if you saw 700 enemy soldiers coming at you ? "

  6. P:在我上第一堂前,准备了很多资料。

    P : Before my first class , in the first week , I planed a lot .

  7. 这个数字体系使用起来很简便,每周都要额外上一堂大学数学课的七年级生玛丽·麦克唐纳(MaryMcDonald)说,它更快捷,也更有条理。

    The number system is easier to work with , said Mary McDonald , a seventh-grader who takes an extra university math class once a week . It 's faster and more organized .

  8. 我只是想给客人们上一堂绘画课。

    I only wanted to give our guests a painting lesson .

  9. 现在我晚上去上一堂电脑课。

    Now I go to a computer class in the evening .

  10. 霍琦夫人:欢迎你们上第一堂飞行课。

    Madame Hooch : Welcome to your first flying lesson .

  11. 小学四年级的教师正在给学生们上一堂逻辑课。

    A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic .

  12. 他给我上第一堂巴厘禅修课。

    He gives me my first lesson in Balinese meditation .

  13. 我想今晚我也许会试上一堂新的瑜伽课。

    I thought I might try out a new yoga class tonight .

  14. 你在这儿上了堂真正的表演课。

    You 've got a real class act here .

  15. 我今天准备上一堂真正的课程。

    I got a real treat for you today .

  16. 23.上一堂冥想课,让自己焕然一新。

    23.Go to a meditation class to renew yourself .

  17. 学生们必须一星期上十一堂讲课。

    Students have to attend eleven lectures a week .

  18. 今天我想给大家上一堂科学课,

    I came here to give you a science lesson

  19. 我有时也使用电脑,现在我晚上去上一堂电脑课。

    I sometimes use the computer , too .

  20. 那我给你上一堂地理课吧怎么样

    I 'll give you a lesson . How " bout a geography lesson ?

  21. 但是,到雅典一游不只是去上一堂古代历史课。

    But a visit to Athens is more than a lesson in ancient history .

  22. 去上一堂你感兴趣的课,只是因为你对那堂课的主题感兴趣。

    Sit in on a lecture just because you 're interested in the subject matter .

  23. 他们正在上一堂英语课。

    They are having a Music lesson .

  24. 根据学生的请求老师明天将上一堂特别的课。

    At the desire of the students , the teacher will give a special lecture tomorrow .

  25. 克莱夫.哈里斯:好,你会在今天下午的演示上见到堂。

    CLIVE HARRIS : Yes , you 'll be seeing Don at the presentation this afternoon .

  26. 想尝尝飞鸟在空中翱翔的乐趣吗?快跟著我们到风隧道里上一堂飞行课。

    Inside a vertical wind tunnel , the author flies like a bird with very little danger .

  27. 教练:那边正在上一堂免费的瑜伽课,过去加入他们吧!

    Trainer : here is a free class going on right over there . Go and join them .

  28. 报道称第一次暴炸发生时该中心正在上一堂英文课。

    Reports say an English class was under way at the center when the first blast took place .

  29. 奥利弗伍德今晚七点在魁地奇球场等你,给你上第一堂训练课。

    Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session .

  30. 我说你准备好要跟着蝙蝠侠上几堂人生历练课了吗

    So , are you ready to follow Batman and maybe learn a few life lessons along the way ?