
shàng yì yuàn
  • the Upper House;the House of Lords
上议院[shàng yì yuàn]
  1. 上议院通常是两院制议会中较小的一个。

    The Upper House is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature .

  2. 改革上议院的计划——如采用AV——是自民党的宏愿,也是自民党领袖及副首相尼克??克莱格(NickClegg)的个人责任。

    Plans for reforming the upper house are - like plans for AV - Liberal Democrat ambitions , and are the personal responsibility of Nick Clegg , the Lib Dem leader and deputy prime minister .

  3. 该法规已经两次遭到上议院的否决。

    The legislation has twice been rejected by the House of Lords .

  4. 该法案很可能会在上议院遭到否决。

    It 's very likely the bill will be defeated in the Lords .

  5. 德国的上议院今天将在柏林开会。

    The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin .

  6. 在这个国家,上议院是唯一的民主堡垒。

    The House of Lords is the only bulwark of democracy in this country .

  7. 该决议是在上议院提出反对意见后宣布的。

    The decision was announced after objections were raised in the Upper House of Parliament .

  8. 人们认为她最终可能接受贵族头衔,进入上议院。

    It 's thought she may eventually accept a peerage and move to the House of Lords .

  9. 他们现在将争取获准将案件呈交上议院审理,并且,如有必要,会上诉到欧洲人权法院。

    They will now seek permission to take their case to the House of Lords , and , if need be , to the European Court of Human Rights .

  10. 2003年,英国上议院(HouseofLords)明确重申了这项裁决。

    In 2003 , the House of Lords reaffirmed that ruling , in terms .

  11. 曾因作伪证而入狱的畅销小说作家阿彻勋爵(LordArcher)依然留在上议院。

    Lord Archer , the popular novelist who served a jail term for perjury , remains in the House of Lords .

  12. 英国国会上议院科技委员会(lordsscienceandtechnologycommittee)8月20日就减少浪费问题发布报告,对购买电子产品和服装等商品之后很快丢弃它们的习惯提出批评。

    The practice of buying products such as electronics or garments and binning them soon after is today criticised in a report on waste reduction by the Lords science and Technology Committee .

  13. 去年12月,曾有人在上议院(houseoflords)向英国内政大臣内维尔-琼斯女士(ladyneville-jones)提出了这个问题。

    This question was put to lady Neville-Jones , the home office minister , in the house of Lords in December .

  14. 登基会议的成员包括神职和俗职的上议院议员、枢密院(privycouncil)成员、英联邦代表以及“其他有质素的显要绅士”。

    This body comprised lords spiritual and temporal , members of the Privy Council , representatives of the Commonwealth and " other principal gentlemen of quality " .

  15. 该辩护还驳斥了上议院委员会要求对允许进入英国的移民工人数量设定上限的呼吁&这种政策得到了保守党(Conservatives)的支持。

    It also rejected calls from the Lords committee for a cap limiting numbers of migrant workers allowed into Britain – a policy supported by the Conservatives .

  16. 上议院相信apophis会借机起义。

    The High Council believes the uprising of Apophis presents a key opportunity .

  17. 英国已经在这样做了。英国上议院(HouseofLords)一个委员会在6月份宣称,大公司的审计被寡头垄断所主导,这种局面充满了危险。

    This is already under way in the UK , where a House of Lords committee declared in June that the auditing of large companies is dominated by an oligopoly with all the dangers that go with that .

  18. 保险公司确实会破产,但原因不是这些模式所描述的,而是由于一些意料之外或被忽视的事件,例如暴露于石棉、或英国上议院对公平人寿(EquitableLife)的裁定等长期隐患。

    Insurance companies do fail , but not for the reasons described in such models . They fail because of events that were unanticipated or ignored , such as the long-hidden danger from asbestos exposure , or the House of Lords judgment on Equitable Life .

  19. 1982年英国上议院又确立了反避税的Ramsay原则。Ramsay原则是经历了一次次法院对避税案的审理和判决后不断完善、不断发展的,强调在判断是否避税时实质重于形式。

    Then the English Senate has established the Ramsay principle about anti-avoidance of taxes in 1982.This principle emphasizes " the essence is heavier than the form " .

  20. 上议院的高级法官们不愿考虑该案的这一方面并做出最终裁决,基恩先生的律师、FergusonSolicitors的查尔斯•弗格森(CharlesFerguson)对此感到愤愤不平就不足为奇了。

    Not surprisingly , Charles Ferguson of Ferguson Solicitors and Mr Keen 's solicitor , is aggrieved about the Law Lords ' reluctance to consider this aspect of the case , and give a definitive ruling at the highest level .

  21. 英国移民大臣利亚姆•伯恩(LiamByrne)表示:有了强有力的控制,外来移民能让英国更为富裕,这正是我们要对上议院明言的。

    Liam Byrne , immigration minister , said : With powerful controls in place , migration can make Britain richer and that 's what we 're blunt about with the House of Lords .

  22. 哈萨克斯坦实行双议会制,由下议院(theMazhilis)和上议院(参议院)构成。

    Kazakhstan has a bicameral Parliament , comprised of the lower house ( the Mazhilis ) and upper house ( the Senate ) .

  23. 这位浪漫派诗人在英国上议院(HouseofLords)只发表过一次演讲,就是为内德•卢德(NedLudd)的追随者辩护。十九世纪初,卢德派分子在英国各地打砸纺织机,因为他们担心机器会让工人失业。

    The Romantic poet 's only speech in the House of Lords defended the followers of Ned Ludd , who were smashing the mechanical looms in England during the early 1800s because they feared the machines would put people out of work .

  24. 省议会的议员直接投票选举少量重要的上议院议席(Eerste肯曼,或者下议院)。

    The members of the provincial parliaments vote ( indirectly ) for the less important Senate ( Eerste Kamer , or First Chamber ) .

  25. IrenaSendler目前住在华沙养老院中,由于身体虚弱无法参加这个特殊的仪式。上议院全票通过授予她和她的地下委员会帮助犹太人荣誉的决议。

    Irena Sendler , who lives in a nursing home in Warsaw , was too frail to attend the special session in which members of the Senate unanimously ( 2 ) approved a resolution honoring her and the Polish underground Council for Assisting Jews .

  26. 俄罗斯上议院议长、西方制裁对象之一的马特维延科(ValentinaMatvienko)周三表示,议会下周将举行会议,讨论成立一家评级机构的事宜,该机构将客观地开展工作,不受政治坏境影响。

    Valentina Matvienko , the speaker of Russia 's upper house of parliament and a target of western sanctions herself , said Wednesday that parliament will meet next week to discuss a national rating agency , which would be objective and independent from the political environment .

  27. 该提案需上议院继续进行表决。

    A further vote is required in the House of Lords .

  28. 法案被移交给上议院交通委员会接管。

    The bill was carried over by the Senate Transportation Committee .

  29. 上议院一定以为这是唯一的选择。

    The High Council must believe it is the only choice .

  30. 2.upperadj.较高的,上部的他是上议院的成员之一。

    He is a member of the upper house of legislature .