
zhōng jiàng
  • lieutenant general;vice admiral;air marshal
中将 [zhōng jiàng]
  • [lieutenant general] 军衔,低于上将,高于少将

中将[zhōng jiàng]
  1. 中将的英语十分古怪,空洞无味,翻译官慢条斯理,下面昏昏欲睡

    The English of the lieutenant general is very eccentric , empty insipidity , interpreter official leisurely , below drowsy .

  2. 福特胡德基地指挥官,中将BobCone称,这名军官在一栋建筑内开火,这里的士兵正准备前往伊拉克或阿富汗。

    Local officials The commander of Fort Hood , Lieutenant General Bob Cone , says the officer opened fire in a building where soldiers were preparing to to Iraq or Afghanistan .

  3. 讲课中将不时插入实际示范。

    Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations .

  4. 他在一阵尘土中将车倒进了围栏。

    He reversed into the stockade in a cloud of dust .

  5. 他在一场残酷的权力争斗中将对手一一铲除。

    He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power

  6. 他预见自己在同行中将无人可及。

    He sees himself going right to the top of the tree .

  7. 关于如何帮助这种病人,下面章节中将会作出解释。

    The method of helping such patients is explained in the following chapters .

  8. 基督教民主党的领袖们正在会晤讨论他们在影响欧洲未来格局的过程中将要扮演的角色。

    Christian Democratic leaders are meeting to discuss their role in shaping the future of Europe

  9. 我在今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。

    What I 'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific

  10. 财政大臣在明年的预算中将争取收回35亿英镑。

    The Chancellor will try to claw back £ 3.5 billion in next year 's Budget .

  11. 从备忘录中将之删去。

    Strike that from the minutes

  12. 我们必须预料到工作中将面临的困难。

    We must anticipate the difficulties we 'll face in our work .

  13. 我们在下面的静态疲劳理论的主要研究中将用它作为一个衡量的尺度。

    We shall use it as a yardstick in the following brief survey of the theories of static fatigue .

  14. 明年,我们接到的电话中将有一半是诈骗电话。

    By next year , half of the calls we receive will be scams .

  15. 你的旅途中将充满魔力。

    The magic will truly be in the trip you take .

  16. 这样学了四五天鬼叫后,小偷溜进房间中将财务一卷而空。

    After doing this for four or five days , the thief sneaked3 into the man 's house and took away everything .

  17. 组织方认为这是英国首个使用女权主义级别的电影节,参展的42部影片中将有17部归入此类。

    Organizers believe it is the first UK festival to use the " F-rating " which will go to 17 of the 42 films being shown .

  18. 纽约野外队的空军中将表示,在疫情期间一度中断的后9·11自卫项目上个月又紧急重启。

    The air marshals in the New York field office say a post 9 / 11 self-defense program that had been on hiatus during the pandemic returned last month with a renewed sense of urgency .

  19. 我看到警察破门而入多达52次穿过很多屋子去追捕或者在某人家中将其逮捕我看到警察在逮捕这些年轻人之后又用极端暴力对待他们在这一年半时间中我一共看到14次

    Fifty-two times , I watched the police break down doors , chase people through houses or make an arrest of someone in their home . Fourteen times in this first year and a half , I watched the police punch , choke , kick , stomp19 on or beat young men after they had caught them .

  20. 据网络专家的预测,将来在Internet上传输的信息中将有70%的信息来自于小型嵌入式系统。

    Nearly 70 % of message transferred through the internet will be from embedded systems in the future .

  21. 在单步操作中将代理存档(bar)文件部署到多个执行组。

    Deploy a broker archive ( bar ) file to multiple execution groups in a single step .

  22. 在本文中将我们改进的圆形反向传播网络模型(ImprovedCircularBackPropagation&ICBP)应用于时间序列预测,进行了单步和多步时间序列预测研究。

    In this article , we applied our improved circular back-propagation ( ICBP ) network to single step and multi-steps time series prediction respectively .

  23. 试验中将蛋白质染色方法与DNA染色方法相结合,获得较好的染色效果,为今后蛋白质染色提供了一个新方法。

    We combined the protein stain with DNA stain to obtain excellent stain results , which can provide a new method for protein stain .

  24. 通过在WebSphereApplicationServer管理控制台的JVMProcess面板中将这些属性指定为命令行选项,可以启用跟踪参数。

    Enable tracing parameters by specifying these properties as command line options in the JVM Process panel of the WebSphere Application Server administrator 's console .

  25. 文中将SVG图形显示技术和Web页面动态刷新技术相结合,实现了Web复杂图形的实时更新。

    SVG graphics display integrates with dynamical refreshment of Web pages to implement dynamical refreshment of Web-based complex graphics in this paper .

  26. Internet环境下的数据分发是一种在广域网中将数据发送到多个节点的网络计算技术,在很多领域都有广泛的研究与应用。

    Data dissemination under the Internet environment aims to send data to many nodes across the wide area networks , which is studied and applied in many fields .

  27. 本文在我们构建portlet的过程中将指出这些不同。

    This article will point out these differences as we build the portlet .

  28. 调用此JavaSP时将调用的Java类中将包含调用Web服务的代码。

    The Java class which will be invoked when this Java SP is called , will have code to invoke the Web service .

  29. 在输出步骤中将其映射到列并将其传递到DB2连接器。

    In the Output Step , you would map it into a column and pass it on to the DB2 connector .

  30. 在您记录您的第一个测试之前,您的工作平台中将需要一个WSDL文件。

    Before you can record your first test , you will need a WSDL file in your workbench .