
  • 网络china plant red data book
  1. 本文根据世界保护监测中心(WCMC)和国际松杉类植物专家(CSG)编制的濒危植物名录,以及中国植物红皮书(第1卷)列出中国受威胁松杉类植物共141种及变种。

    This paper provides a comparison among threatened categories of 141 Chinese coniferous taxa listed by Temperate Tree ( WCMC ), World List of Threatened Conifer Taxa ( CSG ) and China Plant Red Data Book ( Vol.1 ) .

  2. 中国植物红皮书第一卷将我国植物物种濒危等级标准划分为濒危、稀有和渐危3个等级。

    China Plant Red Data Book ( Vol.1 ) classified the threatened species as endangered , rare and vulnerable ones .

  3. 综合《中国植物红皮书》(第一册)和《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(1999)的统计,贵州省有珍稀濒危植物100种(除去重复部分),隶属于79属、48科。

    Based on Red List of Plants in China and List of National Protected Wild Plants , there are totally 100 rare and endangered plants in Guizhou , which belong to 79 genera of 48 families .

  4. 列入《中国濒危植物红皮书》国家重点保护的珍稀濒危植物28种。

    There were 28 species of plants listed as the national key protected precious , rare , and dangerous plants on Chinese Dangerous Plant Red Paper .

  5. 滇牡丹是中国西南的特有植物,在中国植物红皮书中将其定为渐危种而列为国家二级保护植物。

    Paeonia delavayi , an endemic species to Southwestern China , was protected as a vulnerable plant in China .

  6. 中国境内现状:易危(T)已载入《中国植物红皮书》和《广东省珍稀濒危植物图谱》。

    Status in China : Near Threatened ( NT ) . Recorded in China Plant Red Data Book and Illustration of Rare & endangered plant in Guangdong Province .