
  • 网络picture
  1. 没有任何电视画面能胜任地代替文字。

    No picture can ever be an adequate substitute .

  2. 今晚电视画面不怎么清楚。

    The picture isn 't very clear tonight .

  3. 电视画面使我们充分地了解这次袭击有多么恐怖。

    The television pictures brought home to us the full horror of the attack .

  4. 电视画面显示了严寒的环境。

    TV pictures showed the arctic conditions .

  5. 昨晚触目惊心的电视画面堕落到了新低。

    Last night 's harrowing television pictures plumbed new depths of depravity .

  6. 数字电视画面质量达到DVD水平,完全没有模拟电视的雪花、重影等现象。

    The pictures quality of digital TV is as good as DVD , and there are no white specks or double image on TV screen in digital TV system .

  7. 非现场的对着电视画面进行评论的演播室。非现场评论席通常位于IBC的技术区。

    Broadcast position , technically similar to a commentary position , used for commenting on a television video signal , Off-Tubes are usually established inside the IBC technical areas .

  8. 2003年5月,CCTV-9进行了大规模改版,外籍新闻主播首次在中国英语电视画面上出现。

    In May 2003 , CCTV-9 conducted a large-scale reform , which brought a premier of foreign anchors ' faces on China 's English TV screen .

  9. 当时拍摄的电视画面显示,新娘Sakamoto在婚礼上身著的是厚达12层的“junihitoe”,这是日本皇室女性出席正式场合所穿的一种和服。

    Pictures shown on television at the time showed Sakamoto in the " junihitoe " 12-layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions .

  10. 电视画面使我真正地了解了危机。

    The TV pictures really brought the crisis home to me .

  11. 电视画面由飞机上的一架摄影机发送出去。

    Television pictures were transmitted from a camera in the plane .

  12. 来自全世界的电视画面都通过卫星转播。

    Television pictures from all over the world are bounced off satellites .

  13. 人在月球上行走的实况电视画面。

    Live pictures of a man walking on the moon .

  14. 这项立法的目的是把退休年龄从60岁提高到62岁。电视画面显示,在巴黎郊区,防暴警察跟头戴面具的学生发生冲突。

    Television footage showed riot police battling masked students in suburban Paris .

  15. 电视画面显示卡斯皮地区铁路桥的一段被炸毁。

    Television images showed a portion of the Kaspi region bridge destroyed .

  16. 双路电视画面特技切换电路

    The Circuit of Cutting the Double Route TV Frame

  17. 电视画面显示,许多居民区起火。

    Television images showed a whole community on fire .

  18. 不过随着电视画面展现德黑兰街头的骚乱,奥巴马总统星期六使用了更强烈的言辞。

    S.rhetoric on Saturday amid televised scenes of chaos on Tehran 's streets .

  19. 电视画面上显示出机场地板上的一堆血肉。

    Television footage showed a mound of bodies lying on the terminal floor .

  20. 浅谈电视画面的剪辑

    Tentatively Talking about the Editing of TV Scene

  21. 亨利:记得那些伟大的电视画面吗?

    Henry : remember those great television pictures ?

  22. 电视画面显示身穿救生衣的幸存者在涉水和游泳,以逃离飞机残骸。

    Television footage showed survivors wearing life jackets wading and swimming clear of wreckage .

  23. 今天电视画面不清楚。

    The TV isn 't working well today .

  24. 当我看见电视画面时,才真正理解了危险。

    The danger really came home to me when I saw the pictures on tv .

  25. 电视画面的色彩设计

    The Colour Design of TV Picture Appearance

  26. 这种电视画面充满动感和活力,显得新颖独特。

    Pictures on this kind of TV are active and energetic , fashionaBle and distinctive .

  27. 但在电视画面上会好看的多。

    But they look better on tv .

  28. 第二部分主要从物理学的角度,分析电视画面的空间特性;

    Part two analyses the space feature of TV image in the angle of Physics .

  29. 电视画面显示,那时尸体正在从家中被抬出来,用床单遮盖。

    Television footage showed bodies being carried out of the home , covered in sheets .

  30. 电视画面模糊不清。

    The television picture 's muzzy .