
  • 网络neutrality;neutral;impartiality;tax neutrality
  1. 撇开自我不谈,第三个好处是,人们发现,冷漠关系的情感中立性可以增加人们评价的客观性,加强人对任务解决的关注,有助于人获得更多有价值的信息。

    Ego aside , a third advantage is that the emotional neutrality of indifferent relationships has been found to enhance critical evaluation , to strengthen one 's focus on task resolution , and to gain greater access to valuable information .

  2. 以XML为基础的Web服务可以将服务的定义与执行明确分离,它使得Web服务可以在任何软件系统上工作,发挥出Web服务平台中立性的优点。

    XML-based Web services separate the definition and implementation of services , which make Web services work in any software system , and showing platform neutrality of Web services .

  3. 最初,JAXP的目的仅仅是向SAX和DOM提供便利性和供应商中立性。

    JAXP was initially intended merely to provide convenience and vendor-neutrality to SAX and DOM .

  4. 该分布式信息过滤系统体现了WebServices技术的跨平台互操作性、穿越防火墙、功能的复用性、服务器的中立性、业务的可扩展性和应用程序的无缝集成。

    The distributed information filter system embodies advantages of Web Services adequately , such as communication between different platforms , getting through fire wall , software reusable ability , server neutrality , application extensibility and application integration .

  5. ETS打算向相关院校递送一份中立性的标准考试成绩取消函,威尔逊说。

    ETS wanted to send a standard neutral test cancellation score letter to the schools , says Wilson .

  6. 例如像QQ和MSN这样的网络交流方式正在替代传统的交流。但是这也将产生问题。我认为,这些互联网聊天工具是中立性的。

    In my opinion , these Internet chatting tools are neutral by nature , be it QQ or MSN .

  7. 为了在写作时能真正省心特别是要具有平台和工具的中立性无格式ASCII正是最好的选择。

    For real ease of composition and especially for platform and tool neutrality plain ASCII just cannot be beat .

  8. 去年11月,奥巴马总统不同寻常地向FCC发出呼吁,敦促这个独立的机构在网络中立性上采取尽可能最强有力的规则。

    In November , President Obama took the unusual step of urging the F.C.C. , an independent agency , to adopt the strongest possible rules on net neutrality .

  9. 甚至可能比开发商中立性更重要的一点是,具有最新的Java虚拟机(JVM)的所有客户和客户机都将具有JAXP。

    Perhaps even more important than vendor neutrality , all your customers and clients with a fairly recent Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) are going to have JAXP .

  10. 应用中立性应该是接口的首要目标,因为这个特性正好能够实现可共享性(shareability)(一条基本的SOA原则)。

    Application neutrality should be the principal goal of an interface , because it is precisely this characteristic that enables shareability ( a fundamental SOA principle ) .

  11. 所有这些,我们可以看出JAXP表面是添加了一些功能供应商中立性,一些便利性和帮助器方法但是实际上可以移除这些内容。

    So the point of all this is that JAXP ostensibly is to add functionality vendor-neutrality , and some convenience and helper methods but could potentially be effectively removing it .

  12. 互联网协会会长迈克尔·贝克曼(MichaelBeckerman)在一份声明中称,FCC的表决为“我们努力创造强有力的、可执行的网络中立性规则迈出了可喜的一步”,互联网协会包括谷歌、Facebook,以及较小的网络公司。

    In a statement , Michael Beckerman , president of the Internet Association , which includes Google , Facebook and smaller online companies , called the F.C.C. vote " a welcome step in our effort to create strong , enforceable net neutrality rules . "

  13. 它伴随着人类社会的始终,具有自组织性和技术中立性的组织特性以及生态共生性和自我保存性的生态特性,是一个不依人的意志为转移的自组织(self-organization)系统。

    It follows human society from beginning to end , it has the organizational characteristics of self-organization and technical neutrality , and ecological characteristics of ecological symbiosis and self-preservation , it is a self-organization system that does not change according to human minds .

  14. 形式合理的宪政是通过宪法规范的至上性、宪法适用机构的中立性、宪政运行的程序性与法律技术的规范性等机制来实现的。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    Contemporary legal countries mostly actualize the constitution 's formal rationality through these mechanisms : supremacy of constitutional norm , neutralization of organization taking charge in constitutional law application , due process and standardization of law technique .

  15. 法庭手语翻译:探讨译员的中立性原则

    Sign Language Interpreters in Court : Deconstructing the Myth of Neutrality

  16. 中国公务员的非政治中立性与人民性

    Non political neutral of Chinese public servants and their people character

  17. 首先,保证居中调解者的中立性。

    First of all , ensure the neutrality of the mediator center .

  18. 虽然我是一名独立的作家,但并不能保证中立性问题。

    Having an independent author does not sufficiently solve questions of neutrality .

  19. 第五,救济审查主体中立性不足。

    Fifth , the review of the main neutral relief is insufficient .

  20. 二是电视访谈节目中存在一定程度的中立性。

    Secondly , neutrality is another character of TV interview .

  21. 网络中立性的支持者批评该提案没有包括无线网络供应商在内。

    Supporters of net neutrality criticized the proposal for not including wireless providers .

  22. 该委员会的中立性和独立性不符合最起码的国际标准。

    The neutrality and independence of the commission doesn 't meet minimum international standards .

  23. 我国刑事庭审法官中立性研究

    Neutralization of the Judge in Chinese Criminal Procedure

  24. 室内完成,选择的中立性。

    Interior finishes were chosen for their neutrality .

  25. 会计信息中立性探讨

    A Probe into the Neutrality of Accounting Information

  26. 只要网络能保持它的中立性。

    That is , as long as you can keep net neutrality in place .

  27. 网络中立性指的是互联网上所有内容都应该受到公平对待。

    That is the idea that all on the Web should be treated equally .

  28. 代理商可以寻求新的权力部门来管理网络服务,强制实施网络的中立性。

    The agency could seek new powers to regulate Internet service and enforce net neutrality .

  29. 现代知识范式的客观性、普遍性和价值中立性遭受质疑。

    Modern-knowledge form has to face the challenge to its objectivity , generality and value-neutrality .

  30. 例如,如何采用标准来提供某种形式的平台中立性呢?

    For instance , how are standards employed to provide some form of platform neutrality ?