
  • 网络chubu university;Joongbu University
  1. 上周,英国北中部大学医院NHS信托医院允许其病患在病房内玩“口袋妖怪”游戏,因为四处走走有益于身体健康。

    The University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust agreed last week that patients can play Pokemon Go on wards because walking around is healthy .

  2. 奥兰多东部坐落着佛罗里达中部大学,即我正就读的大学。

    To the east of the city lies the University of Central Florida , where I study .

  3. 由美国普林斯顿大学的研究员尼库马杜苏丹和佛罗里达中部大学的科学家乔哈林顿领导的一个研究小组检测WASP-12b的一次绕轨运行情况,特别是在它从其母恒星后面经过的那一刻。

    A team led by researcher Nikku Madhusudhan of Princeton University and scientist Joe Harrington of the University of Central Florida monitor WASP-12b during one of its orbits , particularly in the instants before it passed behind its home star .

  4. 美国新泽西州中部一大学城。

    A university town in central New Jersey .

  5. 今晚我们要关注的是中部弗罗里达大学的一场屠杀。

    Tonight we 're learning just how close the University of Central Florida came to a massacre .

  6. 就在星期一的午夜,中部弗洛里达大学宿舍内的警报响彻校园。

    Just after midnight on Monday , the fire alarm starts blaring inside this dormitory at the University of Central Florida campus .

  7. 位于英格兰北部谢菲尔德大学和中部华威大学的研究人员称,这一秘密源自蛋壳&特别是鸡体内的一种蛋白质在形成蛋壳的过程中扮演着关键的角色。

    Researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and Warwick , in northern and central England , say the secret lies in the eggshell & specifically the vital role played by a chicken protein in forming it .

  8. 位于英格兰北部谢菲尔德大学和中部华威大学的研究人员称,这一秘密源自蛋壳---特别是鸡体内的一种蛋白质在形成蛋壳的过程中扮演着关键的角色。

    Researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and Warwick , in northern and central England , say the secret lies in the eggshell -- specifically the vital role played by a chicken protein in forming it .

  9. 中国中部一所大学被报道正使用摄像头去监视这个73顷(181英亩)校园的几乎每个英寸,包括教室和宿舍。

    A university in central China has reportedly been using surveillance cameras to monitor virtually every inch of its 73-hectare ( 181-acre ) campus including its classrooms and dormitories .

  10. 中国中部的一所大学让学生通过抓阄来分专业,这引起了人们的争议。

    A central China university has caused controversy by making its students pick their majors through a lottery system .