
  • 网络China Disabled Persons Federation;China Disabled Persons' Federation;China Disabled Persons’ Federation;China Disabled Person's Federation;CDPF
  1. 这是也在我们与中国残疾人联合会的合作过程之中,FFO所做的事情,目的是提升残疾人的权利和服务。

    This is also what FFO does in our cooperation with CDPF , in order to promote the rights and services for people with disabilities .

  2. 中国残疾人联合会按照全国行政区划建立了各级地方组织。

    It has established its local branches on the basis of national administrative divisions .

  3. 贾勇是中国残疾人联合会副理事长。

    Jia Yong is the vice president of China 's Disabled Person 's Federation .

  4. 中国有40%的残疾人是文盲,有28%的上学年龄儿童没有得到任何教育,这是中国残疾人联合会在2013年发布的报告。

    Already , they would have beat the 40 percent of disabled Chinese who are illiterate and the 28 percent of disabled school aged children denied access to any education , according to a 2013 Report from the China Disabled Person 's Federation .