
xínɡ zhènɡ xǔ kě
  • administrative license;administrative licensing
  1. 行政许可制度是一项基本的行政法制度,它在很多方面都涉及WTO的一些基本规则。

    Administrative license system is a basic administrative law system .

  2. 尽量缩小行政许可范围,以适应WTO市场准入原则要求;

    Minimizing scope of administrative license so as to accord with WTO 's principle of admittance of entering market ;

  3. WTO规则与我国行政许可原则的确立

    The regulations of WTO and the establishment of administrative licensing principles in China

  4. WTO规则要求中国的行政许可必需符合市场经济的要求和国际公平竞争规则,并为行政许可留下空间。

    Chinese administrative licensing system must meet the requirement of market economy and obey the rules of international fair competition .

  5. 中国经济领域的行政许可制度改革与社会主义市场经济体制的建立和参与WTO体制下的竞争密切相关。

    The reform of administrative licensing in Chinese economic field is closely related to the establishment of socialism market economy and participation into the competition in the WTO system .

  6. 第二部分,分析了加入WTO之后中国行政许可制度存在的主要问题:行政许可遵循权力导向、实行命令型的权力作用方式;

    Part Two analyses the major problems that the administrative license may face with after China joined WTO . The problems are : the power direction that the administrative license follows ;

  7. 但我国目前的行政许可制度在许多方面与WTO规则的要求存在较大差异,其改革势在必行。

    It involves WTO principles in many aspects , but administrative license system , in a lot of ways , is out of accord with WTO principles . Therefore , reform is badly needed .

  8. 根据这一基本观点,对行政许可与审批的关系,行政许可的功能,行政许可的设定权限以及加入WTO我国行政许可设定的问题和解决办法等进行了论述。

    With this basic viewpoint , the discussion pay more attention on the relation between permission and examination , the function , the limit of right and the way to solve questions after entering into WTO .

  9. 本课题研究的意义在于:首先使我国的行政许可制度能从理论上迅速融入WTO体制当中,推动一部适应WTO规则的《行政许可法》的快速出台;

    The significances of this article in theory and practice lie in : merging our administrative license system into WTO 's mechanism and prompting our Administrative License lam that adapting to WTO rules to be enacted ;

  10. 铁路行政许可授权电子政务信息系统是针对成都铁路局下辖铁路危险货物托运、危险货物承运、超限超长超重集重货物承运、铁路道口施工资格申请与审核的一套Web信息系统。

    The railway administrative licensed e-government information system is a web information system designed for the application and audit of the dangerous goods consignment , dangerous goods carriage , overloaded overlong overweight container carriage and railroad crossing construction qualification under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Railway Bureau .

  11. 尽管我国现行的行政许可制度与WTO规则有许多不相适应的地方,但我们相信政府完全有能力完善我国的行政许可制度并使之成为政府实施行政管理的一种有效手段。

    Although there are some rules in administrative permit system that are not consistent with WTO regulations , yet we are sure that our government is capable of improving the system so that administrative permission can be an effective means in the government 's implementing governing .

  12. 《行政许可法》实施的难点及因应对策

    The Difficult Issue of Implementing Administrative Permit Law and the Countermeasure

  13. 行政许可基本法的亲民价值试解读

    Trial Interpretations of the Being-intimate-to-people Value of Basic Administrative Permission Law

  14. 论行政许可制度的均衡价值要义

    On the Essential Meaning of Balanced Value of Administrative License System

  15. 行政许可与行政复议、行政诉讼、行政赔偿的关系

    The relationship of administrative licence , reconsideration , litigation and compensation

  16. 无害性审查:行政许可性质新说

    Harmless Examination : New Analysis of the Nature of Administrative License

  17. 试论环境行政许可听证制度的功能

    Research of the Function of Environmental Administrative Permitted the Hearing System

  18. 我国排污行政许可制度的法律问题探析

    Legal Issue Research of our National Pollution Outlet Administration License System

  19. 统一送达保险行政许可决定、保险行政许可证件。

    It shall uniformly serve insurance administrative licensing decisions and certificates .

  20. 论知情权在药品监管实践中的问题&兼谈《行政许可法》对药品监管行为的深刻影响

    Discussion on " The Right of Access " in Drug Administration

  21. 美国环境行政许可制度对我国的启示

    Studies on the Environmental Administrative Permit System of the Unite State America

  22. 行政许可违背公平公正原则等问题。

    Administrative license 's violation of the principles of openness and fairness .

  23. 关于城市规划行政许可若干问题的思考

    Reflection on Some Problems with Administrative License for Urban Planning

  24. 关于行政许可案件审理若干问题的探讨

    A Probe into Some Issues on the Trial of Administrative Licensing Cases

  25. 论行政许可听证制度的法理基础和宪法依据

    The Administrative licence Hearing System 's Basis of jurisprudence and the Constitution

  26. 城市规划行政许可在实施中存在问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Problems in Implementation of Administrative License for Urban Planning

  27. 《行政许可法》对地方立法的影响

    The Imp act of Administrative License Act upon Local Laws

  28. 关于行政许可法对法治政府建设影响的若干思考

    Influence of law of administration admits on the development of law government

  29. 浅议行政许可法律制度的实践意义

    A Brief Talk on the Significance of Administrative Permissive Law in Practice

  30. 我国自然资源开发利用行政许可制度探析

    Research on the Legal System of Natural Resources Administrative License