
xínɡ li jià
  • Luggage rack;luggage carrier
  1. 他把手提箱从行李架上搬下来。

    He lifted the suitcase down from the rack .

  2. 我的背包太大了,行李架上放不下。

    My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack

  3. 出于上述担心,他把她“折叠”进一个行李箱里,并且放在回尼斯(Nice,法国南部)的火车行李架上。

    Because of these fears , he ' folded ' herinto a suitcase and placed her in the luggage rack of a train as he set offback to Nice , in southern France .

  4. 至于早年,九巴曾经改装七架三菱巴士,这批巴士被加上行李架后,派往行走启德机场巴士路线A7。

    At the early years , seven Mitsubishis were equipped with luggage racks for serving Kai Tak Airport routes A7 .

  5. 男孩把泡面放到了行李架上。

    The boy put the bubble surface on the rack .

  6. 我就把它放在这儿的行李架上了。

    I put it right here on the luggage rack .

  7. 行李架体冲压工艺分析及模具设计

    The Stamping Process Analysis And Mould Design of Baggage Frame

  8. 他头上的行李架上放着一只小箱子。

    There was a small suitcase on the rack above his head .

  9. 在你头上的行李架上有枕头和毯子。

    There are pillows and blankets in the rack over your head .

  10. 手提箱和包可以放在行李架上。

    The suitcase and bag can go on the luggage-rack .

  11. 介绍了行李架的冲压方案确定及模具设计。

    The stamping process and mould design of baggage frame are introduced .

  12. 小姐,我可以帮你把它放到行李架上吗?

    Can I help you put it on the luggage rack , Miss ?

  13. 请您帮忙将我的旅行袋放到行李架上,好吗?

    Could you please help me put my bag in the overhead bin ?

  14. 是的,您帮我把口袋放到行李架上好吗?

    B : Would you mind putting my bag up on the rack ?

  15. 汽车行李架总成骨架的裸管缺陷分析及解决措施

    Analysis and solving measures of naked pipe defect of automobile rack assy-roof 's skeleton

  16. 哦,行李架已经塞满了。

    Oh , the luggage rack is full .

  17. 所有这些行李架都已经满了。

    All of these overhead bins are full .

  18. 有人还看见皮特和朱莉将他们自己的手提箱放进了头顶的行李架。

    Pitt and Jolie were also seen putting their hand luggage into the overhead storage .

  19. 我把它放在行李架上。

    I left it on a rack .

  20. 把箱子搁在行李架上。

    Put the suitcase on the luggage-rack .

  21. 三个人紧紧抓住座位,包从行李架上哗啦啦落下来。

    The three clung to their seats as bags cascaded down from the luggage racks .

  22. 我一直在寻找一个娘娘腔的酒吧和行李架,就像你的。

    I have been looking for a sissy bar and luggage rack , just like yours .

  23. 行李架满了,把它们暂时放在座位下面吧。

    The baggage rack is full . Put them under the seat for the time being .

  24. 把提包就放在行李架上,是我不小心;在车上打盹,也是我愚蠢。

    I was careless to place my bag there , and foolish to take a nap .

  25. 请原谅,先生,这些放在上面行李架上的包是你的吗?

    Excuse me , sir , but are those your bags in the overhead luggage rack ?

  26. 包括骑士与骨骼骑者,2匹马和一个放有战斗所需武器的行李架!

    Includes knight and skeleton minifigures , 2 horses and a rack with extra weapons for battle !

  27. 你可以放在你前面的座椅下,或者头上的行李架。

    You may put it under the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartment .

  28. 飞机还在滑行,请您不要急于站起来,开启行李架。

    The plane is still taxiing , please don 't stand up and open the overhead bin .

  29. 机上没有座椅和头顶的行李架,一切设计都是为了动物能乘坐舒适。

    The planes have no seats and no overhead compartments , and are all designed for creature comfort .

  30. 十分钟后,我又少了20美元,这个书架被我绑在车顶行李架上。

    Ten minutes later , I was twenty dollars poorer , and the bookshelf was tied on the roof-rack .