
  • 网络Bag;sport bag;bag for sports
  1. 她进来大吵大闹。她儿子的运动包丢了。

    She came in and raised hell . Her son 's sports bag was missing

  2. 在我8岁的时候,我曾被引诱进汇丰银行(HSBC),然后是米兰银行(MidlandBank),就因为它们提供了一本字典和一个运动包。

    I was lured into HSBC , then Midland Bank , at the age of eight by the offer of a dictionary and sports bag .

  3. 三个家伙往运动包里装钱然后离开。

    Three guys are stuffing a gym bag and take off .

  4. 我们出售各种颜色的运动包。

    We have sports bags in different colors on sale .

  5. 他们让我爸和他的运动包过了。

    They let my father and his sports bag trough .

  6. 和书包比起来我更喜欢运动包。

    I prefer sports bag to school bag .

  7. 你可以以最优惠的价钱买到最棒的运动包。

    You can buy the great bags for sports at a very good price .

  8. 公正的媒体活跃的资源&众多媒体活动家资源,从新闻媒体到运动包。

    FAIR 's Media Activism Resources - Multitude of media activist resources from newsletter to media activism kit .

  9. 整幢大楼里,只见商人们往运动包里狂塞,直到拉链接近崩裂。

    All over the building , traders can be seen stuffing sports bags until the zips are near bursting .

  10. 感染的保护:在你的钱包,厨房,书桌,车间,高尔夫球袋,运动包,旅行袋。

    Infection protection in your : purse , kitchen , desk , workshop , golf bag , gym bag , travel bag .

  11. 我们拉着巨大的旅行箱背着运动包带着鸭舌帽和深色墨镜袖口向上翻卷着站在车站等待第一班公交。

    We dragged the big suit-case , carried the sports bag , put on the peaked cap and dark sun-glasses , put up the cuffs , stood at the station waiting for the first bus .

  12. 在对系统用例深入分析的基础上,重点建立了系统的核心用例包&运动控制包对应的子系统的类图模型。

    On the basis of deep research on use-case of the system , a class diagram model of the kernel use-case package , in other words , the motion control package of the system is built .

  13. 最后,本文给出了基于VC++与Matlab混合编程的无人机螺旋运动控制软件包的设计与实现。

    In the end , the design and realization of the UAV spiral motion controlling software package which is based on the VC + + and Matlab are proposed .

  14. 本文介绍一个基于微机的通用的工业机器人运动仿真软件包(简称IRKSS)。

    This paper describes a microcomputer-based interactive package ( called IRKSS ) for the kinematic simulation of industrial robots .

  15. 除可口可乐品牌的饮料包以外,Keurig还将提供非碳酸凉茶、果汁和运动饮料的冷饮包。

    In addition to pods for Coke brands , the Keurig will also offer pods for non-carbonated cold teas , juice and sports drinks .

  16. 平式缝接的针脚或缝口拼接和缝制运动装,明包缝是一条光洁的缝。

    An overhand stitch or seam . The flat fell seam is a cleanly finished seam for detailing and construction is sportswear .

  17. 主营产品有野营帐篷、运动水壶、登山包、滑雪杆、睡袋等。

    Our company is supplying competitive Camping tents , Sports bottle , Mountaineering bag , Ski poles , Sleeping bags and so on .

  18. 通过格林函数讨论了三种常见势场下运动粒子的波包传播性质。

    In this paper , the propagation nature of the wave packet was discussed through the Green 's function under three common potential fields .

  19. 新的合金轮胎增加了两款车型的运动感。运动款仅仅是增加了可选“运动”包,包括后阻流板,侧裙和前保险杠包围。

    Also new for2009 is the introduction of the TIIDA SPORT , which simply adds an optional " sport " package consisting of a rear spoiler , side-skirts , and bumper lips .