
  • 网络Sports League;intramural sports;conferences;Union en mouvement
  1. 有些人参加校队的选拔;有的则加入校内的运动联盟。

    Some try out for the school teams , while others join intramural sports leagues .

  2. 在市议会反对修建该大厦的领导者是中右翼人民运动联盟(UnionforaPopularMovement)的娜塔莉·科希丘什科-莫里泽(NathalieKosciusko-Morizet)。她今年竞选市长一职败北。

    Leading the charge against the tower in the City Council was Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet , from the center-right Union for a Popular Movement , who ran for mayor against Ms. Hidalgo this year and lost .

  3. 例如,国际运动联盟允许使用一种叫做LZRRacer的高科技泳衣。

    For example , the International Sports Federation approved the use of a high-tech swimsuit called the LZR Racer .

  4. 三周前CasterSemenya在非洲青少年锦标赛上创下世界最短时间的记录之后,国际业余田径联合会就要求南非运动联盟对其进行性别测试。

    After Caster Semenya posted a world best time of African Junior Championships 3 weeks ago , track 's governing body , the IAAF , asked the South African Athletic Federation to administer a gender test .

  5. 国际有机农业运动联盟有机生产和加工基本标准(IBS)反映了当前有机农业生产和加工水平,是各国政府和民间认证机构制定有机产品标准的基础。

    International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Basic Standard for Organic Production and Processing ( IBS ) reflects the current state of organic production and processing methods of organic farming . IBS provides a framework for certification bodies and standard setting organizations worldwide to develop their own certification standards .

  6. 以下哪个职业运动联盟一赛季打82场?

    Which of these professional sports leagues plays an 82-game season ?

  7. 不过国际航空运动联盟目前并未立即对此事做出回应。

    There has been no immediate comment by the World Air Sports Federation .

  8. 2001至2004年期间,夏季运动联盟共得到2.54亿美元的资金,冬季运动联盟获得了8580万美元。

    For 2001-04 , the summer sports federations received $ 254m and the winter $ 85.8m .

  9. 突击队,国王队,布鲁因斯队和喷气机队是在哪个专业的运动联盟中?

    The Rangers , kings , Bruins and jets all play in what professional sports league ?

  10. 他看重和职业运动联盟的合作,想利用他们的品牌来树立我们自己的品牌。

    He wanted to focus on partnerships with leagues , using their brands to build our brand .

  11. 很快,其他的一些运动联盟接受了自由队员的理念。

    FRITZI BODENHEIMER : Soon after that , other sports leagues accepted the idea of free agency .

  12. 国际摩托艇运动联盟

    Union of International Motorboating

  13. 夏拉奇是这一周行动的荣誉主席,该活动用来宣传一个名为“全球教育运动联盟”的倡导组织的目标。

    Shakira is the honorary chairman of a week of events to publicize the cause of an advocacy group called the Global Campaign for Education .

  14. 在法国,总统萨科齐的保守派“人民运动联盟”预计将在欧盟议会选举中获胜。

    In France , too , President Nicolas Sarkozy 's conservative Union for a Popular Movement party is expected to emerge the winner in the E.U. parliament polls .

  15. 如果国际航空运动联盟认证他的纪录,那么该纪录将比由美国人史蒂夫·福塞特在2002年创下的纪录还要早2天。

    If his record is confirmed by the World Air Sports Federation he will have taken more than two days off the record set by American Steve Fossett in 2002 .

  16. 如果他的纪录得到世界航空运动联盟的确认,他将把美国人史蒂夫.福塞特2002年创造的纪录缩短两天多。

    If his record is confirmed by the World Air Sports Federation , he will have taken more than two days off the record set by American Steve Fossett in 2002 .

  17. 运用经济学理论对美国职业运动联盟的行业垄断进行分析,指出:职业运动联盟是各职业运动俱乐部联合起来组成的一种现代企业集团,它依据市场机制和产业机制进行经营和运作。

    By means of the theory of economics the paper analyses industry monopoly of American sports leagues and points out that professional sports leagues are a modern enterprise group formed by united professional sports clubs .

  18. 为了保证运动员的身体健康及竞技比赛的公正性,国际奥委会、世界反兴奋剂协会和国际运动联盟已经将基因兴奋剂列入违禁药。

    To protect the health of athletes and to ensure equal competitive conditions , the international Olympic Committee , WADA and International Sports Federations have accepted performance-enhancing substances and methods as being doping , and forbidden them .

  19. 两年前,美国安全化妆品运动联盟公布,强生婴儿洗发水含有可致癌的二恶烷及能释放甲醛的季铵盐-15。

    The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Coalition came out with the news two years ago that Johnson and Johnson 's iconic baby shampoo contained carcinogens , including the formaldehyde-releasing preservative quaternium-15 , as well as the chemical byproduct 1 , 4-dioxane .

  20. 但2012年7月,参议员兼人民运动联盟保守党成员艾伦•胡佩特在一项递给娜雅·瓦洛·贝尔卡桑的公开申请中表示,这项法律的“象征意义”可能会“削弱我们的现代意识”,并请求部长撤销此项法律。

    In July however , in a public request directed at Ms Vallaud-Belkacem , Alain Houpert , a senator and member of the conservative UMP party , said the " symbolic importance " of the law " could injure our modern sensibilities , " and he asked the minister to repeal it .

  21. 利比里亚和平运动妇女联盟的领袖组织了系列非暴力活动,其中包括性罢工。

    Leaders of the group Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace organized a series of nonviolent actions . Those included a sex strike .

  22. 他说,中国极力说服国际奥会和国际单项运动各联盟组织,接受中国官员承担所有比赛项目的责任。

    He said China extensively lobbied the International Olympic Committee and international sports federations to persuade them to accept Chinese officials for all the sports .

  23. 不属于主要联合会(尤指棒球)的运动队的联盟。

    A league of teams that do not belong to a major league ( especially baseball ) .

  24. 格雷瑟表示,有更多的运动队和联盟需要应用商学院教授的那种管理原理。

    According to Prof greyser , more sports teams and leagues need to apply the kind of management principles taught in business schools .

  25. 寻求在政治上代表反叛运动的叙利亚全国联盟,从来没有机会替代阿萨德的统治,或者如其宗旨那样,成为叙利亚人民的代表。

    The Syrian National Coalition that sought to be the political face of the rebel movement never had a chance to play the role of the alternative or , as it is designated , the representative , for the Syrian people .

  26. 国际抵抗运动和被放逐者运动联盟

    International Union of Resistance and Deportee Movements

  27. 新社会运动虽然目前还面临着各种问题,但是其同左翼运动“红绿联盟”的可能性,将对今后世界政治格局的变化关系重大。

    Though new social movement is now still faced with various problems , the possibility of it and left wing movement red-green alliance will concern the change oft .

  28. 在这个消息公布之前,反对党争取民主变革运动宣布,它相信自己的领导人茨万吉拉伊在总统竞选中赢得50%以上的选票。津巴布韦选举委员会公布的最新结果显示,争取民主变革运动及其联盟将在议会中占有具有历史意义和微弱的多数。

    The Zimbabwe Election Commission 's latest results indicate that the MDC and its allies will have an historic , small , parliamentary majority .