
yùn dònɡ jù lè bù
  • sporting club;athletic club
  1. 泽尼斯运动俱乐部里的那种神经质的健谈和自以为是的态度从他们身上消失了

    The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them .

  2. 那天中午,他心怀鬼胎地注意运动俱乐部的那些人。

    He suspiciously watched the men at the Athletic Club that noon .

  3. 客人可以去纽约运动俱乐部(newyorksportsclub),从酒店步行只需5分钟,它可以把你和生活在曼哈顿的人联系在一起。

    Instead guests can use the New York Sports Club , a five-minute walk from the hotel , connecting you with people living in Manhattan .

  4. 长跑运动员MoFarah显然用了冷冻疗法,大多数一流的运动俱乐部同样如此。冷冻疗法究竟是什么样的呢?

    Mo Farah apparently uses cryotherapy , as do most top-flight sport clubs . What 's it actually like ?

  5. 纽约运动俱乐部(NewYorkSportsClubs)的母公司城镇运动国际(TownSportsInternational)最新的一份年度股东备案文件显示,公司有49.7万名会员,全年的健身人次是2910万,即平均每名会员每月去五次。

    The last annual shareholder filing from Town Sports International , the parent company of New York Sports Clubs , showed the company had 497000 members making 29.1 million annual visits ; that is , the average member visited five times a month .

  6. 虽然AFT早期向运动俱乐部积极宣传他们的产品,但是他们并没有继续努力。

    Although AFT had been active in their promotions with sports clubs in the early days , they hadn 't kept up their efforts .

  7. 国际奥委会成员、美国人埃弗里·布伦戴奇(AveryBrundage)(后来成了国际奥委会的主席)据报道曾告诉德国人,他自己在芝加哥的运动俱乐部拒绝接纳犹太人。

    the American Avery Brundage , an I.O.C. member and later its president , reportedly told the Germans that his own sports clubs in Chicago excluded Jews .

  8. 戴维·巴顿健身房是橄榄绿、紫罗兰色和太空黑的合奏;纽约运动俱乐部(NewYorkSportsClub)是干净的白色搭配糖果红色,那种红色与巴里训练营(Barry’sBootcamp)魅惑的深红色全然不同。

    There is the chartreuse and violet and space-black thrum of David Barton Gym , and the clean white with candy red accents of New York Sports Club - a red wholly different from the sensual deep red ping of Barry 's Bootcamp .

  9. 四岁开始练习体操,7岁加入拜仁州的TSVUnterhaching运动俱乐部。1995年开始,他在慕尼黑国家竞赛中心一直接受教练KurtSzilier的训练。

    Nguyen began gymnastics at the age of four , and at seven joined TSV Unterhaching . Since 1995 , he has trained in the regional training center in Munich .

  10. 玩摇柄需要一辆摇柄车(krankcycle),而目前纽约只有很少地方能找到,其中一个是位于哥伦布大道上的“锐步运动俱乐部”(ReebokSportsClub)。艾利·华盛顿

    To experience Kranking ® , you 'll need a Krankcycle ® , and , for the moment , one of the few places you can find one in New York is at the Reebok Sports Club / NY , on Columbus Avenue .

  11. 伦敦的“王之路”运动俱乐部是第一批销售FitFlops人字拖商店的其中一家,头三天就卖出了700多双。

    The King 's Road Sporting Club ( KRSC ) in London , which was one of the first stores to stock FitFlops , sold more than 700 pairs in the first three days .

  12. 在周四他和运动俱乐部的朋友们会面。

    On Thursdays he meets his friends at the Sports Club .

  13. 本规程解释权归上海铁人三项运动俱乐部所有。

    Shanghai Triathlon Club reserves all rights on the explanation of this brochure .

  14. 建议成立航海运动俱乐部,更新原有的航海运动设施,并提出增强学员各项素质的建议和措施。

    The paper suggests setting up navigation clubs and renewing navigation sports equipment .

  15. 过了今年,我们就要放弃运动俱乐部的会员资格了。

    We 're going to give up our sports club membership after this year .

  16. 但是去年,哈利发现他家附近有一家新开的跳伞运动俱乐部。

    But last year Harry found a new skydiver 's club near his home .

  17. 基于邻域设施的城市户外运动俱乐部网站的区位取向

    Location selection of outdoor sport club websites in cities that based on neighborhood facilities

  18. 他们想加入运动俱乐部。

    They want to join the sports club .

  19. 他在运动俱乐部老是独树一帜。

    At the Athletic Club he became experimental .

  20. 他正式介绍我加入运动俱乐部。

    He initiated me into the sports club .

  21. 沈阳市户外运动俱乐部发展现状的调查研究

    Present Situation of Shenyang Outdoor Activity Club

  22. 她参加了水下运动俱乐部。

    She belongs to a subaqua club .

  23. 并对如何实现真正意义上的武术运动俱乐部一体化改革进行了深入分析。

    It also makes further analysis of how to implement reform of Wushu clubs practically .

  24. 课外活动有像运动俱乐部、语言社团也都很受欢迎。

    Afterschool activities , such as sports clubs and language societies are popular , too .

  25. 我们有许多运动俱乐部。

    We have many sports clubs .

  26. 户外运动俱乐部规范发展探究&以湖南省为例

    Discussion on Development of Outdoor Sport Clubs in China & Taking Hunan Province as an Example

  27. 把运动俱乐部指给我看。

    Show me the sports club .

  28. 西柏:他们希望弟弟参加本地一个运动俱乐部,定期做些运动。

    Sibyl : They want to make him join one of the local sports clubs and get some regular exercise .

  29. 之后,她在她的运动俱乐部交了一群新朋友,还爱上了潜水运动。

    After that , she made a new group of friends at her sports club and took up scuba diving .

  30. 青年发展规划:当地运动俱乐部在周末利用都立高中的体育设施开展活动。

    Local youth development programs include the use of sports facilities at metropolitan high schools on the weekend by local sports clubs .