
  • 网络QUALITY LIFE;Good living;Consumer Lifestyle
  1. 理想的环境是优质生活的重要元素。

    A good environment is vital for a quality life .

  2. 当前,人们对生态问题的关注超过了历史上任何时期,这既是大自然向人类敲响的警钟,也是人类追求优质生活的需要。

    At present , people of ecological problems concern over any period in our history , this is the alarm which sounds to human nature , but also the need of human pursue high quality life .

  3. 只为优质生活。

    For a better life .

  4. 公司的发展目标是:致力于成为现代厨房优质生活用品全球著名连锁商。

    The company 's goal is to become a modern kitchen life quality products worldwide famous supplier chain .

  5. 愿更多的人士来加盟我们的事业,共享科技成果,共享优质生活!

    I wish more personages do the livelihood joining in our cause , sharing scientific and technological achievement , sharing high grade !

  6. 印度经济的欣欣向荣,使很多人挤进了富裕阶层,也有了优质生活的品味。

    As an economic boom propels more people in India into the ranks of the wealthy , they are acquiring a taste for the good life .

  7. 和你养生优质生活,请记住,你丈夫是一个人愿意照顾你,承受你的人生考验。

    And maitain you good quality lives , remember , your husband is one person who willing look after you and bear test in your life .

  8. 也许您和千千万万的人一样,发现一份普通的工作无法带给您既有钱、又有闲的优质生活。

    Maybe you and millions of people , can not find a regular job to bring you not only money , but also leisure and quality of life .

  9. 为了达致为客户提供优质生活的目标,均全一贯的政策在于不断提升质素及推陈出新,以迎合地产市场上日新月异的需求及潮流。

    To achieve the goal of providing quality of life , are all long-standing policy is to continuously improve quality and introduce new production capacity to meet changing market needs and trends .

  10. 在这样一个将优质生活理想化的国家,繁琐的工作现实、等待每月薪水,或者是退休后的百无聊赖,都更难以接受。

    In a country that idealizes the good life , the reality of drudgery and waiting for the monthly pay check , or of solitude in retirement , may be harder to accept .

  11. 我们会告诉孩子,只要考上了大学你将过上吃穿不愁的优质生活,而没有这些学习,你想都不要想了。

    We tell our children that if only they go to college they are set for life , they will earn a premium over and above what they could have earned without those extra years of study .

  12. 其实绿色经济,以环保为切入点,配合政府挂在口边的优质生活,应该大有可为,只是预算案仅是开了题目,未见如何具体擘划。

    As " the quality of life " is always on officials'lips , there is much the government can do in this area . However , the Budget only glances at it and includes no concrete plans .

  13. 通过对生活小区的智能化管理要求的分析,提出了一种由用户控制器、主控计算机及相关线路组成的智能化生活小区安全防范报警和优质生活服务管理多用控制系统。

    According to analyzing the requirement of living area 's intelligent management , the article puts forward the multiple control system of security defence and high-quality living service for intelligent living area . This kind of system consists of user 's controller , chief-controlling computer and relative circuit .

  14. 优质的生活有时与外在的处境毫无关系。

    The good life sometimes has little to do with outside circumstances .

  15. 学院为在校师生创造了优质的生活环境和学习空间。

    Colleague provides high grade habitation and study space for teachers and students .

  16. 通过回答这些问题,我们可以提供给自己更好的优质的生活。

    By answering these questions , we can provide to their own quality of life better .

  17. 高层宅间多变有序的空间,带来优质的生活体验;

    The courtyards between highrise buildings have been provided with varied landscape which bring experience of superior life .

  18. 是次活动旨在令市民了解常做运动对身体健康的好处。以维持身体健康和优质的生活。

    The activity aimed to increase the public 's understanding of the benefits of exercising for maintaining a healthy and quality life .

  19. 虽然这些患者的移植手术操作较一般情况困难,大多数还是延长了生存期并获得了优质的生活。

    Although the transplantation procedure was more difficult than usual in these patients , most achieved prolonged survival and a good quality of life .

  20. 希望特百惠的优质家居生活用品是改善和创造您美好生活和家居的好机会。

    I hope that the Tupperware Life Style product has given you the opportunity to improve and make m o re beautiful your daily life and your home .

  21. 而从那一刻开始,我知道我一定要好好学经济学,因为我的理想就是可以帮助世界上的人得到更优质的生活。

    Since the moment I know I will learn better in economics , because my ideal is to provide assistance to persons in the world better quality of life .

  22. 综合租用成本大大降低,同样的投入可以获得更大的办公空间;员工的工作生活配套费用也远比市中心要低,无需多加花费便可尽享优质商务生活;

    Staff 's work life necessary expense also far must be lower than the town center , does not need to spend then may enjoy the high quality commercial life ;

  23. 人们希望通过城市设计的手段,从整体上控制和引导城市形态的发展,并利用建筑立面的表现力来丰富城市形象,创造优质的生活环境。

    People expect to take the urban development under control holistically by urban design , beside , use the elevation of buildings to enrich city image , thereby creating a quality living environment .

  24. 英达尔的使命,为运动员提供优质的生活质量,根据每项合约纪律,通过文化和教育,领导健康和竞技体育。

    INDAR MISSION To provide a better Life Quality for athletes , through culture and education based on the roots of each contact discipline , leading to a healthy and competitive sport that .

  25. 少了精致的五官,坚实的背景,优质的生活,但依然可以努力创造自己美好的未来,白手起家。

    Without exquisite facial features and taste , without strong background , without affluent life , what we can do is try our best to built our amazing future , from rags to riches .

  26. 在国家层面我们做出这样的承诺,让数百万人民脱离了贫困,让我们享有新的自由和自主,有机会享受更长久、更优质的生活。

    These promises we made as a nation have saved millions of our own people from poverty and hardship , allowing us new freedom , new independence , and the chance to live longer , better lives .

  27. 但是传统的水处理方法仍然不能满足人们对水质的需求,所以采用新的处理技术来获得优质的生活和生产用水就显得非常必要。

    The another important means is increasing the water quality , but the conventional treatment methods of water cann 't satisfy the requirement of people , so it is necessary to acquire high quality water of production and life with the new treatment methods of water .

  28. 各系列白电产品生产规模和技术在业内处于领先地位,致力为全球广大消费者提供优质的家居生活环境。

    Midea production scale and technology of various kinds of white good application are at the leading edge of the industry .

  29. 为顾客提供优质服务,提升生活质素及为我们所在小区的发展作出贡献。

    Provide excellent value to our customers , enhancing their quality of life , and contributing to development of the communities in which we operate .

  30. 过一种优质而高尚的生活,那样,当你逐渐老去,回首往事时,才会再次体味到生命的意义。

    Live a good , honorable life . Then when you get older and think back , you 'll get to enjoy it a second time .