
zuò yǐ
  • seat
座椅[zuò yǐ]
  1. 儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。

    Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt .

  2. 她挤进了旅客座椅中。

    She wedged herself into the passenger seat .

  3. 我唤她的名字时,她坐在座椅上转过身来。

    She twisted in her chair when I called her name .

  4. 他把外衣搭在座椅背上。

    He draped his coat over the back of the chair .

  5. 这款汽车的座椅有黑红两种颜色。

    The car is available with black or red trim .

  6. 他们在飞机上安装了经过改良的座椅。

    They retrofitted the plane with improved seating .

  7. 她系着座椅安全带吗?

    Was she wearing a seat belt ?

  8. 他们需要检查座椅与飞机舱面固定接头的强度。

    They had to check the strength of the seat attachments to the floor of the plane .

  9. 只负责安装好汽车座椅吗?

    Does responsibility end at the fitting of car seats ?

  10. 另外一辆车的驾驶座椅低了3英寸,引擎更加靠前。

    The other car had a 3-inch lower driving seat and had its engine mounted further forward .

  11. 那些通过浏览网络,观看电视、DVD以及阅读书籍来了解不同国家、文化以及风俗的人就叫做“座椅游客”或者“神游族”。

    Someone who stays at home but experiences travel by surfing the Internet , watching TV , DVDs and reading books about different countries , cultures and customs are called armchair tourist .

  12. 斯塔普是力主在汽车上采用座椅安全带的早期倡导者。

    Stapp became a strong early proponent of automobile seat belts .

  13. 你觉得怎么样?“拥抱座椅”看着舒服不?

    What do you think - does the cuddle chair look comfortable ?

  14. 请您将座椅靠背和桌面托盘调直以便起飞。

    We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off .

  15. 这个木结构周围的几十个柱坑似乎与木座椅的多层结构相吻合,这些木椅层在法律文件中也有描述。

    Dozens of postholes around the structure appear to correspond with tiers of wooden seating , which were also described in the legal documents .

  16. 基于智能PID控制的车辆磁流变阻尼器座椅悬架研究

    Simulation Research on Intelligent PID Control Based Vehicle Magneto-Rheological Seat Suspension

  17. 汽车座椅布置设计CAD系统的研制

    Development of CAD System for Automotive Seat Layout Design

  18. 手扶拖拉机X型悬架座椅的研究

    Research of walking tractor X type seat suspension

  19. 并且用MATLAB软件包及Robust-Control-Toolbox对座椅悬架系统进行了仿真分析。

    MATLAB and Robust Control Toolbox were used for the simulation analyse of the vehicle seat system .

  20. 一个在二维世界中存在起作用的座椅是重力把人按在座椅上的,OK?

    A seat works in a two-dimensional world , where gravity blasts down on that seat , OK ?

  21. 在DesignWithinReach商店,他对丹麦建筑师芬·居尔(FinnJuhl)设计的一把鹈鹕座椅(Pelicanchair)体现出的那种夸张感官享受赞不绝口。

    At Design Within Reach , he admired the exaggerated sensuality of the Pelican chair by the Danish architect Finn Juhl .

  22. 在随机生成的B级路面上使该车以不同的车速匀速行驶,测试驾驶员座椅处的由路面不平度传递来的振动加速度。

    The car was controlled with a different speed at a constant speed in randomly generated Class B road to test the vibration acceleration by the road roughness in driver seat .

  23. PTT座椅类装饰用织物的应用研究

    The Application Research of PTT Seat-Used Decorative Fabric

  24. 介绍采用ER流体的筒式半主动座椅减振器车辆的平顺性模拟。

    A robotic sliding mode controller is formulated to control the seat vibration based on the Bingham model for ER fluid materials .

  25. 基于仿真训练器的驾驶员座椅振动信号分析的ActiveX实现

    The ActiveX technology used for analysing vibration signal of the driver 's chair based on training simulator

  26. 基于MBS的剪式座椅垂向刚度特性比较分析

    Comparison and analysis on vertical stiffness of scissors linkage seats by simulation based on MBS

  27. 基于MBS的剪式座椅静态和动态特性仿真研究

    Simulation Research on the Static and Dynamic Characteristics of a Scissors Linkage Seat Based on MBS

  28. 宝来A4轿车座椅项目可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study for Bora A4 Seat Project

  29. 今年9月,本田汽车推出了多用途车杰德(Jade),该款车型特意为中国市场设计了一个三排座椅版,以迎合中国消费者对车内空间的要求。

    In September , it launched the Jade , a multi-purpose vehicle with a three-row-seat version for China to cater local preference to roomy space .

  30. 将MonteCarlo数值模拟技术与虚拟试验技术的结合,实现随机动力学方程的间接求解,获得大样本条件下的座椅系统传递率T随机数列;

    Combining Monte Carlo method with the virtual test technology , its random equations are solved indirectly and the random data set about the chair bumper is obtained .