
zuò zhōng
  • table clock;desk clock
座钟 [zuò zhōng]
  • [desk clock] 不能悬挂,只供摆放于桌面或台面的钟表

座钟[zuò zhōng]
  1. 这座钟是珍藏。

    This clock is a collector 's item .

  2. 那座钟快十分钟。

    That clock 's ten minutes fast .

  3. 他无意中发现座钟不摇摆了。

    He accidentally found that the desk clock did not swing its pendulum .

  4. n.壁炉台壁炉台上摆著一个座钟和两个花瓶。

    mantelpiece A clock and two vases stood on the mantelpiece .

  5. 在修复他的偶像Breguet制作于19世纪的座钟的同时,他还制作了两台同样风格的座钟,仅仅为了证明他可以战胜这位制表大师。

    While restoring the timepieces made by his idol Breguet in the 19th century , he had made two clocks in the same style , just to prove he could beat the master .

  6. 座钟指着七点二十&该是十九点二十啦。

    The clock 's hands said seventeen-twenty : it was nineteen-twenty really .

  7. 座钟敲了一下,老鼠跑了下来!

    The clock struck one , the mouse ran down !

  8. 这就是为什么每个联邦快递办公室里都有一座钟。

    That 's why every FedEx office has a clock .

  9. 那个落地大座钟正敲6点。

    It is just striking six on the grandfather clock .

  10. 壁炉台上摆着一个座钟和两个花瓶。

    A clock and two vases stood on the mantelpiece .

  11. 在老式落地座钟里面有一个大钟摆在摆来摆去。

    A large pendulum swung back and forth inside the grandfather clock .

  12. 它只是爷爷房间里的一座钟。

    It 's just a clock that Grandpa had in his house .

  13. 此时他看到那座钟开始摇摆。

    Now he saw this bell begin to swing .

  14. 他们把那有钟摆的落地大座钟放那里…

    And they put those grandfather clocks there and ...

  15. 那不是一块手表,而是一个座钟。

    It 's not a watch but a clock .

  16. 给这座钟再上两圈发条。

    Give the clock another couple of winds .

  17. 那座钟的时针、分针都对着十二(正午或午夜)。

    The clock hands pointed to twelve , ie it was noon or midnight .

  18. 这座钟有50米高。

    And the clock is fifty metres high !

  19. 他注意到壁炉架上的座钟已是九点了,那就是说二十一点。

    He noticed that the clock on the mantelpiece said nine , meaning twenty-one .

  20. 那座钟慢半个小时。

    The clock 's half an hour slow .

  21. 这座钟每天快3分钟。

    The clock gains three minutes a day .

  22. 这座钟是一件艺术品。

    The clock is a work of art .

  23. 母亲很喜欢墙上的那座钟。

    Mother loved the clock on that wall .

  24. 很抱歉说这事,不过这座钟不会走。

    I am sorry to say this , but the clock does not work .

  25. 那是一座钟还是一块表?

    Is that a clock or a watch ?

  26. 这座钟一天快一分钟。

    The clock gains one minute a day .

  27. 那个座钟是祖传下来的。

    That clock is a family heirloom .

  28. 这座钟每小时报时一次。

    This clock strikes the hours .

  29. 温斯顿醒来时,座钟的指针就要悄然转到九点钟。

    When Winston woke up the hands of the clock had crept round to nearly nine .

  30. 现在,您请看这座钟,它是用电转动的,走得十分准确,可跟最完善、最准确的钟表比赛。

    Now , look at that clock : it 's electric , it runs with an accuracy rivaling the finest chronometers .