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  1. 大连开发区琴桥是1座主跨度112m的独塔竖琴式单索面单背索斜拉桥,该桥主塔结构形式独特,背索的索塔锚固区受力复杂。

    Qin Bridge locates in Dalian development zone . It 's a 120m long bridge single pylon and single back-stays .

  2. 尖拱从此后来居上,构成这座主教堂的其余部分。

    The pointed arch , mistress since that time , constructed the rest of the church .

  3. 南京长江第三大桥是我国第一座主塔采用钢结构形式的斜拉桥。

    Nanjing Third Yangzi River Bridge is the first cable-stayed bridge in China of which the main tower is in the form of steel structure .

  4. 而我们对巴黎这座主教堂的描述,应当适合于中世纪基督教的所有一切教堂。

    And what we say of the Cathedral Church of paris , must be said of all the churches of Christendom in the middle ages .

  5. 徽杭高速公路长河大桥是一座主跨度为75m+130m+75m三跨变高度预应力混凝土连续刚构箱梁桥。

    The Changhe bridge on Anhui-Hangzhou expressway has a tri-span of 75 + 130 + 75m . It is a continuous box beam bridge with variable cross-section , made of prestressed reinforced concrete .

  6. 北盘江大桥是一座主跨636m钢桁梁悬索桥,钢桁梁由钢桁架及桥面系组成,是一种目前国内较为新颖的大跨度悬索桥主梁结构形式。

    The North-pan River Bridge is a steel trussed girder suspended highway bridge , with the main span of 636 meters ; the steel trussed girder is made up of the steel truss and deck hitch , in currently novel kingpost structural style .

  7. 介绍了由2条城市轨道交通线共用1座110kV主变电所实现资源共享的工程实例。

    The 110 kV main substation resources are usually shared by two urban rail lines in Shanghai .

  8. 关于港口门座起重机主臂架失稳控制的探讨

    Inquiry on the Stability Control of the Main Boom of Portal Crane

  9. MQ16&30型门座起重机主臂架弯折原因的分析

    Reason of Main Boom of MQ 16 & 30 Gantry Crane Bending

  10. 广东东莞东江大桥主桥是一座三主桁双层桥面刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁,这是一种较为新颖的桥梁结构形式,它同时具备悬索桥与钢桁架桥的优点。

    The main bridge of Dongguan Dongjiang bridge is a three main trusses steel bridge with rigid cable , is a new double-deck bridge structural style . , It possess advantages of both suspension bridge and steel truss bridge .

  11. 本文针对水工结构构件的实际配筋率资料亟缺的现状,对4座电站主厂房的结构构件配筋率进行了调研及统计分析。

    For the fact that the data about member 's real reinforcement ratio of hydraulic structures are very short , the investigation and study and statistical analysis of reinforcement ratio is made for main workshop structures of hydropower stations in this paper .

  12. 兴建的,校园内最著名的建筑物是老图书馆(OldLibrary)。有些人将这座图书馆的主室,也就是众所周知的长屋(LongRoom),叫做“书籍的教堂”,这是因为其木制拱形天

    Some have called the library 's main chamber , known as the Long Room , a " cathedral of the book " because of its timbered barrel-vaulted ceiling and shelving that resembles

  13. 门座式起重机主臂架折断的原因分析

    Cause Analysis of a Fracture of the Portal Crane Main Jib

  14. 大型平板定轮钢闸门止水座板及主轮轴孔加工新工艺

    New Technique for Processing Board Fixed Water Stop and Axle Hole in Major Wheels for Large - Sized Plain Steel Gate with Fixed - Wheels

  15. 居住区内还设有4500座运动员村主餐厅、综合服务中心、体能训练中心及自助洗衣中心等配套服务设施。

    The Residential Zone is also equipped with auxiliary service facilities such as4,500-seat Main Dining Hall , a Service Center , Leisure and Recreation Centre and Self-laundry Center , etc.

  16. 可以查到的几座三塔双主跨或多塔多主跨铁路斜拉桥都是部分斜拉桥,索塔只起到加劲作用,而且跨度都不大。

    Several retrievable railway cable-stayed bridges with three towers and double main spans or multiple towers and multiple main spans are part cable-stayed bridges in which towers only have stiffening effect and spans are not large .

  17. 海口世纪大桥是一座在建的主跨340m的双塔双斜索面预应力混凝土斜拉桥。

    The Century Bridge is a reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge with double pylons , doube cable planes and a main span of 340m .

  18. 雇工们入了座,她在主座上坐下。这样,她和他们既坐在一起,又保持一点距离。

    The farm workers took their seats , and she sat at the top of the table , so that she was with them , but a little apart .

  19. 一座桥梁连接着主街道和国王与王后勒菲绨缇及他们的六个女儿居住的寝宫。

    A bridge over the main street connected it to the king 's private residence which Akhenaton shared with his queen , Nefertiti , and with their six daughters .

  20. 辽宁省阜新市新建成的4座橡胶坝、主河槽与游览路、河堤和防洪抢险路与城市中心段已有的5座桥和城区排污暗管一起,将城区污水排入下游的污水处理厂。

    There is 4 rubber dams , main riverbed and visiting-ways , riverbank and flood prevention salvage road . There are 5 bridges in the center of Fuxin city , and the limber pipes of city zone are connected into the sewage factory by underground pipes .