
  • 网络Seat heating;Heat Seat
  1. 基于PIC单片机的汽车座椅加热系统

    PIC Microcontroller-based Seat Heating System in Automotive

  2. 仅限于有座椅加热装置的车辆!

    Only in cars with seat heating !

  3. 碳纤维在汽车座椅加热中的应用

    Application of Carbon Fiber in Heating of Automotive Seat

  4. 汽车座椅加热试验设备的研制

    Testing Equipment For Car-seat Heater

  5. 如果投诉“座椅加热装置无法工作”,请按以下说明进行操作。

    In the case of the complaint " seat heating does not function ", proceed according to the following work instruction .

  6. 有关缝纫机的电气方面的修理、维修应由有资格的电气技术人员或专家的监督和指导下进行。确认故障后进行维修改进,专业技术人员将改进座椅加热系统线路并加装安全保险。

    Repair and maintenance works of electrical components shall be conducted by qualified electric technicians or under the audit and guidance of specially skilled personnel . As a way of improvement , an additional fuse will be installed to the seat heating circuitry to ensure the safety .

  7. 靠背的宽度和大腿支撑可以根据个体需要来进行选择,座椅的加热系统也支持不同的设置。

    Settings for backrest width and thigh support can be varied , as can the settings for the seat heating system .

  8. 最近,达沃斯附近的一个度假村开设了一种新型缆车,上面装有传感器,可以在游客进入缆车车厢之前调整座椅高度,并加热座椅,同时在短短8分钟车程内提供免费的WIFI网络。

    A resort near Davos recently opened a new chairlift that comes equipped with sensors that adjust the seat height before the skier boards , heated seats -- and free public Wi-Fi for the 8 minute ride to the top .