
  • crystal lamp;chandelier;Crystal
  1. 典雅大气的欧式门窗设计,巨大璀璨的水晶灯,独特的剧院式舞台设计,实现了“宫廷婚礼”的梦想。

    Elegant and graceful European doors and windows , gleaming crystal chandelier and unique theatre stage make the dream of royal wedding come ture .

  2. 天顶的水晶灯似乎正无声地诉说着历史与文化感,繁复的花叶透射着古典的美;

    The sense of history and culture is revealed by the crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the elaborate floral leaves portray the classic beauty .

  3. 漂亮的水晶灯?

    And the beautiful crystal Chandeliers ?

  4. 垂饰规格有讲究水晶灯的垂饰规格是否统一关系重大。

    Lappet norms has exquisite Whether does the lappet norms of crystalline light unite count for much .

  5. 主要有铁艺灯,贝壳灯,水晶灯和布罩样板灯。

    And the major products are iron-art lamps , shell lamp , crystal lamps and fabric lamps .

  6. 流苏垂直状的水晶灯流光溢彩,由于格子金属架的应用,能够随着灯光和角度的不同展现出多重的颜色。

    For the dividing vertical elements polychrome gold cristal , which reflects multiple tonalities depending on light and perspective , and metal lattice were used .

  7. 富贵水晶灯的灯杯是玻璃材料铸造而成,灯的底座采用高强度陶瓷石膏材料铸造成金边莲花叶状。

    Riches and honour of crystalline light lamp cup is vitreous material and the base of the lamp , ceramic gesso material USES high strength to phnom penh lotus leaf casting .

  8. 水晶装饰灯的灯光四射。

    The lights sparkled from crystal chandeliers .

  9. 座落于广东省中山古镇的尼好灯饰厂创立于2005年。是一家集开发,设计,生产及销售水晶蜡烛灯为一体的灯饰厂家。

    As a professional crystal candle lamps manufacturer which integrate the development , design , production , sale and customize all products according to samples from customers .

  10. 经过多年营销战略规划,公司陆续推出了四大特色主打灯饰系列:雍容华贵、金碧辉煌的“豪华型水晶全铜灯系列”;

    After many years of marketing strategy and planning , the company rolled out the four main characteristics Lighting Series : ó, resplendent " Luxury the entire copper crystal lamp ";