
  • 网络intangible cultural heritage;Intangible Heritage;Oral and Intangible Heritage
  1. 保护无形文化遗产国际公约

    International convention to safeguard intangible cultural heritage

  2. 摘要本文阐述了物质文化遗产和无形文化遗产之间的联系与区别,并从无形文化遗产的角度论述新疆十二木卡姆的历史传承、现存状况及其保护。

    This article firstly states the differences between physical cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage , then at the angle of intangible cultural heritage it discusses the history , present situation and reservation of twelve Mukam in xinjiang .

  3. 论无形文化遗产在旅游开发中的有形化利用

    Tangible Utilization and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tourism

  4. 韩国无形文化遗产的保护与传承

    Protection and Inheritance of Invisible Cultural Heritage in South Korea

  5. 我国民族民间无形文化遗产的法律保护

    Probing into the Legal Protection for National-and-folk Intangible Culture Heritage in China

  6. 中国西部地区民族无形文化遗产的保护

    A Study on the Preservation of the Intangible Cultural Heritages of the Western Regions of China

  7. 内蒙古拥有丰富多彩、底蕴浑厚的无形文化遗产,它们迫切需要立法保护。

    The invisible rich and varied culture legacies in Inner Mongolia are in urgent need of legal protection .

  8. 我国丰富多彩的民族民间无形文化遗产迫切需要加强法律保护。

    In China it is urgent that strengthening legal protection for the abundant and variable national-and-folk intangible culture heritage .

  9. 第一部分:讨论了非物质文化遗产的概念、特征、功用、类型;针对人类无形文化遗产的丰富性、模糊性的特征,对图书馆功能与非物质文化遗产知识的关系给予必要的定位。

    In view of the richness and fuzziness of the cultural heritage , it determines the necessary position between library functions and the knowledge of non-physical cultural heritage .

  10. 国家、组织和公民个人等都是民族民间无形文化遗产的保护主体并各自具有相应的保护义务。

    State , organization and individual citizen are all the protection main body of these heritages , each undertakes appropriate protective obligation within the limits of law prescribed authority .

  11. 在关于无形文化遗产的保护中,有诸如非物质文化遗产、传统知识、民间文学艺术等不同概念的表述,我们可以将这些都归纳到民族民间传统文化的范畴。

    On the protection of intangible cultural heritage , such as the non-material cultural heritage , traditional knowledge , folklore , such as the concept of different interpretations , we will be able to these are included traditional folk culture areas .

  12. 从这个意义上讲,我们艺术院校培养的学生,不能适应社会对无形文化遗产保护工作的需要,实际上已经存在保护工作的需要和人才培养之间的供需矛盾。

    In this sense , students coming out of these art universities and colleges are unlikely to become professionals required for the protection of intangible cultural heritages , which has in fact already created the supply-and-demand contradiction in professionals specialized in such protection and management .

  13. 青海“花儿”和“拉伊”是劳动人民即兴口头创作的智慧结晶,更是人类无形的文化遗产和稀有瑰宝。

    Qinghai'hua'er'and'Layi'is the working people extemporaneously oral work wisdom crystallization , is humanity 's invisible cultural heritage and the rare treasure .

  14. 我们日常所说的民俗即非物质文化遗产,它是人类思想、艺术的结晶,具有宝贵的价值,是人类无形的文化遗产。

    Our daily said the " folk ", that is , the intangible cultural heritage , it is the crystallization of the human mind , art , with precious values , is human intangible cultural heritage .

  15. 通过解剖典型的个案,概括出作为无形文化资产(遗产)的文学,从无形转为有形的物化形态,衍生为产业链,从而走向当代价值实现的三个重要前提条件;

    By means of case analysis , the paper sums up three premises for the transfer of literature as intangible cultural capital into tangible materials as an industrial chain .