
  • 网络Pollution-free energy;clean energy
  1. 太阳能是全社会公认的绿色无污染能源,并且认为是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    Solar is deemed as a green , non-polluting and inexhaustible energy .

  2. 太阳能无污染能源,用其替代不可再生能源最好不过了。

    Solar energy being non-pollution energy , it is best taking the place of the non-renewable energy .

  3. 地热资源是一种新型无污染能源,具有极高的开采价值,已经受到世界各国的关注.太阳能无污染能源,用其替代不可再生能源最好不过了。

    Geothermal resources is a new type of non pollution energy , with a high value of exploitation .

  4. 使用这些无污染能源对保护环境起到了重要作用。

    The use of these pollution-free energy resources plays an important role in the protection of the environment .

  5. 太阳能是一种清洁无污染能源,是重要的可再生能源。

    Sustainable utilization of solar energy as a clean and pollution-free energy , and is an important renewable energy .

  6. 麦凯恩表示,核电是一项无污染能源,也将是解决气候变化的关键。他还对奥巴马进行了嘲讽。

    McCain said nuclear power was a clean source of energy that would be key to battling climate change and mocked Obama .

  7. 太阳能是一种有吸引力及可接受的无污染能源,而由太阳能电池产生电能受制于气候条件,是一种不稳定的能源。

    Solar energy is considered to be an attractive and acceptable clean power source despite its unstability that the AC electric power generated from solar cells largely depends on weather conditions .

  8. 海底生物燃料电池是一种新型无污染能源技术,利用细菌新陈代谢降解海泥中的有机物和无机物,从而产生电流。

    Benthonic microbial fuel cell ( BMFC ) is a special kind of non-polluting energy technology . The metabolism of bacteria reduces the organic and inorganic matter in the sediments , while produces current .

  9. 水电是一种清洁环保、无污染的能源。

    Hydropower is a clean , environmental protecting and non-polluting energy .

  10. 作为一种高效无污染的能源,氢气在未来具有广阔的发展前景。

    Hydrogen has broad prospects in future because of high efficiency and free of pollution .

  11. 绿色电力产生于风力、地热、太阳能以及其它可持续的、无污染的能源。

    Green electricity is generated from wind , geothermal , solar and other sustainable , non-polluting power sources .

  12. 地源热泵是一种性能良好,清洁无污染的能源利用技术。

    Ground source heat pump is a kind of energy utilization technology of good performance and pollution-free clean .

  13. 作为可再生、无污染的能源-风能,越来越成为世界新能源的一个重要的发展方向。

    Wind power as a renewable , non-polluting energy , has became an important department in the world .

  14. 他想要探索宇宙的演化过程、出无污染的能源形式,并且研发轻薄短小却又坚韧的奈米材料。

    He wonders about exploring the processes of the universe , generating nonpolluting forms of power and developing lightweight but strong nanoscale materials .

  15. 太阳能热泵结合了太阳能的清洁性、可再生性和热泵的节能性,是一种节能、无污染的能源利用系统。

    Solar heat pump combined with solar energy of the clean , renewable and energy-efficient heat pump , and is an energy-saving and pollution-free energy system .

  16. 传统的化石能源存在不可再生及严重污染环境等问题,发展无污染可再生能源成为彻底解决能源问题的唯一出路。

    The traditional fossil energy is non-renewable energy sources and causes serious environmental pollution . The only way out is to develop non-polluted and renewable power sources .

  17. 生物质能是清洁、无污染的能源,是太阳能的一种表现形式,其中生物乙醇被认为是最具有发展前景的替代能源之一。

    Bio-energy is one form of the solar energy , which is regarded as clean and environmental friendly . Above all , bio-ethanol is the most promising one .

  18. 21世纪以来,化石燃料的日益短缺需要我们寻找新的储量充分、可再生的能源;温室效应、水质污染等需要我们用清洁无污染的能源去进行日常的生产生活。

    Since 21st century , the increasing shortage of fossil fuels , greenhouse effect and water pollution prompted us to look for a new , clean and renewable energy .

  19. 并指出电磁作为一种独特无污染的能源,利用其进行材料成形将成为未来发展的趋势之一。

    Then it is proposed that , as a particular resource without pollution , the application of electromagnetism in the forming of materials will be one of the trends in the future .

  20. 河海大学和南京玻纤院等研制的太阳能加热装置,可以作为海水淡化装置中清洁、无污染的能源。

    The solar heating equipment invented by . Zhang can be used as a good energy source , which is clean and brings no pollution to the environment , for seawater desalination devices .

  21. 太阳能作为一种可再生无污染生态能源是未来替代能源的重要组成部分,世界各国的能源战略中,都把太阳能作为解决后石油时代的一种新能源。

    Solar energy as a renewable non-polluting eco-energy is an important component of the future of alternative energy . All countries take the solar energy as a new energy after the age of oil .

  22. 该系统不消耗化石能源,无污染,能源利用效率高,具有进一步理论研究的价值和推广应用潜力。

    The system did not consume fossil fuel and dissipate no pollutant with a high energy efficiency . It 's worthy further study and introduce to practical application to solve the power crisis in summer .

  23. 21世纪以来,传统能源短缺和环境污染成为了制约经济发展的主要问题,寻找无污染的能源变得越来越迫切。

    From the 21st century , the shortage of traditional energy and environmental pollution become the major problem of restricting the development of economic . So searching for pollution-free resources becomes more and more urgent .

  24. 近年来,由于大量使用化石燃料,严重污染环境。而且由于化石燃料匮乏,寻找一种新的、可再生的、无污染的能源是件迫在眉捷的事情。

    In recent years , because using a lot of fossil fuel has polluted environment and because fossil fuel is in short , it is an urgent thing to look for a renewable , clean energy .

  25. 液体压力能是一种无污染、可再生能源。

    Hydraulic energy is a kind of clean , renewable energy .

  26. 氢燃料是一种无污染的新型能源,但它存在高度的易燃性和易爆性。

    Hydrogen fuel is a new fuel which is non-polluting .

  27. 太阳能作为取之不竭、用之不尽、无污染的可再生能源已被人们广泛接受,太阳能光伏利用更为许多国家重视,光伏并网发电已成为太阳能光伏利用的发展趋势。

    Solar energy as the inexhaustible and pollution-free renewable energy is widely accepted .

  28. 太阳能作为一种清洁无污染的可再生能源,已经在全世界内得到了快速发展。

    As a clean and renewable energy , photovoltaic power developed quickly around the world .

  29. 开发无污染的新能源对未来社会的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    The new pollution-free energy plays a vital role in the further development of society .

  30. 太阳能是一种洁净、安全、无污染的可再生能源。

    The solar energy is a kind of clean , safe , non-pollution of renewable energy .