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  • trunk;boot
  1. 轿车行李箱密封条起皱问题的CAE分析及其优化

    CAE Analysis and Optimum of The Corrugation Problem in The Car Trunk Sealing Strip

  2. 本文利用高度非线性有限元分析软件MARC分析轿车行李箱密封条唇边的起皱问题,并对其结构及材料进行了优化。

    Corrugation problem in the car trunk sealing strip edges is analyzed with the highly non-linear finite element analysis software ( MARC ) . The structure and material is optimized .

  3. 我的行李箱还没收拾好呢。

    I haven 't packed my suitcase yet .

  4. 我帮她将包放进汽车行李箱里。

    I helped her stow her bags in the boot of the car

  5. 他打开行李箱把我带的包放了进去。

    He opened the boot to put my bags in

  6. 哈里斯从汽车行李箱里拿出一条绳子。

    Harris got a rope from the car boot .

  7. 特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。

    Troll 's exclusive , personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC / nylon

  8. 我帮她把行李箱拎上了楼。

    I helped her to carry the suitcase up the stairs .

  9. 他把汽车行李箱中所有废旧杂物都扔掉了。

    He threw away all the junk in the boot of his car .

  10. 我把行李放在汽车行李箱里。

    I put the luggage in the boot .

  11. 如果你liveoutofasuitcase,你的手提箱内通常只装有最基本的生活必备品和衣物。例句詹姆斯在接下来的几个月里要参加很多会议,到时候他真的得提着行李箱四处奔波了。

    With all the conferences to attend , James will literally1 be living out of a suitcase over the next few months .

  12. 阿精调车身颜色扰流是光滑集成在行李箱盖。

    A finely-tuned body-color spoiler is sleekly integrated in the deck lid .

  13. 我们出发去机场半个小后,我才意识到忘了拿行李箱。

    I realised that I had forgotten our suitcases half an hour after we set off for the airport .

  14. “软面行李箱”指才能出众、能同时处理多项任务的员工通常会接手一个又一个任务,就像软面行李箱一样可以拓展出空间来装更多的东西。

    Soft-sided luggage refers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment .

  15. 珍妮就像办公室里的软面行李箱一样,大部分的工作任务都由她接手,而且她都能处理好。

    For example : Jenny is like a soft-sided luggage in the office . She is taking most of the assignments and can always handle them properly .

  16. Hontus箱包公司计划今年秋季通过它的星球旅行者美国分部(PlanetTravelerUSA)推出太空箱1号智能行李箱系列(SpaceCase1)。

    Hontus Ltd. is slated to introduce its Space Case 1 smart luggage this fall through its Planet Traveler USA unit .

  17. 不久之前,行李箱的主要卖点还是耐用性——想想美旅箱包(AmericanTourister)广告里那只爱激动的大猩猩吧。

    It wasn 't long ago that the main selling point of a piece of luggage was its durability - think American Tourister and its rather excitable gorilla .

  18. 蟒纹的行李箱绝对让你潮爆机场,神马logo、色彩都不是它的对手。

    Python-patterned luggage let you rock airport . Logo , the color of its are not rivals .

  19. 高尔夫A3型轿车行李箱盖有限元计算与方案优化设计

    The FE Calculation and Optimum Plan of the Golf A3 Luggage Hold Cover

  20. FN轿车行李箱盖铰链受力分析及其在扭杆设计中的应用

    Mechanical Analysis of Trunk Lid Hinges of FN-Car and the Application to Torsion-Bar Design Alteration

  21. 他偶然发现了一款可用智能手机操控的随身行李箱,它有蓝牙锁、GPS定位服务以及可以给电子设备充电的USB接口。

    He stumbled across a carry-on bag controlled by smartphone - with a Bluetooth-enabled lock , GPS tracking and a USB port for recharging a device .

  22. 店主海伦和阿兰·芝萨尔(HelenandAlainZisul)也有保存完美的LV系列行李箱。

    Helen and Alain Zisul also offer a selection of perfectly preserved Louis Vuitton trunks .

  23. Andiamo箱包公司将推出一款新随身行李箱,它具备Wi-Fi热点和电池充电器等功能。

    Andiamo will introduce a new carry-on with a Wi-Fi hotspot , battery charger and other features .

  24. 她还说,公司正在考虑与法国航空公司(AirFrance)及各大机场合作,开发手提箱的追踪功能。该公司已获得生产法航联名行李箱的特许权。

    She also said that Delsey was exploring possible collaboration on the suitcases " tracking capability with Air France , with which it already has a licensing agreement for co-branded luggage , and with airports .

  25. 该公司的联合创始人杰西·波塔什(JessePotash)说,该公司将于今年夏末推出一款随身行李箱和一款手提箱。

    Jesse Potash , a co-founder , said it would release a carry-on and a suitcase in late summer .

  26. 出于上述担心,他把她“折叠”进一个行李箱里,并且放在回尼斯(Nice,法国南部)的火车行李架上。

    Because of these fears , he ' folded ' herinto a suitcase and placed her in the luggage rack of a train as he set offback to Nice , in southern France .

  27. 一个架子上放着一本名为《100个传奇行李箱》(100LegendaryTrunks)的书籍,打开的一页上写着艺术家和学者。

    On a shelf stood a book called 100 Legendary Trunks , open at a page marked , Artists and Scholars .

  28. 在接受英国版《Vogue》杂志采访时,这位前单向组合歌手说,泰勒“总是藏在行李箱里到处走”。

    In an interview with British Vogue , the former One Direction singer said Taylor was " always travelling around in a suitcase . "

  29. 该公司的首席执行官哈里·谢赫(HarrySheikh)说,除了手机操控的追踪系统外,这款行李箱还有数码锁、内置秤和蓝牙扬声器等功能。

    Besides cellular-enabled tracking , features will include a digital lock , built-in scale and Bluetooth speaker , said its chief executive , Harry Sheikh .

  30. 然后Vitas带了一个行李箱来到舞台上。

    Then Vitas came to the stage , carrying a small suitcase .