
  1. 然而,比起为伊朗国家队作原创设计的公司MahnzaArmin,格鲁吉亚的这家公司还算是轻松逃脱了。

    However , the company got off lightly compared to Mahnza Armin who came up with the original design for Iran .

  2. 原创设计不同于一般的设计活动。

    There are many differences between original design and general design .

  3. 推崇原创设计演绎时尚经典&2006马来西亚国际家具展

    Extol Original Designs Demonstrate Stylish Classics - A Review of MIFF 2006

  4. 我们提供原创设计及深化设计两种服务。

    We offer original design and designed to deepen the two services .

  5. 2005中国家具商贸之都杯家具原创设计大赛速递

    Surveying the 2005 Furniture Design Competition of China Merchandise and Trade Cup

  6. 家具的原创设计对于发展迅速、处境馗尬的中国家具业至关重要。

    The original design of furniture is important for Chinese furniture industry .

  7. 中国家具呼唤原创设计

    Chinese Furniture Industry Appeals for Original Design

  8. 我们现在做的就是中国的原创设计,包括传统文化的设计传承。

    We are now committed to original designs in China , including inheritance of traditional culture .

  9. 可提供珠光、金属质感等丰富的色系,从能再原创设计色彩的产品到膏状的半球形产品。

    An abundant color selection including pearl and metallic shades allows users to create original designs .

  10. 立柜上原创设计的特制拉手,与整体风格相得益彰。

    Original designed handles on the tall wall cabinet bring out the best match to the entire style .

  11. 中国能够模仿出世界各种风格的家具,缺乏的是根植于民族性的原创设计。

    Now we can copy all styles of the world while lack of original designs of our nation .

  12. 原创设计能力对家具企业增强自主性,提高市场竞争力极为重要。

    Enhancement of design capability is very important for a furniture enterprise to increase its independence and market competitiveness .

  13. 我们被鼓励做感染力强大的字体,但我们并没有修真正的原创设计。

    We were encouraged to be expressive with type , but we weren 't really tutored on the creation of original forms .

  14. 设计人才不足是制约原创设计的瓶颈,中国家具的原创设计必将在21世纪崛起。

    The lack of design talents is the bottleneck restriction in design . The original design of furniture will prevail in China .

  15. 我们启发,做高品质的原创设计服装,休闲服装,我们专注于男装和配件。

    We are inspired to do high quality , original design casual wear clothing and we focus on men 's wear and accessories .

  16. 约翰.凯利一直坚持原创设计,甚至为国际著名公司提供私人标签设计服务。

    Since his beginning John Kelly has been producing original designs , and has provided private label design services for a distinguished list of international companies .

  17. 它还与符号、名称、图像、商业设计有关。任何原创设计都受知识产权法保护。

    Intellectual property also relates to symbols , names , images and commercial designs . Anyone who creates anything original is protected by intellectual property laws .

  18. 在酒店入口处坐落着一个以“航游”为主题的雕塑,它是由计师原创设计制作而成。

    At the hotel entrance sits a sculpture with " sailing journey " as theme , which is made according to the original design of the designer .

  19. 本站内设计图片部分属于原创设计,属于薇拉摄影知识产权范畴,未经允许不得翻抄或转载。

    Within this website belong to original design part design picture , belong to AVIVA intellectual property without permission shall not turn category and copied or reproduced .

  20. 经过了几年的经济挫折后,台湾的大牌高科技公司意识到他们不能再仅仅依靠原创设计方的合同工作了,即使是苹果公司。

    After several years of financial setbacks , Taiwan 's big-name high-tech firms know they can 't rely anymore on just contract work from original designers , even Apple .

  21. 从他的创立之初,宇坤就致力于原创设计和可持续发展,并且是利用环保竹材设计、生产家具的先驱。

    Viken has been pushing for original design and sustainability since its inception , and is a pioneer of using natural and eco-friendly material like bamboo for furniture production .

  22. 北京原创设计推广协会以解放中国原创设计能量、团结中国设计艺术界人才、激发中国原创设计力、搭建企业与原创设计交流与合作平台为宗旨。

    We also aimed to promote the development of China 's original design force , and also to promote the progress of " Made in China " to " Create in China " .

  23. 公司产品源自加拿大原创设计,在设计、研发、生产、营销、客户服务等方面坚持专业化、卓越与可信赖。

    The products of our company are all original Canadian designs , we insist on making our design , D & P , marketing , sales and customer services being professional , splendid and reliable .

  24. 摘要产品设计可划分为原创设计、自适应设计和变型设计,而在工程实际中80%设计是设计知识、信息和数据的重用设计。

    Product design can be divided as primary creative design , self-adaptable design and model changing design , and yet 80 % designs in engineering practice are the reuse design of designing knowledge , information and data .

  25. 这一项目教学能够带动学生热爱原创设计,锻炼其自身能力,更帮助一批优秀学生更在创业路上迈出了第一步。

    The project of teaching students to love the original design can bring , exercise their capabilities , but also to help a group of outstanding students more in the business the first step on the road .

  26. 可它们相当一部分是沿袭自海外品牌的设计形式,而没有自己原创的设计风格。

    However , most of them imitate foreign brand and not have own design style .

  27. 他应该是有来看过因为原创概念设计是他做的,但我实在记不得。

    He might have come in because he did the conceptual work on it but I can 't remember meeting him .

  28. 这一上升归功于好几项指数,包括国内市场规模,知识型人才,发明专利,高端技术出口,以及原创工业设计。

    This movement can be attributed to indicators , including domestic market scale , knowledge workers , patents by origin , high-tech exports , and industrial designs by origin .

  29. 原创指定的设计精神将满足您的特别需求。

    The design spirit that the plain wound allocates needs speciality satisfying you .

  30. 从模仿走向原创&对中国建筑室内原创设计的思考

    From Imitation to Originality : The Consideration of Original Interior Design in China