
  • 网络hyperfine structure of atomic spectrum
  1. 在玻尔理论基础上,以氢原子能级和氢原子光谱为主线,探讨了狄拉克理论、兰姆移位、氢原子光谱的超精细结构理论对氢原子理论的修正。

    Based on Bohr 's theory , atomic energy level and atomic spectra , the modification of the theory of hydrogen atom is introduced according to Dirac theory , Lamb shift and hyperfine structure of hydrogen atom .

  2. 本文以氢原子为例,阐述了玻尔的氢原子理论及引入相对论效应及量子理论后氢原子光谱的精细结构和超精细结构。

    This paper , with hydrogen atom as an example , illustrates the fine and super-fine structure of spectrum of hydrogen atom after introducing the theory of hydrogen atom , theory of relativity and theory of quantum .