
  • 网络primary osteoporosis;Primary Osteoporosis POP
  1. 目的:观察低频脉冲电磁场(Pulsedelectromagneticfields,PEMFs)对原发性骨质疏松症的治疗作用。

    AIM : To observe the therapeutic effects of low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields ( PEMFs ) on primary osteoporosis .

  2. 在此主要介绍原发性骨质疏松症的药物治疗进展。

    This review mostly elucidates advances in medication of primary osteoporosis .

  3. 载脂蛋白E基因多态现象与原发性骨质疏松症相关性的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between Apolipoprotein E Gene Polymorphism and Primary Osteoporosis

  4. 原发性骨质疏松症患者中轴骨IL6,bFGF的免疫组化

    Immunohistochemistry Study of IL-6 and bFGF on Axial Bone in Primary Osteoporosis Cases

  5. PEMFs治疗原发性骨质疏松症是安全的。

    It is safe to treat primary osteoporosis with PEMFs .

  6. 绝经后骨质疏松症(Postmenopausalosteoporosis,PMOP)是常见的原发性骨质疏松症,其发病率较高,对中、老年女性健康造成严重威胁。

    Postmenopausal osteoporosis is a common primary osteoporosis , high incidence rate , has serious health threat to the medium age and older women .

  7. 目的:了解白细胞介素6(IL6)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)在原发性骨质疏松症患者中轴骨中的细胞定位、表达强度及其与骨密度(BMD)的关系。

    Objective : To investigate IL-6 , bFGF expression , location and the relationship with variation of BMD ( bone mineral density ) .

  8. 经双能X线骨密度(DEXA)证实,丹仙康骨胶囊能明显提高原发性骨质疏松症的骨密度。

    DKC could improve bone mineral density by the verification of double energy X-ray bone density ( DEXA ) .

  9. 原发性骨质疏松症ER和VDR基因多态性、中医证型与骨密度关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship Among the Polymorphisms of Estrogen Receptor Gene and Vitamin D Receptor Gene 、 Syndrome Differentiation Type of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bone Mineral Density in Primary Osteoporosis

  10. 以去卵巢小鼠、去卵巢大鼠以及体外培养的人成骨细胞为模型,系统研究了健骨二仙丸治疗原发性骨质疏松症(OP,osteoporosis)的疗效、安全性和机理。

    Objective : The creative effect , security and effecting mechanism of Chinese prescription ' Jiang-Gu-Er-Xian-Wan ' in preventing and curing osteoporosis ( OP ) are studied with ovariectomized ( OVX ) mice / rat model and human osteoblast cell strain .

  11. 方法:采用原发性骨质疏松症患者和正常人腰椎椎板近关节突部松质骨组织切片,以IL6、bFGF单克隆抗体进行免疫组化研究。

    Methods : Cancellus bone chips were taken from the axial bone of POP ( primary osteoporosis ) and control during operation . Slides were made and stained with IL-6 , bFGF monoclonal antibody .

  12. 运动对I型原发性骨质疏松症形成的干预

    Intervention of Exercise Training in Formation of Type I Primary Osteoporosis

  13. 脉冲电磁场干预原发性骨质疏松症的疗效观察

    The observation of the effect of PEMFs on the primary osteoporosis

  14. 合用神阙穴贴药治疗原发性骨质疏松症的临床疗效

    Clinical effects of sticking medicine of shenque point for primary osteoporosis

  15. 鲑降钙素+钙剂治疗原发性骨质疏松症的护理干预

    Nursing Intervention in Primary Osteoporosis Treated with Salmon Calcitonin and Calcium

  16. 鲑鱼降钙素治疗原发性骨质疏松症的成本-效果分析

    Cost-affectiveness analysis of salmon calcitonin in the treatment of primary osteoporosis

  17. 原发性骨质疏松症患者骨代谢指标初步研究

    The primary investigation on the indexes of bone metabolic in primary osteoporosis

  18. 锁骨片诊断原发性骨质疏松症的指标和发生率分析

    The Analysis of Criteria and Incidence of Osteoporosis with Clavicle

  19. 原发性骨质疏松症的中医辨证分型研究

    Study on Syndrome Differentiation Type of TCM in Primary Osteoporosis

  20. 原发性骨质疏松症患者生存质量量表的初步制定及评价

    Preliminary Formulation and Appraising of the Primary Osteoporosis Patient 's Life-of-quality Scale

  21. 血清睾酮与老年男性原发性骨质疏松症的关系

    Relationship between primary osteoporosis and serum testosterone in old man

  22. 中老年妇女203例原发性骨质疏松症与骨关节病患病情况分析

    Prevalence of primary osteoporosis and osteoarthrosis in 203 middle-aged and elderly women

  23. 原发性骨质疏松症中医证候调查问卷信度与效度分析

    Analysis on Reliability and Validity of TCM Syndrome Questionnaire of primary Osteoporosis

  24. 原发性骨质疏松症社区干预方式效果的研究

    A Comparative Study on the Intervention Patterns for Primary Osteoporosis in Community

  25. 中国人原发性骨质疏松症诊断标准探讨

    Discussion of diagnostic criteria of primary osteoporosis for Chinese people

  26. 针灸对原发性骨质疏松症影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effect of Acupuncture Moxibustion to Primary Osteoporosis

  27. 以上结果为我们制定防治原发性骨质疏松症的措施提供了依据。

    These results provide basis for prevention of osteoporosis .

  28. 目的:综合分析原发性骨质疏松症相关基因的多态性。

    OBJECTIVE : To comprehensively analyze the genetic polymorphism related with primary osteoporosis .

  29. 低频脉冲电磁场治疗原发性骨质疏松症的临床研究

    Clinical study of treatment of primary osteoporosis by low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields

  30. 目的:探讨适合我国人种特征的原发性骨质疏松症诊断标准。

    Objective : To study the suitable diagnostic criterion of osteoporosis for Chinese .