
  • 网络optical phenomenon;Optical phenomena
  1. 颜色转盘光学现象的实验研究

    Experimental study on optical phenomenon of color turnplate

  2. 降水加上阳光就产生了彩色的光学现象。

    Precipitation plus sunshine equals chromatical optical phenomenon .

  3. 双包层泵浦光纤激光器的大功率输出、调Q、锁模、调谐、非线性光学现象等理论和实验研究都取得了长足进展,成为国际上的热点研究领域。

    Recently , the scientists go deep into the study on double-clad pumped fiber laser in both theory and experiment , such as high output power , Q-switching , mode-locking , CW tuning and nonlinear optics .

  4. 研究表明,通过选取适当的系统参数,我们可以在磁振子系统中重现有限温度下光子的动力学Casimir效应这一量子光学现象。

    We show that by suitably choosing system parameters , we can reproduce the dynamical Casimir effect at finite temperature in this magnon system .

  5. 本论文分为九章,第一章为综述,回顾了人工光源的发展历史,介绍了超短超强激光脉冲技术的发展和应用,并对非线性光学现象和X射线光谱学做了简单介绍。

    The first chapter is an overview , which gives a brief review of the history of artificial light sources , the development and application of the ultrashort and intense laser pulses . The developing process of the nonlinear optics and X-ray spectroscopy is also described in this section .

  6. 人们在研究中发现,这种电路与原子系统很相似,可以显示出原子系统中的一些量子光学现象,例如Rabi振荡,真空Rabi分裂,人造原子激光,共振荧光等。

    In studies , found that these circuits are very similar with atomic systems , a numbers of quantum optics phenomena which appeared in atomic system before now appeared in these circuits , for examples , Rabi oscillation , vacuum Rabi splitting , artificial atom laser , and resonance fluorescence .

  7. 宝石学研究的一个重要方面是它的异常光学现象。

    The Unusual phenomena in gems are the unusual optical ones .

  8. 各向异性体弹性力学用电磁理论说明各向异性晶体的基本光学现象

    To explain the fundamental optical phenomena of anisotropic crystals using electromagnetic theory

  9. 虹晕等几种大气光学现象的偏振

    Polorization of Some Atmospheric Optical Phenomena as Rainbow and Halo

  10. 在本论文中我们研究光子晶体中的量子光学现象。

    In this dissertation we study the quantum optical phenomena in photonic crystals .

  11. 在该区域内存在着多种光学现象和动力学过程。

    In this region , there are many photochemical phenomena and dynamical processes .

  12. 一种新的非线性光学现象&Cascaded二级非线性光学效应

    A new kind of nonlinear optical phenomena & Cascaded second-order nonlinear optical effect

  13. 光学现象的观察和测量。

    For observation and measurement of optical phenomena .

  14. 有效光子假设与非线性光学现象

    Effective photon supposition and nonlinear optical phenomena

  15. 本文评述发生在波导结构内的三次非线性光学现象及其潜在的应用。

    Third - order nonlinear phenomena and their potential applications in guided wave structures are reviewed .

  16. 非线性光学现象作为获得原子或分子微观性质信息的重要手段,发展十分迅速。

    Nonlinear optical processes play a very important role on micro-structural characters of atom or molecular .

  17. 光折变效应是电光材料在光辐照下,折射率随光强的空间分布而变化的一种非线性光学现象。

    Photorefractive effect is an in-linear optical phenomenon on electro-optic materials refractive index change with space distributive incident beam intensity .

  18. 这些结果对于了解柱面电磁波的传播特性、理解和掌握受限非线性介质中光学现象的规律和特性、探讨非线性偏微分方程的求解甚至处理非线性声学中的大振幅声驻波的问题都有启发意义。

    These findings may shed light on solving nonlinear partial differential equation and understanding the propagation features of cylindrical electromagnetic wave .

  19. 随着理论和实践研究的不断深入,人们对于各种非线性光学现象的本质有了一定的认识。

    With the deep investigation of theory and application , people had a certain understanding at the essence of the nonlinear phenomenon .

  20. 利用二氧化硫的多波长受激发的光学现象,设计双光源多波长激发紫外荧光法的二氧化硫浓度测量系统。

    Baseed on considering the phenomenon of multi-wavelength excitation , a monitored control system for SO2 concentration with double lights source was designed .

  21. 一些光学现象依赖于光的量子性质,因此一些光学领域也涉及到量子力学。

    Some optical phenomena depend on the quantum nature of light and as such some areas of optics are also related to quantum mechanics .

  22. 光波导中二次谐波的非线性光学现象及其应用一种新的非线性光学现象&Cascaded二级非线性光学效应

    Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Application of SHG in Optical Wave Guide A new kind of nonlinear optical phenomena & Cascaded second-order nonlinear optical effect

  23. 利用费马原理建立了大气中光线轨迹的微分方程,并解释了空中绿洲这一光学现象。

    Based on Fermat Theory , this paper sets up the differential equation of the ray track in the atmosphere , and explains the mirage phenomenon .

  24. 摄影师雷亚兹-利玛利亚日前在英国格洛斯特郡的伯德利普附近目击到了被称作“冰彩虹”的光学现象并记录在了自己的相机里。

    Photographer Reyaz Limalia spotted an optical phenomenon known as " ice rainbow " near Birdlip , UK and stopped his car to register the moment .

  25. 在实践中,绝大多数的光学现象,可占利用光电磁描述,由麦克斯韦方程描述。

    In practice , the vast majority of optical phenomena can be accounted for using the electromagnetic description of light , as described by Maxwell 's Equations .

  26. 光子扫描隧道显微镜突破了瑞利衍射极限,借助这种显微镜能研究纳米尺度的介观世界光学现象。

    As photon scanning tunneling microscope ( PSTM ) reaches a resolution far beyond the diffraction limit , it becomes a powerful technique to research nano scale world .

  27. 传统的数字遮片技术仅能处理物体边缘的遮挡透射关系,不能反映物体的反射、折射等光学现象。

    Up to now , digital matting can only tackle the part occlusion phenomena at the edge of the front objects , instead of the reflection and refraction phenomena .

  28. 结构色起源于自然光与微结构的相互作用,通常呈现于诸如干涉、衍射和散射等光学现象之中。

    Structural color results from the interactions of natural light with microstructures with a featured size comparable to visible wavelengths via optical phenomena such as interference , diffraction or scattering .

  29. 为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相同的物理性质的介质。

    The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led .

  30. 衍射是最常见的一种光学现象,由于近代激光和信息技术的出现与发展,使它在精密测量领域显现出广泛的应用前景。

    Diffraction , Which is the most common optical phenomenon , presents an extensive application prospect in the field of precision measurement because of the development of Laser and information technology .