
  • 网络oadm;Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer;OXC;ROADM
  1. 提出并分析了一种基于光纤光栅的新型光分插复用器(OADM)。

    This paper proposes and analyzes a novel OADM ( optical add / drop multiplexer ) based on fiber gratings .

  2. 一种新颖的光分插复用器设计

    Novel Design of an OADM

  3. 光分插复用设备(OpticalAdd/DropMultiplexer,OADM)是当前光纤通信网络重要的节点设备。

    Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) is one important node equipment in optical fiber communication network currently .

  4. 基于并联结构的M-Z型可重构光分插复用器

    Reconfigurable M-Z Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer Based on Parallel Structure

  5. 未来基于光分插复用(OADM)和光交叉连接(OXC)的全光网需要能满足其高速交换需要的光开关单元及其阵列。

    All-Optic-Network based on OXC and OADM needs high-speed optical switch to realize photonic switching .

  6. 光分插复用器(OADM)是波分复用(WDM)系统中的关键器件之一。

    Optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) is one of the key components for wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) system .

  7. 作为全光通信网的核心设备的光分插复用器(OADM),对全光网的传输能力、组网方式、关键性能都具有重要影响。

    As the core equipment of AON , OADM has great influence on the transmit ability and network originating of AON .

  8. 可重构光分插复用(ROADM)设备可以通过软件实现远程节点上、下路和直通波长的配置。

    ROADM enables the configuration of drop , add and express wavelengths at remote nodes via software control .

  9. 光分插复用器(OADM)是光波分复用(WDM)系统的节点器件,OADM的性能直接关系到WDM系统的整体性能。

    Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) is nodal point of Wave Division Multiplexer ( WDM ) . Performance of WDM relies on the performance of OADM device .

  10. 为保证光分插复用(OADM)节点设备工作的可靠性,需在设备中采用1+1或1:n光通道保护技术。

    A 1 + 1 or 1 : n protection of optical channel must be adopted in OADM system for reliability of OUT .

  11. 在此基础上设计了基于四纤光纤准直器的可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)的实验,分析了色散对实验的影响。

    Based on this , the experiment using a four fiber collimator was designed and the dispersive effect was analyzed .

  12. 这种AOTF将用于动态光分插复用器(OADM),在未来光网络系统中起到重要作用。

    So it could be used to compose dynamically optical add / drop multiplexer ( OADM ) and should play an important role in the coming general optical network .

  13. 近年来,随着全光通信网的迅速发展,光分插复用器(OADM)作为WDM光网络的关键器件之一,一直是国内外广泛关注的焦点。

    At present , with the development of optical communication networks , as one of the key devices of WDM optical network , Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) has been the focus of attention .

  14. 第四章主要研究线性啁啾Moiré光纤光栅及其在光分插复用器(OADM)和多信道色散补偿器中的应用。

    In Chapter 4 , the spectral characteristics and its application in optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) and in multi-channel dispersion compensator of linearly chirped Moir é fiber grating are studied .

  15. 讨论了全光网络的四种关键技术,包括光分插复用器(OADM)、光交叉连接设备(OXC)、高速路由器和全光路由;

    Four key technologies of all-optical network , include optical add / drop multiplexing ( OADM ), optical cross connect ( OXC ), high-speed router and all-optical route , are discussed .

  16. 光分插复用器(OADM)能够在光域上实现信号的上下载,克服了传统技术的电子瓶颈,是实现WDM全光网的关键技术。

    Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ), which has a capacity of add / drop signals in the optical formation and then avoids the drawback of electronic bottleneck demonstrated in traditional technology , becomes the pivot to realize all optical WDM networks .

  17. 可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)是全光网中的关键节点器件,它将用在计算机互联网、数字电视网络中并且提高其信号质量、带宽和速度。

    The reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer ( ROADM ) is a crucial component in the optical network which will be used in the Internet and digital television network , enhancing their performance , band width and speed .

  18. 本论文的内容还包括:中国高速信息示范网(CAINONET)光分插复用设备和光交叉互连设备中的光上下路单元的研制;

    The dissertation includes some other aspects , which are : optical add-drop unit implemented in optical add-drop multiplexer and optical cross connect equipments for Chinese Advanced Information Network ( CAINONET );

  19. 一种基于斜光栅辅助的非对称耦合器型光分插复用器

    Design of an Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer Based on Grating-Assisted Asymmetric Coupler

  20. 光分插复用器的设计原则与功能实现

    The Design and Realization of Practical Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer

  21. 莫阿光纤光栅的光谱特性及其在光分插复用器中的应用

    Spectral Characteristics Of Moire Fiber Grating and Its Applications in Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

  22. 光分插复用网元节点的设计和实验研究

    Design and Experimental Study on the OADM NE Node

  23. 双芯光纤光分插复用器的理论分析和设计

    Theoretical Analysis and Device Design for the Twin-core Fiber Add / Drop Multiplexer

  24. 一种基于混沌的多路保密通信方案多机通信在可重构光分插复用器中的实现

    A Method of Chaos-based Secure Multiplex Communication The Implementation Scheme of the Multiplex Communication System in ROADM

  25. 光分插复用器技术及其应用

    Technology and Application of OADM

  26. 对该可重构的光分插复用器进行了实验研究,并对该器件的串扰特性进行了详细的分析与计算。

    The characteristics of the ROADM are studied experimentally , and especially the crosstalk is analyzed and calculated in detail .

  27. 详细研究了线性啁啾莫阿光纤光栅的滤波特性,在此基础上,提出了一种新型的基于线性啁啾莫阿光纤光栅的光分插复用器的结构设计方案。

    The filtering properties of linearly chirped Moire fiber grating are analyzed in detail and a new scheme of optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) configuration based on linearly chirped Moire fiber grating filter is proposed for flexible multiple wavelengths OADM .

  28. 给出了一种全光通信网波长域计算机模拟方法,模拟了波分复用信号经过3个光分插复用节点后的信号及放大自发辐射积累的光谱图,并与实验结果进行了对比。

    A wavelength domain simulation method for wavelength division multiplexed ( WDM ) all optical network is presented . The optical spectra of WDM channels through 3 cascaded optical add drop multiplexers ( OADM ′ s ) are simulated , and compared with experimental results .

  29. 论文基于光纤通信和光纤传感对分插复用技术的需求,对两种主要结构:分立型和一体化光纤光栅耦合器型光分插复用器进行了理论和实验研究。

    Based on the requirement about optical add-drop technique of fiber communication and fiber sensor and supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China , theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out on the two main structures : composed of separate components and integrative Fiber Grating Coupler . 1 .

  30. 全光磁调谐光纤Bragg光栅的光分/插复用器

    All-Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer with Magnetostrictive Tunable Fiber Bragg Gratings ; distributed time-division-multiplexer