
  • 网络Photosensitizer;CICT
  1. NGD用特殊的TAC作底层,用(NH4)2Cr2O7作光敏物质,具有非常理想的光学性质。

    The NGD makes use of a speCial TAC as itS substrate and ( NH4 ) 2Cr2O7 as itS Photosensitizer and has very ideal optical property .

  2. 实验结果显示,一定量的光敏物质在光辐照下能够产生大量的活性氧,具有较强的光灭活作用。

    The results show that under the condition of illumination , a certain quantity of photosensitizer can produce a great quantity of active oxygen , which has strong effect ofdeath ;

  3. 荧光光度结果也证明最大光敏物质浓聚在注射后48h。

    Fluorescence photometry results also demonstrated maximum dye accumulation 48 hours after the injection .

  4. 结论本研究中的卫生纸荧光增白剂不具有光毒性和致突变性,也非光敏物质。

    Conclusion FWAs used in toilet paper has no phototoxicity , photoallergy and mutagenicity .