
dìng yǐng
  • Fixing;fixation;photographic fixing
定影 [dìng yǐng]
  • [photographic fixing] 把已曝光的负片中未曝光或未还原的卤化银去除的过程。常用的定影药剂是硫硫酸钠(海波)

定影[dìng yǐng]
  1. erfc(x)在激光打印机定影中的应用及数值计算方法

    Application of erfc ( x ) in fixation process of laser printer and numerical solution

  2. 运用放射免疫化学原理,灌流固定,冰冻切片,定影,显影,观察ACE在正常大鼠及模型大鼠肾脏中的分布。

    Using RIA chemical theory , Perfusion fixed , Frozen section , fixation , imaging , observation ACE in normal and model mice kidney .

  3. 废定影液中银含量ICP-AES测定方法从实验室含银废液中回收硝酸银的实验探究

    Recovery of Silver Nitrate from Laboratory Waster Liquid Containing Silver

  4. Fe∶LiNbO3全息图热定影及H~+浓度的影响

    Study on Thermal Fixing and the Influence of H ~ + Concentration in Fe ∶ LiNbO_3 Hologram

  5. 本文还报道了将这个反应应用在太阳能回收废定影液中Ag的结果。

    Using this reaction to practical system , the result of the recovery of silver from waste fixing solution is reported .

  6. 介绍了用有机酸(Ar(OH)3COOH)从废定影液中还原银的方法及工艺条件。

    Recovery of silver from spent fixing bath with organic acid ( Ar ( OH ) 3COOH ) are investigated .

  7. 利用该反应建立了高灵敏测定银的光度分析法,用于相纸和定影液废水中银的测定,其结果与ICP-AES和AAS法一致。

    The results were the same as those of ICPAES and AAS in the determination of silver in photographic paper and fixer waste water .

  8. 碘量法测定彩色套药定影液及漂定A液中(NH4)2S2O3、(NH4)2SO3的含量

    Determination of ( NH_4 ) _2S_2O_3 and ( NH_4 ) _2SO_3 in fixing replenisher and bleach-fixer " A " solution by direct iodine method

  9. 应用光折变效应动力学方程,导出了在Fe∶LiNbO3中对光折变全息图热定影所需的最小H+浓度,以及H+浓度与光栅空间频率的关系。

    By application of kinetic equations for photorefractive effect , the minimal H + concentration for thermal fixing the photorefractive holograms in Fe ∶ LiNbO 3 and the relationship between H + concentration and spatial frequency of holograms are derived .

  10. 因酸性定影液中存在大量NH4~+,要与甲醛反应生成质子及质子化的六次甲基四胺,使试液酸度增大,S2O3~(2-)将部分分解。

    Because of the reaction of HCHO and NH_4 ~ + , the hydrogen ions will be liberated to increase the acidity of the solution and partially decompose the S_2O_3 ~ ( 2 - ) ion .

  11. 简论酸性坚膜定影液的组成及作用原理

    Components and Chemical Reaction Mechanism of Acid Hard Film Fixing Bath

  12. 一种从废定影液中提取银的新方法

    A new way of drawing Ag from the waste fixing bath

  13. 常用佳能复印机定影温度异常故障代码清除技术

    Canon Copier Used Fixing Abnormal Temperature Fault Code Removal Technology

  14. 对显影、定影均无影响;

    It is non - influence for development and fixing .

  15. 光折变晶体中多重全息图分批定影热固定的研究

    A study on the batch method of thermal fixing for multiplexed photorefractive holograms

  16. 从废定影液中回收银的简易方法

    The Simple Method of Retrieving Silver from Waste Fixer

  17. 天津Ⅰ型全息干板的免定影漂白处理

    Fixation-Free Bleach Processing in Tianjun Type 1 Holographic Plate

  18. 得出了进行有效热定影的H+浓度范围。

    The range of H + concentration for effective thermal fixing is obtained .

  19. 用活性铝从废定影液中回收银的计算式

    The Computational Formulas of Recovered Silver from Waste Fixing Solution With Activated Aluminium

  20. 提高了显、定影液的恒温精度。

    D.count for high precision of constant temperature of developing and fixation liquid .

  21. 置换法从废定影液中提取银的工艺研究

    Study on technology of extracting silver from waste fixing bath by replacement method

  22. 复印机定影器故障代码的复位方法

    The Way Reset Trouble-Codes of PPC Fuser Units

  23. 用废铝回收废定影液中银的新工艺及装置

    New Technique and Device of Silver Recovery from Waste Fixing Solution with Waste Aluminium

  24. 从废定影液中回收银及提银后废定影液再生的研究

    On the recovery of silver from abandoned fixer and the regeneration of left fixer

  25. 从废定影液中回收银的方法主要有:沉淀法、还原法、气浮法、电解法、离子交换法等。

    The paper briefly describes the method and technology for recovering silver from waste bath .

  26. 从废定影液中回收硝酸银

    Recovering Silver Nitrate from Waste Fixing Solution

  27. 自动把曝光后的菲林应显影、定影、水洗和干燥的机器。

    Film processor machine which automatically develops , fixes , washes and dries exposed film .

  28. 你应该给它喷上定影液。

    You should spray it with fixative .

  29. 中义在摄影术中,将定影液和未曝光银盐从摄影底片和相纸中移走。

    In photography , removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers .

  30. 这张底片在快速定影盆内浸饱了4分钟。

    The plate was immersed for 4 minutes in the single bath of rapid fix .