
  • 网络GPS;Localization;localization ability;MPCAP
  1. 利用Matlab实验仿真,结果表明,该算法保证嵌入水印后图像具有良好的视觉质量;很强的图像篡改定位能力;算法简单,安全性高;水印提取时不需要原始图像,具有较好的实用性。

    Experiments are done by Matlab , the results show that watermarked images obtained have good subjective quality , precise localization of tampered areas ; the algorithm is simple and safe , and the experiment results illustrate that it is validity .

  2. 算法具有对图像内容局部窜改检测的有效性、敏感性以及良好的窜改定位能力,并具有更好的抗JPEG压缩、加性高斯噪声和中值滤波的鲁棒性。

    The simulation results show that , the watermarked image has high quality , the proposed scheme has effectiveness , sensitivity and localization of tamper-proofing , but more robust to JPEG compression , some degree AWGN and mean filter .

  3. GPS以其独特的定位能力,为建立海底控制网开辟了新的途径。

    GPS Provides a unique capability in establishing ocean bottom control network .

  4. GPS的作用表现为精确的定位能力和准确的定时和测速能力。

    GPS has the ability of precisely positioning and exactly timing , and measuring speed .

  5. 为了在CADCAPP自动系统中确保加工精度,研究并导出了特征综合定位能力计算的量化公式。

    In order to ensure process precision in CAD / CAPP automatic system , the quantitative formulas for synthetic location ability of features are researched and derived .

  6. 实验表明,该算法不仅对于恶意篡改有较强的定位能力,而且可以抵抗JPEG压缩。

    Experimental results show the proposed method can not only locate the tempered areas exactly but also resist the JPEG compression .

  7. 分析:大量证据显示下一代iPhone手机将装备三轴电子罗盘,此举将大幅提升手机的定位能力。

    A large amount of evidence indicates that the next iPhone will feature a magnetometer , a3-axis compass that will greatly enhance its global positioning capabilities .

  8. 根据GIS的空间数据处理、空间分析功能与GPS的精确空间定位能力,提出了一种基于GIS与GPS集成的农牧业资源调查方法。

    Based on powerful function of spatial management , spatial analysis in GIS and accurate positioning ability of GPS , a method for agriculture and animal husbandry resources investigation was presented in this paper .

  9. GPS作为新一代卫星导航系统,不仅具有全球、全天候、连续、高精度导航与定位能力,而且具有优良的抗干扰性和保密性。

    As a new generation of satellite navigation system , it not only has global , round - the - clock , continuous , high - precision navigating and positioning functions , but also possesses excellent interference immunity and confidentiality .

  10. 文章指出在不同观测条件下,各模型点定位能力不同,若选择合适的模型,GPS相位测量可以相同的精度替代P码伪距进行点定位计算。

    Computation shows that the accuracy of the point positioning from different mathematical models with same carrier phase dear is different . If selecting appropriate model in carrier phase data , the accuracy of the point positioning is almost same between carrier phase and p-code pseudorange .

  11. 中国数字地震台网(CDSN)和IMS/PS台阵的监测定位能力评估

    The calculation of locating ability of China Digital Seismological Network ( CDSN ) and IMS / PS seismic array

  12. 而Facebook对移动的理解是无人能比的,它的载入速度更快,界面看起来更舒服,也更吸引广告商,这在某种程度上也是由于Facebook拥有报刊媒体普遍都不具备的市场定位能力。

    Facebook , however , understands mobile like no one else : everything loads faster , looks nicer and is more appealing to advertisers , in part because Facebook can do the kind of targeting that newspapers aren 't equipped to do .

  13. 此外,HHT对非平稳信号具有很强的时频分辨与定位能力,能够判断出噪声在时域上的干扰情况,有利于原始资料的时段筛选。

    In addition , HHT has a strong time-frequency signal resolution and positioning capabilities on non-stationary signals , it can detect the noise in the time domain , and is conducive to data selection .

  14. 该系统除了具有传统的空间信息显示、查询、分析等功能和MIS系统信息管理功能外,更重要的是,它结合了PDA的移动特性,对空间目标有实时定位能力。

    Besides the functions of visualization , query , analyse of spatial information and traditional functions of MIS , it has especially combined with the mobile feature of PDA , which makes it capable to locate a spatial target on real time .

  15. 事实上,阵信号中存在着多分辨结构,值得开发与利用,以提高检测与定位能力,且特别有利于改善BF和MFP的失配宽容性。

    In fact , the array signal has multiresolution structure , which is worthy of exploiture and utilization to enhance the ability of detection and location , especially to improve the robustness for BF / MFP .

  16. 这不同于全局索引,每个全局索引有自己的对象,其提供灵活的表空间定位能力,并支持单个全局索引REORG操作。

    This differs from global indexes where each global index has its own object , allowing greater flexibility in table space placement and support for REORG for an individual global index .

  17. 理论分析准确的篡改定位能力极限并设计可准确定位更大篡改区域的脆弱水印方法将是下一步研究内容。3.提出一种基于DCT变换和DWT变换的抗JPEG压缩的半脆弱数字水印方案。

    Theoretical analysis to the ability of tamper location and design of a fragile watermarking scheme that can locate more extensive tampered area accurately are the future works.3.This paper proposes a semi-fragile watermarking scheme based on DCT and DWT that can resist JPEG compression .

  18. 文中利用基于FFT变换的合成孔径处理技术,从提高阵增益、增加目标远程定位能力的角度出发进行了3~10kHz频率段的合成孔径技术研究。

    This paper introduces a synthetic aperture processing techniques based on the FFT transform and the technical researches on the synthetic aperture system in the scope of 3 ~ 10kHz frequency were made from the view of improving array gains and augmenting localization abilities for the long distance targets .

  19. 区域地震台网地震定位能力分析

    Analysis of hypocenter location capability of a regional seismic network

  20. 他们测试了他的空间定位能力。

    They tested his ability to locate objects in space .

  21. 篮球运动空间定位能力的表象训练效果研究

    A Study on Representative Training of Spatial Location Ability in Basketball Sport

  22. 水平阵和垂直线阵这种空间模糊性质,导致检测与定位能力的下降。

    These space fuzzy characteristics lead to degradation of the detection and localization .

  23. 健壮故障安全电路具有并发差错定位能力。

    Such a circuit has concurrent error location capability .

  24. 具有故障定位能力的健壮故障安全系统

    Robust Fail - safe Systems with Fault Location Capability

  25. 超声脉冲多普勒系统具有深度定位能力,能较好的对血流速度进行定量检测。

    The Pulsed Doppler Quantitative detection can be measured by Doppler blood velocity profile .

  26. 粗差发现和定位能力与相关系数的关系

    Relationship Between the Ability of Gross Error Detectable and Identifiable and the Correlation Coefficient

  27. 马汀内斯并非发现人类有回声定位能力的第一人。

    Martinez isn 't the first to recognize the potential for echolocation in humans .

  28. 组网雷达的定位能力是评估组网雷达系统效能的一个重要方面。

    Location capability is an important aspect in evaluating the system efficiency of netted radar .

  29. 为提高边界定位能力,设计了加权形式的差分方案。

    In order to determine the boundary accurately , a weighted difference scheme is applied .

  30. 具有目标识别和定位能力的小型无人驾驶直升机的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of a small unmanned helicopter with ability of targets recognition and location