
  • 网络Plastic Box;plastic case
  1. 美国魔术师大卫•布莱恩终于从他的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了他在泰晤士河上进行的历时44天的抗饥饿表演。

    The American illusionist David Blaine has emerged from his plastic box , ending his44-day starvation stunt above the river Thames .

  2. 魔术师挑战耐力极限主播美国魔术师大卫•布莱恩终于从他的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了他在泰晤士河上进行的历时44天的抗饥饿表演。

    ANCHOR The American illusionist David Blaine has emerged from his plastic box , ending his 44-day starvation stunt above the river Thames .

  3. 采用塑料箱为容器对炉渣、碎石、碎砖头和碎陶片等4种基质分别在2、4、6d换水周期下,对富营养化水体中N、P的去除效果进行了研究。

    The removal performance of slag , gravels , broken bricks and broken potteries on nitrogen ( N ) and phosphorus ( P ) of natural eutrophic water body were investigated with PVC receptacles under 2,4 and 6 days of hydraulic residence time ( HRT ) respectively .

  4. 记录各实验组中布氏田鼠在观察箱内(两个大小为37cm×27cm×17cm的有机塑料箱合并而成)10min内发生的非对抗行为频次和对抗行为频次。

    The non-agnostic and agnostic behavior of the voles were observed for ten minutes in an observation box which was made by placing two boxes together ( each box was 37 cm × 27 cm × 17 cm ) .

  5. 采用裂区设计,应用塑料箱栽培并在每穴拥有4kg土条件下研究了根系分布与施肥模式对水稻生长发育及产量的影响。

    An experiment with split design was conducted to study the effects of root distribution and fertilizing methods on growth and development of rice . Rice seedlings were transplanted to plastic boxes with different size and each hill of seedling was applied equally with 4 kg soil .

  6. 塑料箱,非编织的,用于货物的商业运输或包装

    Plastic case , not plaited for the commercial conveyance or packing of goods

  7. 我们打算利用纸板箱或塑料箱作为外包装。

    We plan to use cardboard or plastic cartons for the outer packing .

  8. 塑料箱注射模设计改进

    Design Improvement to Injection Die of Plastic Case

  9. 几个星期后,他就做出了一个简单的发泡成型的塑料箱,整齐简洁5看上去很友好。

    Within weeks he had produced a simple foam-molded plastic case that was uncluttered and exuded friendliness .

  10. 大卫·布莱恩终于从泰晤士河上的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了自我强制的绝食。

    David Blaine , eventually coming down from his self-imposed hunger strike in a box by London 's river Thames .

  11. 主播美国魔术师大卫·布莱恩终于从他的塑料箱中走了出来,结束了他在泰晤士河上进行的历时44天的抗饥饿表演。

    Endurance Stunt Ends ANCHOR The American illusionist David Blaine has emerged from his plastic box , ending his 44-day starvation stunt above the river Thames .

  12. 鞋子脱掉后与其它随身物品一起被放在塑料箱里,这些塑料箱经过扫描仪后一般并不会得到清洁。

    Shoes are removed and placed with other belongings into plastic security bins , which typically don 't get cleaned after they go through the scanner .

  13. 通过对塑料箱注射模的结构设计改进,阐述了该类模具强度计算方法,以解决减小模具总体尺寸,提高模具强度的问题。

    Through design improvements to injection die of plastic case , the method how to calculate die strength is narrated , in order to reduce die size and improve die strength .

  14. 在包装生产中已广泛使用的瓦楞纸箱由于其强度低于木箱、塑料箱等,所以强度校核是其设计中的主要问题,本文以计算机主机箱的设计为例,进行瓦楞纸箱的设计与强度校核。

    In this paper the design process of corrugated box is expounded , and the problem of design and test of corrugated box are discussed by taking box of computer as example .

  15. 不仅仅是瓶子,还有一些不流行的东西也很吃香,比如能携带他们的金属小车,能盛放瓶装水的塑料箱。

    And not just the bottles , but also their pop-off tops , the metal cart that carries them , and the plastic cartons into which the bottles of water fit snugly .

  16. 瓦楞纸箱相对于木箱或者塑料箱来说,它的价格不断下降,将日益代替木箱和塑料箱。

    The price of corrugated box is much cheaper than those of wooden or plastic box and its price continues to decline . It will increasingly take the place of the wooden boxes and plastic boxes .

  17. 设计上采用纤维增强塑料箱板和金属框架混合型结构形式。可解决耐腐蚀、耐冲击、耐磨、易变形、箱板和框架连接等问题。

    The structure of fabric reinforced plastic plate in combination with that of metal frame was adopted , with which the problems were solved on corrosion , shock , deformation and the connection of container plate with frame .

  18. 迅速地穿过年纪较大的妇女们(她们是清早的顾客主力),凯蒂在一个摊位前停下脚步,那里的塑料箱里堆满了茄子、黄瓜、甜瓜和南瓜。

    Efficiently steering her way through the older women who make up the bulk of the morning shoppers , Katie stopped at a stall where plastic crates were piled high with eggplant , cucumber , cantaloupe and zucchini .

  19. 防静电ABS塑料转运箱的研制

    The Development of Anti - static ABS Plastic Cycle Boxes

  20. 基于Solidworks的汽车塑料燃油箱水冷定型机的设计与实现

    Research and Realization of Plastic Gasoline Tank Water-cooling Equipment Based on Solidworks

  21. 用渗透法检测塑料燃油箱阻隔性能

    Barrier Property Examination of Plastic Fuel Tank by Percolation Method

  22. 从力学、阻燃、密封和环保等8个方面分析了炮弹塑料包装箱的优点。

    It analyses the advantage of the plastic ammunition case .

  23. 桑塔纳轿车塑料燃油箱油管的国产化

    China-made Oil Pipe for Plastics Oil-tank in SANTANA Car

  24. 工程塑料燃油箱在摩托车上的应用

    Application of Engineering Plastic Fuel Tank to Motorcycle

  25. 大卫:另外,你们能不能用泡沫外箱而不是一般的塑料外箱来包装呢?

    David : Can you also wrap them in foam cartons instead of the regular plastic ?

  26. 塑料包装箱的成型方法很多,其中注射成型是主要的成型方法之一。

    There are many ways to form a plastic box in which the injection molding was one of the main molding methods .

  27. 本实用新型包装箱的提手孔结构可广泛应用在瓦楞纸包装箱、塑料包装箱等领域。

    The handle hole structure of the packaging box of the utility model can be widely applied to the fields such as corrugating paper packaging box , plastic packaging box , etc.

  28. 找一个塑料垃圾箱,覆盖一张黑色的海报板,在末端切几条缝,然后面对阳光照射的窗子悬挂起来。

    Simply take a plastic bin and lined it with a piece of black poster board like this . Cut slits in the ends then hold it against the sunny window .

  29. 身为领先者,就得不断创新和表现出创意。伍兹是生产塑料周转箱、塑盘和拖盘的领先者。

    To be a lea-der , there is a need to continue to innovate and be creative . Utz is the leading manufacturer of containers , trays and pallets made of plastic .

  30. 在九十年代,我有三四个装满磁带的塑料牛奶箱跟着我四处搬家,尽管我的录音机早就没有了。

    In the ' 90s , I had three or four plastic milk crates of cassettes that I lugged around from apartment to apartment , long after I lost my tape player .