
  • shaping;Sculpt;remodeling
  1. 结果:大体观察显示A组和B组植入后8周后缺损已经融合,12周时塑形接近正常。

    Results : The general observations indicate that the experimental group and the autogenous bone graft group after 8 weeks after implantation , defects has been the integration of shaping near normal at 12 weeks .

  2. X射线平片显示随着时间延长,A组和B组骨缺损骨痂增多,12周基本愈合,塑形完成,C组未见骨性修复,形成骨不连。

    X ‐ ray plain film shows that with the prolonged , A group and B group an increase in callus bone defect , 12 weeks of basic healing , shaping complete , C group no bone repair , the formation of nonunion .

  3. 散步对于塑形非常有好处。

    Walking is extremely beneficial to your body shape .

  4. 把泥弄湿点再动手塑形。

    Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it .

  5. 研究人员发现,比较柔软的肠道区域会缓慢收缩并给便便塑形。

    Softer intestinal13 regions squeeze slowly and mold the final corners of the cube , researchers found .

  6. “男版塑形内衣”是指专为男性设计,使其穿起来显瘦的内衣。

    Mirdle , or man girdle , refers to an undergarment designed to give a man a slimmer appearance .

  7. Shapewear就是能够临时改变穿着者体型的内衣,比如让腹部显得平坦、让整个身材从外部看来更苗条、更有吸引力,也就是我们所说的“塑形内衣”。

    Shapewear is simply underwear which is designed to temporarily alter the shape of the wearer 's body , typically to flatten and / or upper body .

  8. 男版塑形内衣可抚平、收紧、束缚和隐藏坠于腰间、胸部和身上其他部位的赘肉。

    The mirdle is used to suck , bind , restrain and hide love handles , muffin tops , moobs and other fatty areas of your torso .

  9. 男版塑形内衣的出现暂时平息了“性别纷争”,至少在穿衣显瘦问题上确实如此。

    With the arrival of the male version of the girdle , the battle of the sexes just evened up -- at least when it comes to slimming shape wear .

  10. 不过,跟所有快速解决问题的方式一样,塑形内衣也有其不利之处。有些医疗专家表示,塑形内衣不是很健康,因为穿着时会积压内脏,并导致消化系统疾病。

    Like all quick fixes , however , shapewear has its downside , some medical experts suggesting that it may not be particularly healthy as it compresses internal organs and can cause digestive problems .

  11. 结果A组的骨愈合优于B组,在12周时已经完成骨缺损的修复,B组在术后12周仍处于塑形改建之中;

    Results The healing of group A was better than group B and C.

  12. 邦迪在1977年出版的专著《重整漂亮脸蛋》(DefiningYourFace)中确立了脸部塑形的规则。

    The latter laid down the rules in his 1977 book Defining Your Face .

  13. 对任何身体塑形的第一个步骤是设计一个身体蓝图(BodyBlueprint)或者个人的开发计划。

    The first step to reshaping any body is to design a Body Blueprint or individual development plan .

  14. CPC随着新骨的形成及改建塑形逐步缓慢降解。

    CPC was slowly biodegraded with the bone graft resorption and new bone regeneration .

  15. 塑形AO钢板治疗股骨粗隆部不稳定骨折

    Remodelling AO Plate in Treating Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures

  16. 结论DBM、RM、BC复合材料极易塑形,具有明显的促进骨缺损修复作用,能用于修复各种形态的骨缺损并能满足早期负重的需要。

    Conclusion The composite material could be remodeled easily , it can efficiently repair bone defect .

  17. 两侧兔桡骨缺损处X射线观察:在第12周实验侧有连续骨痂通过骨缺损处,髓腔通畅,塑形不完全。

    X-ray scanning : At week 12 , callus was found continuously crossing through the bone defect of experimental side , marrow cavity was smooth , but molding was incomplete .

  18. 用彩妆最终捣鼓出来的模样既不迷人,也不漂亮,总之就是一个怪。脸部塑形盛行于上世纪70年代,这完全归功于凯文•奥库安(KevynAucoin)与邦迪(WayBandy)等化妆大师。

    Contouring first became popular in a big way in the 1970s thanks to make-up artists such as Kevyn Aucoin and Way Bandy .

  19. 目的分析总结16例角膜塑形术(orthokeratology,OK)镜治疗过程中发生的绿脓杆菌、真菌和棘阿米巴性角膜溃疡的临床过程、治疗经过及转归。

    Objective To investigate the clinical course , treatment and outcome of infective corneal ulcer induced by orthokeratology .

  20. Ti3Al基合金超塑形变的微观观察

    Microscopic observation of superplastic deformation in a ti_3ai alloy

  21. DBM的质量比≥80%时,DBM和BC不能复合在一起,从而失去塑形性。

    The DBM and BC could not be combined together when the proportion of DBM was 80 % .

  22. 手法复位后塑形夹板与直形夹板固定治疗Colles骨折的临床观察

    Clinical study on molded and straight splint fixation after handed-replacement for Colles fracture

  23. 术后肉眼观察局部组织改变、HA塑形情况以及与骨粘连的牢固度。

    After the operations , gross changes of the local tissues , moulding of HA and the adhesive rigidity of the implants to the nasal bones were investigated .

  24. 方法:选鼻小柱蝶形切口,于鼻背筋膜下腔隙注入HA手法塑形。

    Method : Use nose columella buttery-form incision infuse HA to the cavity of the nose , back under the muscle shape the nose with surgeon 's hands .

  25. 结论血压是影响动脉瘤增大的重要因素,动脉瘤壁在高血压及血流剪切力的作用下,bFGF表达上升,动脉瘤重新塑形,这可能是动脉瘤瘤体不断扩大的原因之一。

    Conclusion The elevation of blood pressure and enhancement of bFGF expression in aneurismal wall play an important role in enlargement of the aneurysm .

  26. 极度背伸端提手法复位塑形夹板固定治疗HawkinsⅢ型距骨颈骨折23例

    Treatment on talus neck fracture of Hawkins ⅲ in 23 cases with manipulative reduction and splints fixation

  27. 在脉冲电流作用下Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金的超塑形变

    Superplastic deformation of al - li - cu - mg - Zr alloy under electropulsing

  28. LASIK手术使用小的激光切口对角膜重新塑形,消除远视或近视,使人们不在需要镜框眼镜或接触镜。

    LASIK surgery uses small laser cuts to reshape the surface of the cornea , eliminating farsightedness or nearsightedness , and the need for glasses or contacts .

  29. 目的评价角膜塑形术(Orthokeratology,Ortho-k)治疗近视眼的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of orthokeratology ( Ortho-k ) in treatment of myopia .

  30. 一类为人工合成可降解材料,如PGA、PLA等,但两者在来源、塑形能力及细胞识别信号等方面存在不足。

    The other is artificial synthesis material , such as PLA , PGA , et al . All these materials have deficiency in source , moulding ability and cells recognition .