
  • 网络Plastic Solidification
  1. 放射性固体废物塑料固化技术研究

    Study of Plastic Solidification Process on Solid Radioactive Waste Treatment

  2. 水泥固化、沥青固化、塑料固化适用于中低放废物的固化处理,玻璃固化和人造岩石固化适用于高放废物的固化处理。

    Cement solidification , bitumen solidification and plastic solidification are fit to dispose low and intermediate level radioactive waste . Glass solidification and synroc solidification are fit to dispose high level radioactive waste .

  3. 醚化三聚氰胺作氨基塑料固化剂

    The Application of Etherified Amino as the Curing Agent for Aminoplastics

  4. GB14569.2-1993低、中水平放射性废物固化体性能要求塑料固化体

    Characteristic requirements for solidified waste of low and intermediate level radioactive waste & Plastic solidified waste

  5. 放射性废物塑料固化

    Plastics solidification of radioactive waste

  6. 用转矩流变仪得到的热固性塑料固化过程中的流动和固化的信息,为制订热固性塑料的固化工艺提供科学依据。

    Datas obtained by torque rheometer should be considered as a scientific basis to determine the process parameters for thermoset plastics .

  7. 对水泥固化、沥青固化、塑料固化、玻璃固化、人造岩石固化等5种固化处理方法的固化机理、研究现状、应用情况、适用领域及优缺点进行了较系统的分析探讨。

    This paper analyses and discussed solidification theories , status of solidification research and application , application field , advantage and disadvantage of cement solidification , bitumen solidification , plastic solidification , glass solidification and synroc solidification quite systematically .

  8. 环氧电工塑料的固化反应动力学研究

    Study on the curing reaction kinetics of epoxy electrician molding compound

  9. 导热塑料成型固化工艺研究

    Study of Heat-conductive Plastics Cure Reaction Processing

  10. 设计的汽车起动机换向器酚醛模塑料后固化控制系统达到了预期的目标。

    It is to achieve the desired objectives that the post-curing control system of phenolic molding compounds for automobile starter commutator is designed .

  11. 根据汽车起动机换向器酚醛模塑料后固化工艺要求,提出控制系统的具体实现方案。

    According to the technological requirements of post-curing of phenolic molding compounds for automobile starter commutator , it is proposed to realize the specific programs of the control system .

  12. 在树脂的复配体系中热固性树脂的比例越大,模塑料的固化速度越快,同时料筒稳定性越差,实际生产中可根据不同的用途选择不同的复配体系。

    The greater proportion of thermosetting resin in the mixture system is , the faster the curing molding will be , and the worse the stability of the barrel will be .

  13. 然而两步法生产酚醛塑料要加入固化剂六亚甲基四胺(HTMA),而HTMA分解,残留在塑料制品中的游离氨会腐蚀电器的金属部分。

    However , phenolic plastic ( novolac ) prepared with two-step method is mostly cured with HTMA and this curing process will release ammonia from HTMA , which will corrode the copper or brass parts .

  14. 低压片状模塑料中温固化系统的研究

    Research on moderate temperature curing system of low pressure sheet molding compounds

  15. 酚醛模塑料制件后固化处理的研究

    Study of Post - cure of Phenolic Moulding Composites Parts

  16. 无氨模塑料用自固化酚醛树脂

    Self-curing Phenolic Resins Used for Non-ammonia Compression Moulding Powder

  17. GB/T5472-1985热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

    Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds

  18. 热固性橡胶之性能,热塑性塑料之加工方法.GB/T5472-1985热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

    Performance of thermoset rubber but processed like thermoplastic . Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds