
  • 网络fissile material
  1. 叉形探测器可用于后处理和贮存工厂中PWR和BWR型的乏燃料组件的燃耗、冷却时间、总钚和总裂变物质含量的测定。

    The detector can been used to determine the burnup , cooling time and the contents of whole plutonium and whole fission material in spent fuel assemblies of the PWR and BWR types at a reprocessing and storage facility .

  2. 能产生裂变物质的钍232含钙食品能促进体质。

    Fertile thorium 232 . Food containing calcium can invigorate health effectively .

  3. 如高浓缩铀和钚这样的裂变物质而言,并不安全

    like highly enriched uranium and plutonium , are absolutely not safe .

  4. 溶液堆使用裂变物质的水溶液为核燃料。

    The liquid solution is used for nuclear fuel in the solution reactor .

  5. 涉及可裂变物质或从可裂变物质衍生的物质;

    ( I ) relating to fissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived ;

  6. 可裂变物质生产反应堆

    Fissionable material production reactor

  7. 在这个系统的中心圆洞中放置一枚次临界的球形可裂变物质。

    In a hole in the center of this system is placed a subcritical sphere of fissionable material .

  8. 重点是,我们发展这些裂变物质是非常非常不安全的

    So the point is that we 're very , very insecure in terms of developing this material .

  9. 由于裂变物质的耗尽以及由于核心的膨胀,才使反应减慢下来。

    The reaction is slowed by a combination of depletion of the fissionable material and expansion of the core .

  10. 现在你们可能想看看如果是钚,另一种可用于制造核弹的裂变物质

    Now you might want to look at plutonium as another fissionable material that you might use in a bomb .

  11. (特别是指裂变物质)能够以反应速度不断增加的方式继续连锁反应。

    ( especially of fissionable material ) able to sustain a chain reaction in such a manner that the rate of reaction increases .

  12. 原子能代理处能够为滤网、储蓄、捐献可裂变物质保护和其他能源负责。

    The atomic energy agency could be made responsible for the impounding , storage , and protection of the contributed fissionable and other materials .

  13. 我们科学家的这种独创性将供应特殊的安全的条件,在裂变物质储藏所能够从本质上获得免疫的就被奇袭没收。

    The ingenuity of our scientists will provide special safe conditions under which such a bank of fissionable material can be made essentially immune to surprise seizure .

  14. 比如,一种方式是,通过国际化使裂变物质的存储更为安全。北京方面对此也表示了兴趣。

    The idea of making the storage of fissile materials more secure through internationalisation could offer one way in , and Beijing has expressed its interest in the issue .

  15. 原子能代理处更重要的职责将是想出一种方法,为何这个裂变物质能够分裂成几个人类的和平追击。

    The more important responsibility of this atomic energy agency would be to devise methods whereby this fissionable material would be allocated to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind .

  16. 产生裂变的物质增殖,指在增殖反应堆里产生(可裂变的物质)

    To produce ( fissionable material ) in a breeder reactor .

  17. 金属陶瓷,无论是否锻造(不包括含有可裂变或放射性物质者)

    Cermet , whether or not wrought ( excl. those containing fissile or radioactive substances )

  18. 裂变时产生的物质数量是不够的。

    The amount of material produced during fission is insignificant .