
  1. SOA原则通过使用REST样式的体系结构进行维护。

    SOA principles are maintained using a REST-style architecture .

  2. 这些原则通过帮助IBMRational的人员设定所提供的产品和服务的范围来指导IBMRational的人员,并告知客户所制定的战略性决策。

    These principles guide the people at IBM Rational by helping them scope the products and services we offer and inform our customers about the strategic decisions being made .

  3. 在一个分组语音通信系统中,大量的独立语音源产生信息包(在ATM中为信元)送入一个队列,再以先来先服务的原则通过有限容量的传输链路传送出去。

    In a packet voice communication system , packets are fed to a common queue by a number of independent voice sources and are removed from this queue on a first-come-first-serve basis for transmission over a communication link of finite capacity .

  4. 试论雨果创作的对照原则通过构建工程菌E。

    Contrast Principle in Hugo 's Works In contrast to E.

  5. 《江苏省知识产权战略纲要》在省政府第十七次常务会议上原则通过。

    The17th Executive Meeting of the Provincial Government approved Outline of IPR Strategy of Jiangsu Province in principle .

  6. 司法中的罪刑均衡原则通过责任要素的介入将报应主义下的罪刑均衡与目的主义下的刑罚个别化原则结合起来,表现为责刑均衡,实现了量刑原则由一元向二元的转变。

    It shows the balance between responsibility and punishment and makes the principle of sentencing discretion transform from mono-element to duality .

  7. 4,国家依据合算原则通过村干部与农民发生实践形态。

    4 , the state take place practice shape with peasant through village cadre according to the principle of " cost-efficient " .

  8. 国务院原则通过《中华人民共和国电子签名法(草案)》(注:电子签名又称数字签名)。

    The State Council has approved in principle the draft of the law on electronic signature , i.e. digital signature , of PRC .

  9. 2008年4月9日,国务院常务会议审议并原则通过了《国家知识产权战略纲要》。

    On April 9 , 2008 , the State Council routine conference consideration and adopts " Country Intellectual property rights Strategy Summary " in principle .

  10. 正义原则通过调节社会基本制度,从社会个体的微观角度出发,处理社会事实上的不平等现象。

    From the social individual point of view , the principle of justice treats all kinds of social unfair phenomena by adjusting basic social system .

  11. 他借助持有正义原则通过最弱意义的国家来反驳罗尔斯的分配正义理论。

    He refuted Rawls ' theory of justice distribution through " minimal state " and with the aid of " principle of justice maintenance " .

  12. 2009年,新医改方案获得原则通过,其中明确提出推进公立医院改革试点。

    In the year of 2009 , new medical and health care reform was approved , which clearly pointed out the experimental reforms of public hospitals .

  13. 审议并原则通过《关于义务教育学校实施绩效工资的指导意见》。新的工资制度下的教师工资包括基本工资、工龄工资、绩效奖励和津贴。

    Last year , the premier chaired a State Council executive meeting to review and approve in principle the implementation of performance-based pay in primary and middle schools .

  14. 结构风险最小化归纳原则通过控制经验风险和置信范围来控制实际风险的界。

    Structural risk minimization induce principle is used to control the bound on the value of achieved risk by controlling experiential risk and belief bound at the same time .

  15. 2006年7月20日,国务院常务会议讨论并原则通过了《邮政体制改革方案》,由此拉开了我国新一轮邮政管理体制改革的序幕。

    On July 20 , 2006 , the Standing Committee of the State Council discussed and approved in principal the Reform Bill of Postal Service System , which marked the prologue of the new reform of postal management system in China .

  16. 作为一般设计原则,通过在URI中使用名词而不是动词,对于遵循有关显式使用HTTP方法的REST指导原则是有帮助的。

    As a general design principle , it helps to follow REST guidelines for using HTTP methods explicitly by using nouns in URIs instead of verbs .

  17. 本系统基于理论和实践相结合的原则,通过粗集理论和DSP技术把瓦斯突出预测理论与实践结合起来。

    Based on the principle of the combination of theory and practice , the theory and practice of gas outburst prediction is combined by rough set theory and DSP technology .

  18. 在技术跨越的前期,应该根据比较优势原则,通过FDI等方式引进技术能力要求低并且变迁速度慢的成熟技术,从成熟期进入;

    In the prophase of technological leapfrogging , based on the relative advantage principle , developing countries should introduce the mature technologies that evolve slowly and need low technological capabilities by FDI etc.

  19. 总结了若干关于密码协议设计的原则,通过运用经过补充的BAN逻辑对该协议进行形式化分析,并通过计算机对该协议的握手协议过程进行仿真。

    Some ideas on the design of cryptographic protocol were provided . By using the supplemental BAN logic , a process of formal analysis of this mutual authentication cryptographic protocol was presented .

  20. 根据华北暴雨日降水量落区的相似性原则,通过K-means聚类方法,可将华北暴雨分成3类。

    ( 4 ) Heavy rainfall can be categorized into three types according to the similar distribution of its daily rainfall amount by means of K-means clustering algorithms .

  21. 这些原则可通过互联网公开访问,并在LEM全球办公室公布。

    These principles are publicly accessible via the Internet and are also published in the LEM offices world-wide .

  22. 最后,按照Web组件的设计原则,通过基于XML的数据绑定分析和编写了组件的HTC行为,并给出了两个常用组件的一些具体的设计和应用。

    Finally according to Web Control planning fundamental , the paper analyses and designs HTC behaviors of control through binding data based XML , and then , bring forward the application and designing details about common control .

  23. 在MATLAB环境下,根据使各交叉路口在一个周期内车辆平均延误最小的原则,通过采集的实时交通流数据,进行多次仿真实验。

    Under the MATLAB environment , the method accords to the rules which make the average vehicle delay minimize in a cycle . Large amounts of simulation were executed based on the real-time traffic flow data of a practical intersection .

  24. 遵循安全性设计的原则,通过基于ATL平台的浏览器/服务器模式,使得网络化资源的安全数据传输、安全数据分析成为可能;

    Following the secure designing , we make the secure data transfer possible based on ATL . ATL is the basis of this secure platform .

  25. 算法在分析了复杂的室外道路环境的基础上,确定了道路特征样本的选取原则,通过分析研究相关颜色模型,选定了以归一化的RGB值为道路颜色表示方法。

    The algorithm begins the work from the road character analysis , and makes a principle for road character selecting . By analyzing different color models , it chooses normalized RGB value to present the road color .

  26. 阐述了虚拟实验的特点和设计原则,通过静态路由和CDP动态路由虚拟实验设计的实例,探讨了使用Router模拟器设计虚拟实验的方法,以及深化理解路由协议的途径。

    States the characteristics and design rules of virtual experiment . By design examples of static route and dynamic route CDP , discusses the design method of virtual experiement with Router simulator and the approach to deepen the understanding for route protocol .

  27. 介绍了一种新的用于地区电网的自动电压控制(AVC)系统,该系统遵循无功在高电压水平下分层分区平衡原则,通过协调控制,全面实现AVC的各种控制目标。

    A new automatic voltage control ( AVC ) system for district power network is presented . It satisfies the principles of reactive power s hierarchical and regional balance on high voltage level , and realizes the AVC control objectives by coordinated control .

  28. 根据区域PERD协调发展的不同模式,构建区域PERD评价指标体系应遵循的原则,通过分析、选择建立区域PERD协调发展综合评价指标体系,并运用指标体系进行综合评价。

    Analyzing patterns of coordinated development of regional PERD , bring up the principle of evaluation index system , and constructing a set of evaluation index to regional PERD can carry on the method to appraise it by using index systems .

  29. 此相同的一致性命名原则还通过更复杂的工具集提供了一些好处。

    This same principle of consistent naming also provides benefits with a more sophisticated tooling set .

  30. 根据设计原则并通过多次计算,提出了电机的电磁方案。

    Through computing in many times , the electromagnetic scheme of the motor is put forward .