
  • 网络European order
  1. 美国力图在新大西洋主义框架上建立欧洲秩序和结构,保持乃至加强美国在欧洲事务中的主导地位;

    The U.S.aims at establishing an European order and structure within the framework of New Atlanticismin order to maintain and strengthen its leadership role in European affairs .

  2. 然而,默克尔却把实用主义的战术和目光短浅的战略结合在一起。她不止一次说过欧元崩溃会让整个战后欧洲秩序受到质疑。

    Instead she combines tactical pragmatism with strategic myopia . Ms Merkel has said more than once that the failure of the euro would put in doubt the entire postwar European order .

  3. 相比之下,欧洲的秩序只是在边缘出现紊乱。

    By contrast , the order in Europe is only fraying at the edges .

  4. 欧洲的之秩序已经完全改变。

    The order of Europe changed completely .

  5. 黑死病造成了欧洲社会政治秩序的混乱,引发了欧洲政治结构的调整。

    Meanwhile , Black Death brings trouble in the European politic and hence results in the adjustment in political structure .

  6. 俄国人民非常厌倦欧洲的旧秩序,厌倦沙皇、战争、列强;

    The Russian people were sick to death of the old order of things in Europe , of Tzars and wars and of Great Powers ;

  7. 但美国和欧洲为维护战后秩序又会做到什么程度呢?

    But how far will the US and Europe go to defend the postwar order ?

  8. 欧洲各国社会精英对欧洲秩序的进行了思考和探索,并因此形成了一批欧洲派的政党和压力集团。

    European social elite from their countries began to think and exploration of the order in Europe , and therefore developed a number of " European factions " of political parties and pressure groups .

  9. 早在十六世纪就有形成大欧洲概念的提起,二战后,如何营建欧洲新秩序对欧洲进行整合成了政治人物的新课题。

    As early as has in 16th century forms the European concept mentioning , postwar , how built the European new order to carry on entire to Europe synthesized political figure 's new task .