
  • 网络European style
  1. 大厅的设计尽显欧陆风情。

    The design of restaurant shows European style .

  2. 无可否认,托基具有典型的欧陆风情。

    Torquay is undeniably continental .

  3. 另外,贵气的香槟郁金香衬绣球花和尤加利叶,简约时尚,亦充满欧陆风情。

    Graceful Champagne tulips with balloon flowers and eucalyptus leaves are simple , stylish and European in flavour .

  4. 龙盛石材企业集团再次隆重向国内外建筑界朋友推出自然清新、一派欧陆风情的天然龙盛石板系列。

    Longsheng Stone Materials Enterprise Group promotes again the natural European Longsheng stone plate series to all friends in construction fields .

  5. 典雅精致的大厅,便捷细致的服务,将浪漫豪华的欧陆风情与中国传统文化的底韵完美融合。

    Luxury and romantic western ambience is perfectly mixed with traditional Chinese culture in the lobby , through elaborate decoration as well as thoughtful service .

  6. “尚”牌牛仔欧陆风情,于21世纪中期携时尚、简约、休闲之风格,登陆中国市场。

    " Shang " Brand Introduction " Shang " licensing cowboy European flavor , in the21st century , carrying fashion , simple , leisure style , landing the Chinese market .

  7. 杭州欧陆风情假日酒店按四星级标准兴建,地处西湖大道,毗邻城站火车站,坐拥时尚、繁华的商业街,风光无限。

    Hangzhou European-Style Holiday Hotel is located in the West Lake Avenue , adjoining Chengzhan Railway Station , and sit at the fashionable and flourishing business street , with limitless scenery .

  8. 当人们走进酒店的大堂时,会由衷地感叹装潢的精致、典雅,与瑞士给人的感觉一样,一股浓郁的欧陆风情扑面而来。

    Nobody will walk into the Swiss ô tel Grand Shanghai without being infatuated with its Continent-inspired d é cor , one that is elegant , exquisite and sure to put you in mind of Switzerland .

  9. 使居住者能感受到生活在欧陆人文风情的大自然中,充分享受主题园林的诗情画意。

    All of the resident here could feel that they live in a European flavor nature environment , and enjoy this Poetry in theme gardens .