
  • 网络lingnan gardens
  1. 岭南园林的龙凤崇拜

    The Totems of Dragon and Phoenix of Lingnan Gardens

  2. 浅谈民间艺术对传统岭南园林的影响

    Folk Art s ' Influence on Traditional Lingnan gardens

  3. 浅谈岭南园林植物特色

    Analysis on the Characteristics of Landscape Plants in Lingnan Gardens

  4. 广州的园林景观是岭南园林的最佳代表。

    The landscape of Guangzhou is the best representative of the southern garden .

  5. 岭南园林发展变迁的地理透视

    Geographical Perspective of the Vicissitude of Lingnan Gardens

  6. 基于文化特征的岭南园林地域类型及其构成要素

    The Area Types and Constituent Elements of Lingnan Landscape Architecture Based on Its Cultural Style

  7. 岭南园林与人居环境的创造

    Lingnan Garden and Creation of Dwelling Environment

  8. 论文首先分析了影响岭南园林植物景观形成的环境因素。

    The environmental and social impacts on the urban plant landscape of Lingnan are analyzed .

  9. 从岭南园林的门票制谈起

    On admission system to Lingnan garden

  10. 岭南园林的现代性思考

    Contemporary considerations on lingnan gardens

  11. 岭南园林具有别于北方园林、江南园林的独特艺术风格与造园手法。

    Compared with Northern and Jiangnan Landscape , Lingnan Landscape has its unique artistic style and gardening techniques .

  12. 岭南园林和江南园林美学特征的比较

    Comparison of Aesthetic Characteristics between South of the Five Ridges Gardens and South of the Yangtze River Gardens

  13. 流花西苑是广州著名的盆景园,也是岭南园林的精品。

    The west garden in Liuhua Park is a famous miniascape garden and one of the excellence Lingnan Gardens .

  14. 广东粤晖园,集中体现岭南园林的纤巧雅致,玲珑秀美;

    The Guandong garden embodies the traditional garden arts of South china , in its fine and slim , ingenious and delicate styles ;

  15. 岭南园林石景有其独特之处,叠石假山多与池水、建筑、植物共同组成园林景观。

    Lingnan Gardens are unique in their scenery building , which most often combines rockery artificial hills , pools , buildings and plants .

  16. 在市场经济竞争激烈和全球化的背景下,岭南园林只有在坚持风格的基础上、引入新元素,培育能把握岭南园林真谛的后备人才,才能做到可持续发展。

    Nowadays , under the background of competition and globalization , only insisting on it ` s own style , can Lingnan Landscape develop sustainable .

  17. 由于多种原因,岭南园林的研究远不如中原皇家园林及江南私家园林深入,对植物景观的研究更是滞后于对其他造园要素的研究。

    The study of Lingnan gardens , however , lags far behind North gardens and Jiangnan gardens for many reasons , especially in the plant landscape .

  18. 岭南园林始于南越,经过长期缓慢的发展逐渐繁荣,下迄明清,直至现代。

    Lingnan Garden began in Nanyue dynasty , to the Ming and Qing dynasties and till the modern , processed a long gradual development and got prosper .

  19. 通过理论研究和若干实例分析,论述了现代岭南园林中溪涧形成、特色及其建造方法。

    Through analysis some of the examples , in order to research the method of the formation and special features and the construct of the mountain brook in modern Lingna gardens .

  20. 通过建设和分析粤华苑,使岭南园林文化传播世界,使世界人民更了解中园,更了解岭南园林的传统庭园文化。

    Through construct and analyze Yue hua garden , make the South China gardens culture spread to the world , make traditional south Chinese garden culture well known by people in other countries .

  21. 通过剖析与评述传统园林要素应用于现代人居环境的多方实例,探讨现代岭南园林在新世纪的发展趋势与前景。

    In order to discuss the development trend and prospect of modern Lingnan Landscape , some practical examples are analyzed and commented on , in which traditional garden elements are applied in modern dwelling environment .

  22. 通常按地域分为北方园林、江南园林、岭南园林三大类,因此大量学者的研究也主要针对这三大类园林。

    Usually it has been divided into North Garden , South Garden , and the Southern Garden three big classes according to the region . So a large number of scholars all focus on these three classes gardens .

  23. 文摘:位于广州新城市中心轴线起点的东站广场以其新颖的“绿化广场”形式展现出现代都市风貌及岭南园林和地方特色相融合的艺术特色。

    Abstract : located at the initial point of the new axis of Guangzhou city , Guangzhou East Railway Station Plaza which has a new form of greening plaza , shows us a modern metropolitan style and feature which blends in well the South China landscape architecture with local features .

  24. 岭南古典园林建筑布局和装饰的市井化取向

    Architectural Layout and Philistine Orientation in Decoration of Lingnan 's Classical Garden

  25. 论近代岭南私家园林造园材料革新与技艺发展

    An Analysis of New Materials and Technical Innovation in Modern Lingnan Private Gardens

  26. 岭南传统园林造园特色

    Lingnan Traditional Features of Landscape Gardening

  27. 采用传统岭南古典园林设计手法,合理布置水系,园林绿地,园林小品及其他园林建筑。

    The design style is the traditional south China classical gardens design style , which manage water system , gardens and grass land , scenes and other buildings in a reasonable manner .

  28. 从庭院空间意境,庭园营造手法,庭除中介美学的全新演绎中,可以创造出许多优秀的岭南居住小区园林精品。

    A lot of elegant residences with the characteristics of landscape were build by the deduction of the realization of space , the means of courtyard building and the medial aesthetics .

  29. 从岭南粤园项目探究岭南园林在当代的发展

    Research of the Development of Lingnan Garden Today From Lingnan Cantonese Garden

  30. 岭南地区的气候环境条件是决定岭南园林植物景观的重要因素。

    The environmental factors have great impact on the urban plant landscape , such as the climate , which is an important determinant of the species and the types of the plants .