
  • 网络Lingnan School of Painting;lingnan painting school
  1. 这种新的研究视角可以使我们对新国画艺术的研究更加深入,同时也能够为岭南画派的研究提供生动而形象的资料。

    The new perspective can help us to research New Chinese Painting more thoroughly . moreover , it can offer us lively and vivid information to study the theory of Lingnan Painting School .

  2. 岭南画派兴衰起止问题的论争与当代广东中国画坛的心态

    On the Controversy of Lingnan Art School 's Vicissitude and the Mentality of Contemporary Chinese Painting in Guangdong

  3. 他的艺术道路,是从学习西方绘画的素描开始的,后又接触了当时颇受瞩目的岭南画派。

    His artistic path , learning Western painting from the sketch began , after exposure to popular attention at the time of the Lingnan School .

  4. 他会避开名画,比如岭南画派的印象派风格画作,因为这些作品为广州美术学院的学者们所熟知,而且还很可能会借出去展览。

    He avoided the best-known works , including the more impressionistic paintings of the Lingnan School , which scholars at the institution knew well and were likely to be lent out for exhibitions .

  5. 擅山水,尤以巨幅见长,所作气势恢廓,雄健秀茂,自具风貌,为当代“岭南画派”代表画家之一。

    Good at landscapes , particularly known for huge , restored the momentum profile , vigorous Sau Mau , from a style for the contemporary " Lingnan school of painting " represents one of the artists .

  6. 高剑父是清末、民国时期一位非常重要的画家,以他为首的岭南画派在中国近现代美术史上扮演了极为重要的角色。

    Jianfu Gao was a very famous artist in late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China . He was the leader of the Lingnan School of Painting , who played a crucial role in Chinese modern art history .

  7. 在这一历史中,岭南的风格独秀于林,而黎雄才和关山月则成为岭南画派的终结者。

    In this history , the Lingnan style single show in the forest , while the Li Xiongcai , and Guan Shanyue became the Lingnan school of painting 's demise .