
  • 网络Chinese Political History;Political history of China
  1. 晚清预备立宪是中国政治史上鲜有的政治妥协的产物。

    The preparation for constitutionalism in the Late Qing dynasty was the outcome of the political compromise , which rarely existed in the political history of China .

  2. 尽管这种妥协是有限的,但正是这种有限的政治妥协,成就了预备立宪,并在实际上拉开了近代中国政治史上最深刻的一次政治变革的序幕。

    Though this compromise was confined , exactly this confined political compromise achieved the preparation for constitutionalism , and , practically , drew back the prologue of the deepest political reform in the political history of modern China .

  3. 河南在中国政治史、军事史、文化史上的地位举足轻重,而当地的民间信仰活动也在秉承这一优秀传统的基础上呈现出自身的特点,表现为受众群体广泛、各色活动丰富多彩等。

    Henan Province holds an important position in China ` s political history , military history and cultural history . And the local folk belief activities adhere to this fine tradition presents its own characteristics which take on the wide audiences , colorful activities and so on .

  4. 中国政治思想史的学科定位与课程建设

    On Subject Location and Course Construction of Chinese Political Ideological History

  5. 中国政治思想史文化体系

    The Cultural System of the History of Chinese Political Idea

  6. 吕振羽中国政治思想史研究轨迹探析

    On Lu Zhen-yu 's Trace of Chinese Political Ideological History

  7. 善后会议是中国近代政治史上一次重要会议。

    The Reconstruction Conference was an important conference in modern Chinese political history .

  8. 弄清这个现象对研究中国古代政治史具有独特的学术意义。

    The clarification of it is of significance to study ancient history of China .

  9. 二者的分界,在中国政治思想史上具有重大意义。

    This difference is of great significance in the history of Chinese politics and thinking .

  10. 中国政治思想史研究贯穿吕振羽学术生涯始终。

    The research about political ideology history of Chinese run through Lu Zhenyu 's learning career .

  11. 异姓王研究在中国古代政治史研究中是一个十分重要的课题。

    The study on Special Princes is an important question in political history of ancient china .

  12. 科举制度的确立和实施,在中国封建政治史上具有划时代的意义。

    The establishment and implementation of imperial examination system has epoc-making significance in feudal political history .

  13. 《中国政治制度史》是政治和行政学专业的基础课程。

    《 Chinese History of Political System 》 is a basic course for politics and executive science .

  14. 简论辛亥革命在中国政治制度史上的意义

    A Brief Discussion on the Significance of the Revolution of 1911 to the History of Chinese Political System

  15. 一部颇具新意的拓荒之作&评《当代中国政治思想史》

    A New Pioneering Academic Work : A Review of A History of Political Ideas of Contemporary China ;

  16. 老子无为思想在中国政治思想史上有重要影响,西方自由放任学说在经济学说史上曾占据统治地位。

    Lao Zi 's thought of inactivity plays a significant role in the history of China 's political philosophy .

  17. 中国政治思想史以中国传统政治思想为主要研究对象,具有交叉学科的特点。

    Chinese political ideological history is taking Chinese traditional political thought as major research , having the characteristic of overlapping subject .

  18. 这种具有“共时性”的思维模式,可以被称之为中国政治思想史的“语法”。

    This " synchronic " mode of thinking can be called the " grammar " in the history of Chinese political ideology .

  19. 他的政治追求同时也奠定了他在中国政治思想史上的历史地位。

    The concept was his consistent political pursuit . His political pursuit also established his historical position in Chinese history of political thought .

  20. 辽代行政制度的二元化是中国政治制度史上一个颇具特色的现象。

    The dualization of the administration system of the Liao Dynasty was one of the most characteristic phenomena in China 's political system history .

  21. 本文是作者依据其多年的治学经验,对于中国近代政治史研究的学术路径及其发展方向所做的思考。

    This paper , based on the academic study of the author for years , reflects upon the academic road and direction of modern Chinese Politics .

  22. 在中国政治思想史上,思想家有关人性善恶所做出的判断,是其全部政治哲学的逻辑起点。

    In the history of political thought in China , the judgments made by thinkers about human nature were the logical starting point of their political philosophy .

  23. 立法与行政关系是近代以来人类政治生活中一对重要的政治关系,是近代中国政治制度史上引人关注的问题。

    The relationship between legislation and administration is an important political relationship in human political life since modern times , and also an attractive question in the political system in modern China .

  24. 严耕望(1916-1996)是我国现代史学史上著名的中古史研究大家,主要从事中国政治制度史及中国历史人文地理方面的研究。

    Yen Keng-wang ( 1916-1996 ) is a famous modern historian on Ancient Chinese History Study in China . He mainly engaged in the research of History of the Political Systems and Historical Humanities Geography .

  25. 根据索绪尔语言学的法则,可把中国政治思想史划分为“事件叙述”和“思维规则”两个层面。

    In light of the linguistic rules of Ferdinand De Saussure , the history of Chinese political ideology can be divided into two levels , that is , " event narrative " and " thinking rules " .

  26. 中国政治思想史形成了以深层次文化底蕴为内含的文化体系,这种文化体系构成中国政治思想史的科学系统,阐发中国政治思想史文化体系,正是为了揭示其基础雄厚的文化底蕴。

    The history of Chinese political idea forms the cultural system based on the deep cultural connotation , which consists of the scientific system of Chinese political idea . Elaborating the cultural system of the history of Chinese political idea provides its cultural basis .

  27. 海峡两岸在中国近代政治史上,是一个相当特殊的关系,从政治、军事的敌对状态到中国改革开放之后之密切交流、相互依存,但在政治上却仍处于完全不同体制。

    From the political and militarily hostility to the close interaction and interdependence after the reform and opening up of Chinese mainland , cross-strait governments , although completely different in politically institutions , have a very special relationship in modern political history in China .

  28. 外戚专权是封建社会常有的历史现象,它随着中国政治制度史的不断深入研究而被学者们重视的,外戚专权的研究有助于我们认识和掌握封建社会的政治制度的本质和规律。

    Dukes feudal autocracy is often historical phenomenon , it is the history of the Chinese political system as the deepening of being scholars emphasize the importance of the right of Dukes specifically help us to understand and grasp the political system of feudal society , the nature and law .

  29. 中国政治法律思想史

    The history of the theories on politics and law of China

  30. 魏晋无君思想是中国古代政治思想史上的一朵奇葩。

    It is well know that Wei-jin non-emperor thought is the ancient Chinese history of political thought .