
  • 网络History of Traditional Chinese Medicine;the history of tcm
  1. 《伤寒杂病论》,在中医史上有着极其重要的位置。

    The typhoid miscellaneous diseases theory has the extremely important in shennong position .

  2. 章太炎在近代中医史上的地位及成就

    Zhang Taiyan 's Academic Position and Achievements in the Modern History of Chinese Medicine

  3. 近现代中医史上三位名人&王亦仁、王依仁、王一仁

    Three Celebrities in Contemporary Chinese Medical History

  4. 章太炎是我国近代中医史上的学问家、革新家和教育家。

    Zhang Taiyan was a great scholar , innovator and educator in the modern history of Chinese medicine .

  5. 历史上的气候变迁是导致中医史上寒温学派兴起和发展兴衰的重要原因;

    Secondly , climatic changes in history is the important cause leading to formation and vicissitude of Cold-Warm School in TCM history ;

  6. 近代中医史,有两条络胍,二者各自有限有度地发展,表面上并无连系。

    In the recent history of Traditional Chinese Medicine , there are two independently developing veins which on the surface would seem unrelated .

  7. 基于此,本文对章太炎的医学思想从以下五个方面进行了整理、归纳、阐释,并评价其医学思想,以明确章太炎在近代中医史上的地位和对中医学的贡献。

    Thus , this essay is going to induce , explain and evaluate Zhang 's medical thoughts from following five aspects in order to clarify his important position in modern history of traditional Chinese medicine and his contribution to traditional Chinese medicine .

  8. 论陈实功在中医外科史上的贡献

    Chen Shigong 's Contributions to the history of TCM surgery

  9. 60年来中医教育史这一新的研究领域已有一定成果。

    The summary showed that there are certain achievements in this field of research .

  10. 中医教育史研究综述(1949-1994)(待续)

    Review on the study of educational history of TCM ( to be continued )

  11. 纵观中医发展史,伤寒与温病经历了从合论争鸣统一的历史阶段,寒温争鸣与融合一直争论不休。

    Throughout Chinese history , cold disease and warm disease experienced from primary unified historical stage to arguing stage to unification stage .

  12. 明清在中医发展史上是一个重要的时期,西方发生了近代科学革命、医学革命。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties , the western started the science revolution , thus providing a background for medicine to develop .

  13. 清末民国时期是山西中医发展史上较为鼎盛的时期,这一时期山西中医的行医方式主要是个体坐堂、开业、兼业、走方和医院。

    In the developing history of shanxi 's traditional Chinese medicine , the end of the Qing Dynasty is one if the most prosperous periods .

  14. 民国时期的北平中医药发展史研究(1912-1949)

    Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 )

  15. 对道教医学的认识,有必要以中医文化发展史为背景。

    It is essential to know Daoist medicine from the background of cultural development of traditional Chinese medicine .

  16. 从中医文化发展史看,中医经历了道医、儒医、术医三个阶段。

    The latter has experienced such three stages as Dao medicine , Confucian medicine , and technical medicine .

  17. 1949~2001年北京中医师承教育史在实际工作中,信息技术教育与物理教学的整合,对培养学生的信息素养具有重要的推动作用。

    Educational history of master-disciple teachings of Chinese medicine in Beijing during 1949 ~ 2001 The incorporation of information technology into physics teachings will great improve student information competence .

  18. 并从中医学发展史的角度,研究探索其学术发展与中医学理论发展之间的内在联系,揭示了泄泻病证的学术发展源流。

    Besides , from the TCM historical angle , I explored intrinsic relationship between diarrhea academic progress and the development of TCM theory , in order to reveal the origin and development of diarrhea .

  19. 综述了近60年来对中医古代教育史、中医近代教育史的研究概况,主要内容为中医教育制度史和中医教育思想史的研究,并涉及地方医学教育史、少数民族医学教育史等内容。

    This paper deals with the general study on ancient and modern Chinese medical education , namely the history of institution , history of medical thinking , regional medical education , minority medical education .

  20. 《伤寒论》是中医药发展史上的里程碑著作,其中的方剂被誉为经方,以其神奇的疗效在临床中被广泛应用。

    Treatise on Cold Damage is one of the most important work in the history of Chinese Medicine , its formulas , known as " Classical Formulas ", have been applied in the clinical practice widely .

  21. 目的:香港经历了英帝国主义殖民时代,及史无前例的一国两制的制度发展之中,使香港在近代的中医药发展史中,有著独特的研究价值。

    Objective : Hong Kong has experienced the colonial era of British imperialism , and the unprecedented one country , two systems . As such , Hong Kong has a unique value in modern Chinese Medicine history research .

  22. 关于岭南中医药学术发展史的研究

    Historical Study on the Academic Development of Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

  23. 近代中医防治重大疫病史

    A History of Prevention and Treatment of Significant Pestilence in Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine

  24. 对古代中医妇产科疾病史研究的思考

    Ponderation on the Study of History of Obstetrical and Gynecological Diseases in Ancient Chinese Medicine

  25. 中医兔唇修补术史考证健康教育方式对小儿唇裂手术后院内感染的影响

    Textual Research on Hare lip Surgery in the History of Chinese Medicine Influence of health education on nosocomial infection after children harelip suture

  26. 本文在搜集和整理第一手资料的基础上,对中医黄疸证治史进行了较为系统的研究,在特定的历史环境中考量多种黄疸理论的建立、发展和传承的历史演变过程及各自的特点。

    Based on the collection and reading of primal historical materials of jaundice , this article studies on the history of TCM jaundice completely , explores the establishment and progress of several theories of jaundice in their own historical backgrounds .

  27. 通过政府主导方式推行的大规模中医师徒传承,是中医发展史上的一次重要探索。

    Through the government dominant mode to carry out large-scale TCM apprenticeship is an important exploration in the history of traditional Chinese medicine .

  28. 全书内容丰富,叙述系统,简明扼要,是学习中医的重要读物,在中医发展史上,特别是在医学教育、医学理论和临床辨治等领域,具有一定的学术地位与影响。

    Concise in description , being an important book for learning traditional Chinese medicine . It is of important academic position and impact in the history of traditional Chinese medicine , especially in the fields of medical education , medical theory and clinical treatment .

  29. 前言:“非医攻博”是中医药高等教育在新世纪的一项创举,在中医药教育史上具有特殊的意义。

    Non-medicine medical doctoral program is a new education system in higher TCM education in the new century , with special significance in the history of TCM education .