
  1. 中国古代思想家关于利益观的理论探讨

    Theoretical Explorations of Ancient Chinese Thinkers about the Outlook of Benefit

  2. 中国古代思想家侧重从人文价值方面发现自然的意义。

    Ancient Chinese philosophers were inclined to discover humanistic value from nature .

  3. 中国古代思想家对情绪性的论述

    A Discussion on Emotionality of Chinese Archaic Ideologist

  4. 财富是古今中外各种经济学说关注的核心问题。中国古代思想家对于财富问题的诸种言说亦有其现代价值。

    The various of the ancient Chinese thinkers about wealth have their modern values .

  5. 中国古代思想家关于学习心理的论述

    Ancient Chinese Thinkers ' Remarks on Learning Psychology

  6. 礼敬,是中国古代思想家提倡的处理人际关系的重要道德规范。

    " Manners and Respect " is one of the most important moral standards recommended by ancient chinese philosophers .

  7. 老子、孔子等中国古代思想家的著作也为俄罗斯人民所重视。

    Likewise , the Russian people treasure the works by such great ancient Chinese philosophers as Laozi and confucius .

  8. 中国古代思想家进行人生哲理的研究,重视道德修养与道德教育的根本目的,在于造就高尚的人格。

    To create noble personality is the purpose of ancient Chinese thinker to research ethics problem and to concentrate on morality education .

  9. 中国古代思想家孔子说过:己所不欲,勿施于人。

    Confucius , the ancient Chinese thinker , taught us that , Do not do onto others what you do not want others do onto you .

  10. 中国古代思想家孔子曾说过,万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。

    The ancient Chinese thinker Confucius once said , All living creatures grow together without harming one another ; ways run parallel without interfering with one another .

  11. 如果超越西方纯知识论的视域,经济生活作为人类社会社会生活的基础,也是中国古代思想家理性思索的对象。

    Economical activity , the basis of human existence , was often reflected upon by ancient Chinese scholars , but not as a branch of knowledge like western scholars .

  12. 中国古代思想家孔子认为,一个真正心智成熟的人,可以做到从心所欲,不逾矩。

    The ancient Chinese thinker Confucius said that a truly mature person is someone who is able to follow the dictates of his heart without transgressing what is right .

  13. 中国古代思想家孔子说:“四十而不惑,五十而知天命。”

    Confucius , China 's ancient philosopher , says : " At forty I had no more doubts and at fifty , I knew the will of Heaven . "

  14. 小康社会源于中国古代思想家对于理想社会的一种设想,其主要内容是对于宽裕、殷实生活的描述与期冀。

    The term well-off society originates from a kind of assumption produced by ancient Chinese ideologists , which is mainly associated with the depiction and anticipation of the ample well being .

  15. 正如学者所指出,中国古代思想家所讨论的人性问题常常不能不成为一个本体的问题,形而上学问题,甚至成为道德形而上学的基石。

    Just as some scholars have pointed out that the question of human nature discussed by ancient Chinese thinkers was usually a ontological problem and a metaphysical questions , even became the cornerstone of moral metaphysics .

  16. 论中国古代思想家、政治家关于治乱兴衰的思考后现代主义思潮的兴起更为清楚地表明:在中国文化的现代开展中,全盘西化此路不通。

    A Study of the Ideas of Ancient Thinkers and Statesmen on Social Stability , Chaos , Prosperity and Decline ; The rise of post-modern thought indicates that China cannot be fully westernized in its own modernization .

  17. 如何看待“理”、“欲”之间的关系问题,是中国古代思想家们争论的一个热点问题,也是宋明理学的核心内容。

    How to look to the relationship between " reason " and " desire " is not only a hot issue , which was argued by Chinese ideologists in ancient time , but also an essence of ethics studying in the Song and Ming Dynasties .

  18. 君子是中国古代著名思想家、教育家孔子提出来的理想人格。

    Man of honoris the ideal personality advanced by Confucius , the famous ideologist and educationalist of ancient China .

  19. 孔子(公元前551-479年),中国古代的思想家、教育家、伦理学家,是万世敬仰的一代宗师,是中华民族传统文化的代表。

    Confucius ( 551-479 BC ), the ancient Chinese thinker , educator and ethicist , is a renowned and respected master and the representative of traditional Chinese culture .

  20. 在这一假设的基础上,中国古代政治思想家认为人体、社会和宇宙可以被看作一个同构物,并依据这一原理形成了天人合一的著名政治范畴。

    On this assumption , ancient thinkers argue for the coherence between body , society and universe in which form the famous category of " heaven and man in unification " .

  21. 但在人类历史上,我们对自己本性的探索从未停止过。哲学家、心理学家、生物学家及中国古代的思想家提出的每一种理论都为理解我们自己及我们在宇宙中的地位做出了积极的贡献。

    Never do we stop exploring the nature of human beings in history , theories propounded by philosophers , psychologists , biologists and ancient Chinese scholars contribute to the understanding of the nature of human beings and our position in the universal cosmos .

  22. 一个大约三千年以前的中国古代的伟大思想家和教育家。

    A great ancient Chinese thinker and educator around three thousand years old .

  23. 老子是中国古代伟大的思想家。

    Laozi is a great ancient Chinese thinker .

  24. 山东省曲阜市,是中国古代著名的思想家、教育家孔子的故乡。

    Qufu is the birthplace of Confucius , the renowned thinker and teacher of ancient China .

  25. 中国古代政治家和思想家们善用比喻的手法来表达各自的政治主张,用水来比喻政治是政治家和思想家的一大创造。

    China ancient politician and thinker tactics likened to make the best of express one 's own political opinions .

  26. 陈:我注意到你的报告中引用了一些传统的格言,其中包括中国古代著名军事思想家孙子的名言。

    MR. CHEN : I noticed that the report used some classic quotes which included a quote by a famous ancient Chinese military thinker Sun Tzu .

  27. 中国古代伟大的思想家、政治家、教育家、儒家学派的创始人,世界著名的文化巨人。

    He was the greatest thinker , statesman and educator of ancient china , the original founder of confucianism , and the famous cultural giant of the world .

  28. 弟子入则孝,出则弟(悌)&孔子,中国古代教育家、思想家、哲学家。

    A youth , when at home , should be filial , and , abroad , respectful to his elders & Kung Fu-tzu Confucius , Chinese educator , thinker and philosopher .

  29. 孔子是中国古代杰出的思想家,也是中国私人讲学制度的创始人,是第一个将知识传授到民间的先生。

    Confucius is an outstanding thinker of ancient China , also a founder of a private teaching system in ancient China and the first " Sir " to impart knowledge to the private sector .

  30. 在中国古代,很多思想家都对复仇行为提出了自己的见解,中国古代复仇思想也从单纯地由讨论具体复仇个案的处理结果发展到对于复仇案件处理程序的设计。

    In ancient China , many thinkers have put forward their own views for revenge , The china ancient thought of revenge development from simply revenge by discussing with the result of the revenge case to the design of the processing program of revenge .