
  • 网络chinese stamps;china stamp;POSTAGE STAMPS OF CHINA
  1. 英格兰拍卖行Warwick&Warwick的总监科林·萨奇(ColinSuch)说:“我绝对不想在中国邮票上投入10000英镑。集邮是一项很棒的爱好,理想地说它应该仅限于是个爱好。”

    I certainly wouldn 't want to put £ 10 , 000 on Chinese stamps , ' says Colin Such , director at Warwick & Warwick , an auction house based in England . ' Philately is a wonderful hobby , and ideally it should just be that . '

  2. 我非常喜欢收集各种中国邮票。

    I like collecting all kinds Of Chinese stamps very much .

  3. 还有这些也都是中国邮票。

    And all of these stamps are from china , too .

  4. 我收集各式各样的邮票,大少数中国邮票。

    I collect all kinds of stamps , mostly Chinese stamps .

  5. 中国邮票不仅具有实用性而且还具有艺术性。

    Chinese stamps not only practical but also with art .

  6. 所以我没有中国邮票。

    So I haven 't got any Chinese stamps !

  7. 你有中国邮票吗?

    Have you got any stamps from china ?

  8. 在中国邮票上出现美国邮票上诸如“美国照耀全世界”这样的字眼是不可想像的。

    On Chinese stamps it is out of imagination to have something like US brightens the world on the US stamps .

  9. 他甚至还有合适的邮票和一罐用来粘贴的胶水,因为他提醒我们,中国邮票上的胶水是出了名地不靠谱。

    He even had the correct stamps and a pot of glue to affix them , since he warned us that Chinese stamp glue was notoriously unreliable .

  10. 且装饰语言在中国邮票中的运用使中国邮票在世界上独具极大的魅力并在世界邮票史上占有极其重要的地位,对民族和国家起到了极大的宣传作用。

    Language and decoration in China , making China the use of stamps in the world of stamps great charm and unique stamps in the world , occupies an extremely important role in the history of nations and countries played a significant advocacy role .

  11. 但是要值得注意的是,在日后的设计过程中在继承传统的同时,也要避免拿来主义的设计手法,要适应新的创作环境,与时俱进,从而促进装饰和中国邮票都得到长远的发展。

    But to be worthy of note that the design process in the future in the tradition , we must also avoid the " used " design techniques , creative environment to adapt to new times , so as to promote decorative and China Stamp have long-term development .

  12. 我们如何能搞到中国的邮票?

    How are we ever going to get a stamp from China ?

  13. 论中国生肖邮票设计中的民俗性

    On the Folk - custom in the Design of Chinese Animal Stamp

  14. 中国生肖邮票和剪纸上羊的形象往往都是带胡须的山羊。

    Images on China 's zodiac stamps and papercuttings are often bearded goats .

  15. 我有一些中国的邮票。

    I 've got some stamps from china .

  16. 新中国文学邮票刍论

    About Literature Stamps in New China

  17. 装饰语言运用于中国的邮票之中,是广大人民群众喜闻乐见的一种形式。

    Decorative language used among the Chinese stamps , is loved by the masses as a form .

  18. 中国文学邮票的现状:一是出版文学邮票缺乏长远规划,发行种数、套数不多,邮品比较单调;

    Chinese literature stamp situations now have following characteristics : 1 . No future planning , kinds and type are seldom , dull ;

  19. 加拿大邮政总局媒体负责人萨尔切纳表示,发行中国生肖邮票具有重要意义,一枚小小的生肖邮票可以为拉近国家间距离发挥重要作用。

    Salchner , Manager of Media and Community Affairs of Canada Post , said that these little stamps are very important , which can bridge the distance between countries and build relations .

  20. 中国邮局发行邮票纪念列宁百年诞辰。

    The Chinese Post Office issued some stamps commemorating the centenary of Lenin 's birth .

  21. 一些最稳当的收藏品是古老的画作、中国陶器、邮票、硬币、珍本书籍、古代珠宝、银器、瓷器、著名艺术家的作品、亲笔签名和有时代特征的家具。

    Some examples of the most stable collectibles are old masters , Chinese ceramics , stamps , coins , rare books , antique jewelry , silver , porcelain , art by well-known artists , autographs , and period furniture .

  22. 1994年,他设计了第一套美国和中国联合发行的邮票。

    In1994 , Lee designed America 's first joint-issue stamp with China .

  23. 外国发行与中国建交的纪念邮票

    Foreign stamps issued to celebrate diplomatic relations with China

  24. 中国图书、日历总汇、中国邮票、名家书画、文房四宝、书签剪纸。

    Importer of Calenders Diaries , China Stamps Philatelic Items , Chinese Books , Chinese Paintings Accessories , Bookmarks Papercuts .