
  1. 论唐代服饰文化繁荣的机缘

    On the Chance of Clothing Culture Prosperity in Tang Dynasty

  2. 在作用上,倡导着唐代服饰的新潮流。

    It initiated the new trend of Tang Dynasty costume in action .

  3. 唐代服饰是中国古代服装发展历史中最璀璨的一颗明珠。

    Tang Dynasty costumes in ancient China , the history of clothing the most brilliant jewel .

  4. 在唐代服饰美学中有着很深的社会思潮痕印。

    The aesthetics in the Tang Dynasty costumes shows a deep vestige of the trends of thought at that time .

  5. 研究服饰中的袖式在唐代服饰中的发展变化,分析其社会功能及文化内涵。

    The changes of sleeves in Tang dynasty was studied , and their social function and cultural connotation was analyzed .

  6. 唐代服饰美学体现了社会风气与服饰变化的互动互摄现象。

    The aesthetics in the Tang Dynasty costumes shows the interactivity between the social customs and the change of the costumes .

  7. 经历了唐代服饰鲜艳夺目、种类繁多、融合异族外来文化的繁荣局面,宋代服饰转而进入了相对保守、庄重、但又不失典雅秀丽的崭新局面。

    After the prosperity of resplendent and various dress integrated with foreign culture in Tang Dynasty , dress style in Song Dynasty took on a new look which is relatively conservative and solemn but is still of elegance and beauty .

  8. 从唐代服饰史料不难发现其史实的丰富性与史料的相对性是永恒的;唐代服饰设计史料的运用仍有广阔空间;唐代服饰设计史料凸显的继承创新思想。

    It is not difficult to discover that its richness historical facts and the relativity historical data are eternal from the Tang Dynasty costume design data ; and the inheriting innovative thought is highlighted in the Tang Dynasty costume design data .

  9. 同时,在对唐代服饰艺术进行研究总结的基础上,探讨如何对唐代服饰艺术的精华加以吸收,并将其应用于现代服装设计中,给现代服装设计带来一定的借鉴与启示作用。

    At the same time , the Tang Dynasty costumes to study art on the basis of summing up to explore ways of Tang Dynasty costumes to absorb the essence of art and applies it in modern fashion design , costume design brought to the modern must reference and enlightenment .

  10. 论唐代妇女服饰艺术的多样性

    Discussion of the Varieties of Female Dress Adornment in the Tang Dynasty

  11. 在唐代,服饰的颜色与质地常常代表着一个人的身份与地位。

    In the Tang Dynasty , the color and texture of clothing could reflect a person 's identity and status .

  12. 文章以《全唐诗》为主要的文献资料来解读唐代的服饰文化。

    The article use the Tang poetry as a major documentation to interpret the costumes culture in the Tang Dynasty .

  13. 唐代汉族服饰丰富而华丽,特别是对外来衣冠服饰的广为吸收,使得唐代汉族服饰呈现出交流融合的多民族性特色。

    Owing to the extensive absorbing of foreign finery characteristics , the finery of Han ethnic group in Tang Dynasty appeared to be abundant and luxurious with multi-ethnic characteristics .

  14. 唐人心态与唐代贵族女子服饰文化

    Tang people 's mentality & female nobles ' costume culture

  15. 唐代民间妇女服饰

    The Folk Dress of Tang Dynasty Women

  16. 本文对唐代民间妇女服饰的形成因素、穿着形式及特点等进行了分析。

    This paper analyses the factors taking shape , the wearing form and characters of the folk dress of Tang Dynasty women .

  17. 在唐墓壁画中的乐舞图里蕴含有大量的服饰图像资料,这些难能可贵的资料对于研究唐代乐舞伎服饰有着重大的意义。

    In the tang dynasty tomb figure to music murals containing a lot of dress image material , these valuable material to study music Ji dress in tang dynasty is of great significance .

  18. 唐代前期妇女的服饰表现出前所未有的开放意识,充满追求健康的外形美和充满蓬勃向上的气息。

    Apparel and accessories of women in former Tang Dynasty has shown the opening consciousness which has never been seen before . It was full of tinge which pursuing external beauty healthfully and flourishes .

  19. 本文撷取唐代服装面料、唐代女性服饰、唐代的舞蹈服装3个方面,对唐诗中描绘的服饰进行分析归纳,展示盛唐的服饰壮观。

    The fabrics , the women 's costumes and the dance costumes described in Tang Dynasty are analyzed in detail to demonstrate splendor of costumes in Tang Dynasty .

  20. 丝绸是唐代女性美的重要载体,是唐代官员服饰等级制度的重要形式,是唐代发达的舞蹈艺术的物质基础。

    The silk is the important carrier of the female beauty of women in Tang Dynasty . It also is the key formalism of hierarchy of official clothes .