
  1. 个人或小团体可以在游览的起始点&参观者入口处附近的联合国个性化邮票店照相。

    A single person or a small group can have there photo image taken at the UN Personalized stamp Shop located near the visitors entrance where the tours start .

  2. 纽约的联合国邮政管理促推出了个性化邮票,来到纽约联合国总部的所有参观者都可订制这样的邮票。

    The United Nations Postal Administration in New York launched personalized stamps , these stamps are made available to all visitors who come to the UN Headquarters in New York .

  3. 目前已经实现商务平台的搭建,已实现的业务子模块有个性化邮票、樽文化网站(网上购物)、个人帐户、站内邮箱和新闻发布系统。

    We have realized the building of e-commerce platform and sub-module including personalized stamps , ancient-cup culture website ( an online shopping website ), personal accounts , personal mail and news publishing system .