
  1. 在腾讯和其他机构的支持下,在洛杉矶和上海之间穿梭的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)前高管唐伟(DonaldTang)成立了一家合资企业以利用这种趋势。

    Donald Tang , a former Bear Stearns executive who shuttles between Los Angeles and Shanghai , has formed a venture with backing from Tencent and others to capitalise on this trend .

  2. 唐伟表示:他们看到野村(Nomura)等日本企业,想从中吸取经验教训。野村证券是日本最大的券商。

    They look at firms like Nomura and want to learn from them , says Mr Tang , referring to Japan 's largest brokerage .

  3. 曾经是贝尔斯登(BearStearns)亚洲区掌门人的唐伟,还将与IMGlobal和腾讯合作,组建一家合资的电视公司制作发行电视内容,信实也将参与。

    Mr Tang , a former head of Bear Stearns in Asia , is also partnering with IM Global and Tencent to form a TV joint venture that will include Reliance and produce and distribute television content .

  4. TangMediaPartners是由商人唐伟(DonaldTang)创建的,该公司与CMC和华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothers)联手,拟从印度商人安尼尔•安巴尼(AnilAmbani)旗下的信实集团(Reliancegroup)收购上述制片公司。

    Tang Media Partners , created by Donald Tang , a businessman , has joined CMC and Huayi Brothers to buy the studio from the Reliance group of Anil Ambani , the Indian businessman .

  5. 唐伟表示,这次联姻应该得到友好回应。

    Mr. Tang said the link-up should meet with a friendly response .

  6. 唐伟可能还会再次扮演这种角色。

    It is the kind of role Mr Tang will likely play again .

  7. 唐伟补充称,另一个担忧是薪酬这个敏感问题。

    Another concern , Mr Tang adds , is the sensitive issue of remuneration .

  8. 中信证券的高管已经在利用唐伟对全球金融的洞察力。

    CITIC Securities executives are already tapping Mr Tang for his insights into global finance .

  9. 对于中信证券的高层而言,唐伟是这宗交易得以推进的重大原因。

    For top executives at CITIC Securities , Mr Tang was a big reason the deal went forward .

  10. 如米塔尔所言:“任何想要在中国进行大型交易的人,都将听说过唐伟。”

    As Mr Mittal said : " anyone seeking to do a major deal in China will learn about Donald Tang . "

  11. 不过,当唐伟在18个月以前与中方首次展开谈判时,情况非常不一样。

    Still , when Mr. Tang first began talks with the Chinese more than 18 months ago , the situation was very different .

  12. 但他们能否成功,将取决于他们是否愿意依赖中介机构和唐伟等合作投资者。

    But whether they succeed will depend on their willingness to accept a reliance on intermediaries and co-investors , such as Mr Tang .

  13. 唐伟表示,考虑到营销开支巨大,中资在好莱坞扮演越来越大的角色很可能导致电影的营销方式发生变化。

    China 's growing role in Hollywood is likely to result in changes in the way films are marketed , given the expense involved , said Mr Tang .

  14. 唐伟是瑞星公司的一名信息安全专家,他说,首先,在支付的过程中应保持警惕,确保按照正常的程序来支付。

    Tang Wei , an information security expert from Rising company says , first be cautious during the payment process and be sure to follow the normal guidelines .

  15. 目前住在洛杉矶、但最初来自上海的唐伟,具有协助中资在美国娱乐行业做交易的经历。

    Mr Tang , who lives in Los Angeles but is originally from Shanghai , has a history of working on Chinese deals in the US entertainment sector .

  16. 唐伟表示:“内容将永远为王,但国际发行对好莱坞和中国都日益重要。”他补充说,好莱坞制片厂长期依靠海外票房收入。

    Mr Tang said : " Content will always be king , but international distribution is increasingly important to both Hollywood and China . " Hollywood studios had long relied on international box office receipts , he added .

  17. 假如这笔交易通过审批,唐伟可能加入中信证券的董事会,并将是双方香港合资企业的两名负责人之一,继续扮演两个世界之间的桥梁角色。

    Mr Tang is likely to go on the CITIC Securities board , assuming the deal goes through , and will also serve as one of the two heads of the Hong Kong joint venture , continuing his role as a bridge between two worlds .

  18. 当唐伟第一次想到为贝尔斯登引进中国投资时,这是他生命中两个使命的自然结果:作为两个世界之间的桥梁,并从中牟利。

    When Mr Tang first came up with the idea of securing a Chinese investment in Bear Stearns , it was a natural outcome of the two imperatives in his life , to serve as a bridge between two worlds and to make money in the process .